Look how awesome Kemper users are.

  • But I already helped with this exercise here:

    AdamMassacre1981 I reamped your DI sample with the profile, and sent you the result. Identical to my ears. What's the reason there's still this thinking that your unit it faulty ?

    I mentioned that in one of my posts but added that for a real comparison one needs to restore the same backup. The link that I posted has such a backup and SPDIF DI recordings.

    Anyone who wants to reamp these please restore the backup first and use the "1971 Mars Golup" rig without changing any of the parameters. Preferably do the reamping over SPDIF to eliminate the AD conversion of your interface as a variable.


  • here is the link to the dropbox folder with your backup and your SPDIF recordings in 32 and 24-bit format. Anyone who wants to reamp these please restore the backup first and use the "1971 Mars Golup" rig without changing any of the parameters. Preferably do the reamping over SPDIF to eliminate the AD conversion of your interface as a variable.


    There is some clipping in DI tracks (the flat amplitude peaks of low notes around 0:34) and that should never happen, under any circumstances. AdamMassacre1981: earlier you mentioned that your Clean Sense is set to 0 dB. It think it should be decreased.


  • AdamMassacre1981 : did you tried the high-low cut I've suggested ?

    Yeah the cut became so drastic the tone was destroyed and i could still hear it lol oh man this demon will forever plague me huh? im starting to think maybe its my guitars tbh i dont even know anymore. A possible break from everything for a while may clean up my head and i can come back at it more un-cluttered as its got me all scrambled.

  • Yeah the cut became so drastic the tone was destroyed and i could still hear it lol oh man this demon will forever plague me huh? im starting to think maybe its my guitars tbh i dont even know anymore. A possible break from everything for a while may clean up my head and i can come back at it more un-cluttered as its got me all scrambled.

    ? A normal guitar cabinet goes from 100hz to 5khz. How the cut I suggested can destroy the tone?

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • Thanks Jari i will give it a shot :)

    It would be a good idea to set the Clean sense values for each guitar.

    For example, I've one guitar that has quite hot and dynamic (really uncompressed, with strong transient attack) pickups and I have to set Clean sense to -11 dB to prevent peak clipping on low notes and power chords. Another one of my guitars has medium output bridge pickup with quite compressed characteristic and for that one the proper Clean sense value is +2 dB. I both cases my DI tracks have quite full dynamic range but with enough headroom to prevent clipping.

    One more thing: if you lower the Clean sense you may also want to increase a little bit gain in Kemper to compensate the input gain loss. Or maybe not, let your ears decide.


  • One more thing: if you lower the Clean sense you may also want to increase a little bit gain in Kemper to compensate the input gain loss. Or maybe not, let your ears decide.

    clean sens affects the signal level of the DI recording. If you decrease it before recording the DI track you should compensate for that with the reamp sens parameter by increasing that by the same amount to get the exact same amount of distortion as if you play your guitar through the front input.

  • clean sens affects the signal level of the DI recording. If you decrease it before recording the DI track you should compensate for that with the reamp sens parameter by increasing that by the same amount to get the exact same amount of distortion as if you play your guitar through the front input.

    That's true and also well explained in Kemper manual. I just forgot to mention it, thanks for completing my answer.


  • What's strange to me is how do you let this problem live for 5 years and this thread go for 8 pages long? The problem isn't your 6 guitars. I'd have swiftly done a factory reset and gone to a friend or a music store with another KPA to compare side by side the sound of a factory profile so you know whether or not the problem is your hardware.

    I don't mean this personally, there just seems to be so many curious threads here on the theme "Help, my possibly defective guitar processor has been keeping me up at night for 5+ years but since I'm not sure, I need more opinions to know if I should keep putting up with my dissatisfaction or not".

    Anyway, hope you sort it out!

  • What's strange to me is how do you let this problem live for 5 years and this thread go for 8 pages long? The problem isn't your 6 guitars. I'd have swiftly done a factory reset and gone to a friend or a music store with another KPA to compare side by side the sound of a factory profile so you know whether or not the problem is your hardware.

    I don't mean this personally, there just seems to be so many curious threads here on the theme "Help, my possibly defective guitar processor has been keeping me up at night for 5+ years but since I'm not sure, I need more opinions to know if I should keep putting up with my dissatisfaction or not".

    Anyway, hope you sort it out!

