Kabinet with acoustic

  • I have a power head that so far I’ve been mostly using through a PA, sometimes with a small Mackie monitor attached to hear myself.
    Most patches are for assorted electric guitars, everything works great and as designed. Sound guys and audiences have always been happy and I like the amount of control I retain over my stage sound. This also works great with my acoustic. I just plug in with the same cable as with the electric and I have a patch for my J45 with all amp/EQ/cab Settings turned off on the stack section - basically using the Kemper as an active DI box but with full access to effects. Sounds great and no need to run a separate channel for acoustic.

    Now I’m considering getting the Kemper Kabinet for a series of gigs with a trio for better room stage sounds for the electric and for easier use during practice (no PA for that). How will the acoustic sound through the Kabinet? Comparable to a full range monitor? Better? More limited in the frequencies? Again, technically I’m not using a profile for the acoustic; bypassing the stack (never found an actual acoustic profile I liked and the direct output from my guitar with an Anthem pickup works best).

    I’m sure the Kabinet is an improvement for in-the-room-sound with my electrics. Majority of upcoming shows will be acoustic, so I’m on the fence if I’m wasting my money at this point.

  • There is a link to download these profiles in the video description. You need to log in/create an account and log in to download it. They sound great on an electro-acoustic guitar with piezo pickups. I recommend.

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  • There is a link to download these profiles in the video description. You need to log in/create an account and log in to download it. They sound great on an electro-acoustic guitar with piezo pickups. I recommend.

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    Clarify: I’m happy with the patches I created for my Gibson J45 (Anthem pickup, so it’s partially mic’s). I don’t need profiles for that. My question was merely how well the Kabinet does with an acoustic guitar ; basically functioning as a flat EQ monitor, no imprints for guitar speaker.

  • How will the acoustic sound through the Kabinet? Comparable to a full range monitor? Better? More limited in the frequencies?

    In its linearised mode Kabinet works like any broad range linear speaker. Of course it's got no tweeter so it can't be fully linear as a good 2-way studio monitor. It should sound like an active 1-way linear cab, such as the RS-LG12 by Red Sound or comparable hw :)

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • Even if you are using the KEMPER Kone/Kabinet globally switched to Speaker Imprint mode, as soon as you load a Rig with a Direct PROFILE which has the cabinet module "Empty", it switches to full-range mode temporarily. Since Rigs for acoustic guitar are normally Direct PROFILEs, you basically don't need to care.

    The guy at the video is probably also using a DIrect PROFILE. You see that the cabinet module is off.

  • So - here we are. I bought a Kemper Kabinet and just first pass going through a few of my favorite Deluxe Reverb and Mesa profiles with a few of the available imprints sounds great in the room (compared to my active monitors I’ve been using). Doesn’t change the sound that goes to PA - all great and as designed. Will require tweaking of each of my individual patches by selecting an appropriate imprint.

    So far so good. Not totally unexpectedly the issues start with my acoustic (which I’ve been playing a lot lately and I like to run it live through the Kemper with a patch that is tweaked for my J45 and the needed effects and to make things easier on the sound guy and myself. One channel or stereo that covers it all from my corner).

    Problem is that a) the acoustic doesn’t sound as good through the Kemper Kabinet compared to even a cheap pair of Mackies b) there is still a sound difference between “cab off” and “cab on with imprint set to full range” - which is not a problem really but weird (cab off sounds more full range). c) given the mid range hump of the Kone the thing becomes more feedback prone

    On the fence if this is 500 bucks well spent or if I should send it back and keep my setup as I’ve had it for a few years now. It’s lighter and specifically some of the Deluxe Reverb profiles sound great. The rest is a bit meh.

  • So - here we are. I bought a Kemper Kabinet and just first pass going through a few of my favorite Deluxe Reverb and Mesa profiles with a few of the available imprints sounds great in the room (compared to my active monitors I’ve been using). Doesn’t change the sound that goes to PA - all great and as designed. Will require tweaking of each of my individual patches by selecting an appropriate imprint.

    So far so good. Not totally unexpectedly the issues start with my acoustic (which I’ve been playing a lot lately and I like to run it live through the Kemper with a patch that is tweaked for my J45 and the needed effects and to make things easier on the sound guy and myself. One channel or stereo that covers it all from my corner).

    Problem is that a) the acoustic doesn’t sound as good through the Kemper Kabinet compared to even a cheap pair of Mackies b) there is still a sound difference between “cab off” and “cab on with imprint set to full range” - which is not a problem really but weird (cab off sounds more full range). c) given the mid range hump of the Kone the thing becomes more feedback prone

    On the fence if this is 500 bucks well spent or if I should send it back and keep my setup as I’ve had it for a few years now. It’s lighter and specifically some of the Deluxe Reverb profiles sound great. The rest is a bit meh.

    I've been using a Kabinet since they were released but only just started using it with an acoustic a few weeks ago for the first time.

    The key with any monitor is you have to take time to find the best profiles to use. When I moved from FRFR to the Kabinet, I switched most of my profiles because it exposed weaknesses.

    For the Acoustic I just used an acoustic profile ( I think its "Acoustic Bodyrez 75" on RE) and it seemed to work great out of the box so I suggest trying different profiles if you haven't already before you throw in the towel...