Im playing through a music man jp15 which has a piezo pickup as well as being able to blend pickups. Im trying to find a rig that sounds good when strumming like an acoustic. Some songs Just need that acoustic style strumming sound especially when Im leading with vocals as well. Ive found some that sound great and quite acoustic like while picking but they always seem to sound bad when switching to heavy strumming. Any suggestions ?
Acoustic like sounding rig
tntent -
September 14, 2022 at 3:35 AM -
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One of my favorite acoustic sounds for electric guitar is to turn off the amp module and just play through the pickups.
Check this out.
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Check this out.
External Content youtu.beContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.OK , May need to revisit this. When It came out I played with this a bit and it seemed I wasnt getting as good as I got with the right clean amp and real piezo. Sounded terrible with the piezo . I had not seen Tone junkies vid on it. His tone is great
Acoustic simulator doesn't work with piezo pickup but magnetic.
In my opinion and personal experience, It's almost impossible to have a good acoustic sound even with piezo. You don't have the half part of the sound: the body. It's true for an electric but acoustic too.
So I bought a Godin multiac.
I bought an FM9 just do do what you are trying to do. Then someone mentioned that there is a way to do something similar with the Kemper. I have not had a chance to try it yet but, evidently you can run the piezo into a second input and it skips some of the blocks and can be added to the output signal. Hopefully whoever posted that comment to me will chime in here with more details. I think they said there was something in the manual about how to do it. My plan was to look there when I got a chance to mess with it.
If the guitar has separate outputs for piezo and magnetic pickups you can send the mag to main input and the piezo to FX Return. Then put a Mono Loop in Stomp A and an EQ or Compressor in Stomp B.
Enable Parallel Path in the Rig Menu.
The Piezo will go through Stomp B then straight to output.
The mag pickups will go through Stomp C and everything after. -
There are some pretty decent Fishman Aura profiles on RigManager. They're captured from that pedal which is designed to make your piezo sound natural. I've a preset made using one of them and use it with my electro acoustic.
I have it set to parallel path mode and if I recall, the dry path has the acoustic sim in it. It's all about adding subtle amounts to enhance the pure piezo sound but it really does sound decent.
I got the best results importing an acoustic guitar IR tuned specifically for piezo pickups into the cab block. Added a Radial JDV preamp profile into the amp block, plus EQ and compression.
I've had good luck with a couple of the profiles in the Selah pack with my Godin LGX.
I make patches where I just insert my Aura DI in the effects loop of the Stage, and add whatever effects after the Aura with no amp or cab. Being that I've liked the Aura from the get-go, and the effects in the Stage are great, I'm able to get great results. The added plus is that the Aura has a great anti-feedback circuit which works very well. I'm able to play at stage levels and cut through the mix effortlessly.
if you like your Aura you can actually profile it and not even need to carry the real thing. I have some good Aura profiles from a well known Dutch profiler that work well for me but if I had an actual Aura I would definitely just make my own.