    To be short i have a very small window of opportunity to actually sit down with my kemper due to full time job and general life etc im sure alot of people can relate to that and that little window i do have i have spent reading through insane amounts of forums seeking advice and buying so many new this new that replacing that adding this removing those replacing another one a those alterinng my entire studio around "oh its just the irs buy some really good irs" Yurrp did all that and all THE testing with all these alterations takes time for that little window i mentioned. Yes its been a long journey for me and since all of these alterations became a huge financial investment i couldnt just bin off the kemper so im still here determined to get a positive resolve.

    Its not like i LET this problem stretch this far or wanted it to im a pretty cool positive dude.

    I cant thank the kemper community enough for sticking by me this whole time i know its annoying to be "that guy" trust me i dont want to be.

    I must have done at least a thousand factory resets lol

    i still believe i will get there then we can all have a forum party and virtual beers on me.

  • It would be a good idea to set the Clean sense values for each guitar.

    For example, I've one guitar that has quite hot and dynamic (really uncompressed, with strong transient attack) pickups and I have to set Clean sense to -11 dB to prevent peak clipping on low notes and power chords. Another one of my guitars has medium output bridge pickup with quite compressed characteristic and for that one the proper Clean sense value is +2 dB. I both cases my DI tracks have quite full dynamic range but with enough headroom to prevent clipping.

    One more thing: if you lower the Clean sense you may also want to increase a little bit gain in Kemper to compensate the input gain loss. Or maybe not, let your ears decide.


    Thanks! i will certainly give this a shot.

  • No problem. I hope it helps.

    In my opinion, checking fast changing colour of input LED is not really practical way to monitor Kemper input clipping. It would be far better to have the input LED stay red for a second or two if the clipping has occured. A feature request? Yeah.


  • Sorry chaps, I'm gonna defend AdamMassacre1981 here....

    I'll playback the story as I see it....

    He has posted this issue a number of times and has been pretty open and persistent in testing things and suggestions.

    He engaged support ( can't comment if this was a positive experience by both parties) but support helped by providing the re-amps, suggesting its NOT the unit.

    Conversely, a couple of re-amps without the perceivable problem suggest it IS the unit. He has also tested with multiple guitars, tried many other suggestions.

    EQ is not the answer, its masking a problem, as we can all hear it, just can't diagnose the cause.

    Just so everybody knows, there are NOT many local stores that stock a KPA in the UK so just going and trying one isn't always that easy. Even then,

    1) If it has the same issue, what is the solution/answer - are you likely to even be able to get the same set up in a guitar store??

    2) If it doesn't, does that confirm there is an issue when support don't believe there is

    Yes, he should have addressed this under warranty years ago, yes, but he didn't so is trying to deal with it now.

    Sending the unit back to Kemper would definitely close out the "is it a faulty unit" but because it costs money and time, I think I'd want some convincing that was worth it, especially as Support don't believe its a faulty unit.

    This has been 8 pages because we have not accepted he should leave the tried to help and he has positively engaged

    I hasten to add ( AdamMassacre1981 - not sure if you agree or I'm getting you confused with someone else) that in the past he may have not been as positive in responding, but this thread has been very cordial as far as I can see.

    I honestly have no idea what the problem is - I think its not 1 thing TBH, but I do understand the frustration as I think we have all had something go wrong ( like a car) that has been really difficult to resolve.

    Just felt the need to comment....

  • This! 👊😊 Thanks brother.

  • Conversely, a couple of re-amps without the perceivable problem suggest it IS the unit. He has also tested with multiple guitars, tried many other suggestions.

    actually there are no reampings that would prove that it is the Profiler that is causing the issue. Any recordings that did not exhibit the issue for the OP were by people recording the same rig with different guitars in a different environment. I have posted the original DI files and the backup and how to produce a meaningful reamp for comparison twice in this thread. If you want to help find a solution please download the files and do the reampings after restoring the backup from the link.

  • actually there are no reampings that would prove that it is the Profiler that is causing the issue.

    Our reampings of the SPDIF DI tracks that you sent using the backup that you provided were identical to your original recordings. Therefore our support team came to the conclusion that there is nothing wrong with your Profiler and that any issues you encounter must be caused by other components in your signal chain.

    I took from the second statement that your re-ampings had shown that the profiler was unlikely to be the cause, therefore assuming that the opposite is likely to be true. In other words, re-amping can provide some picture here.

    I have zero experience of re-amping and don't have my Kemper set up in a studio to do this.

    I was only replaying back what I read/understood before I get myself confused with double negatives.