Forum access former owners

  • Hi,

    I'm not exactly sure if this is the right place to post this.

    I have owned a Kemper for years , sold it, owned one again for a couple of years, sold it again.

    I understand that access to the private forum is limited if you are new to maybe avoid spam or trolling.

    However I think having had a product registered for years should enable a user to participate in the private forum as well.

    What do you think about it?

  • BTW, I am again unable to post in the private forum. Maybe this gets locked after a while?

    I find it cumbersome that the forum access seems to change, even if you were a registered owner for many years.

    Is it anything to do with this new-ish requirement?:

    Existing forum users: We have updated the forum log-in procedure. You will now need to log into the forum separately from the main Kemper Amps website.”

  • Looks like it.

    I can understand that new owner have to register the product to gain access to the private forum. This prevents trolls that don't even own a Kemper product to spam into the forum. I get that. That's fine.

    What I don't get is why accounts get restricted, like mine, of member that just currently don't have a registered Kemper but had, for many years. I even own a Kemper but I don't find it particularly welcoming to having to register a Kemper AGAIN to gain access to the forum again. Last time, as you can read above, it seems to have been my fault. Ok. But I havent touched or changed anything since. So either it's a bug and its not intended to work this way, maybe as a product of the change you mentioned, or it IS actually working how it is supposed to do, then I, as I said find it sadly offputting.

    Or its my fault again and I'll gladly accept being an idiot, then please someone help me gaining access WITHOUT the need of product registration.

  • Looks like it.

    I can understand that new owner have to register the product to gain access to the private forum. This prevents trolls that don't even own a Kemper product to spam into the forum. I get that. That's fine.

    What I don't get is why accounts get restricted, like mine, of member that just currently don't have a registered Kemper but had, for many years. I even own a Kemper but I don't find it particularly welcoming to having to register a Kemper AGAIN to gain access to the forum again. Last time, as you can read above, it seems to have been my fault. Ok. But I havent touched or changed anything since. So either it's a bug and its not intended to work this way, maybe as a product of the change you mentioned, or it IS actually working how it is supposed to do, then I, as I said find it sadly offputting.

    Or its my fault again and I'll gladly accept being an idiot, then please someone help me gaining access WITHOUT the need of product registration.

    This most likely has more to do with a recent hacking event that cause the entire forum to go offline for a week and had to be completely rebuilt and less about you having any registered products.

  • G String September 30, 2024 at 3:30 PM

    Closed the thread.