LDC display in performance mode.

  • I’ve been spending time fine tuning some of my performance slots today. When I substituted in a different stack I expected the text underneath the performance title to update but it didn’t. There doesn’t seem to be an explanation for this anywhere in the manual.

    Can someone point me to an explanation of how this it supposed to work?

    I created an example in an unused performance (38) to demonstrate the problem.

    As you can see in this example the performance title is Delete Me and the rig/stack area says Crunch. But Crunch is not the profile in use here. When I long press the Stack button it shows I’m using Matchless Independence 1 by The Studio Rats.

    Is there a way to fix this?

  • These are different items:

    1. Performance Name: in this case DELETE ME. You can edit this

    a. via Edit/Performance Tags/Performance Name

    b. when you store the Perfomrnac efter the second STORE

    c. via Rig Manager

    2. Slot Name: the name in the first of the five upper boxes, in this case "Slot 1". You can edit it

    a. via Edit/Slot Settings/Rename Slot

    b. via Rig Manager

    3. Rig Name: the name in the lower dark box, in this case "Crunch". You can edit it

    a. via Rig Settings/Rig Tags/Rig Name

    b. via Rig Manager

    c. in Browser Mode you can also STORE/Rename

    4. The Amp Name: MATCHLESS INDEPENCE. You can edit it

    a. via Amp Settings/Amp Tags/Amp Name

    b. in Rig Manager you have only access, while the Rig resides in All Rigs, not in All Performances.

    The mechanics around Performance Name, Slot Name and Rig Name are explained int he manual chapter Performance Mode.

  • Thank you Burkhard.

    It was point 3. Rig Name that I was having trouble with.

    Didn’t know where to find the amp tags on the physical profiler (rack), but I’ve got it now.


    [Rig Tags]

    As you can see I still have to fix the Author tag as this profile was not created by C.Kemper. The correct author name is The Studio Rats.

    Not too hard to do, but it is a little annoying to have to do this every time I swap a stack in a performance slot.

    So I have to ask- Why doesn’t the correct information come across to the performance slot when when a new stack is selected via the following method (which I assume to be correct)?

    long press [STACK]

    rotate (BROWSE)




    Unless I’m doing it wrong, this seems like a bug to me and perhaps I should put in a bug report for it.

  • .....

    As you can see I still have to fix the Author tag as this profile was not created by C.Kemper. The correct author name is The Studio Rats.

    So I have to ask- Why doesn’t the correct information come across to the performance slot when when a new stack is selected via the following method (which I assume to be correct)?


    Maybe "The Studio Rats" didn't fill author name correctly. From what you wrote it is not obvious that it is only Kemper bug.

  • The cause might be that you take a Rig and just edit its stack. The default Rig in Performance Mode is "Crunch" and its Rig Author is "C Kemper". Editing that Rig doesn't change its name nor author. And changing the stack or just the amp is editing like changing Gain or Definition or adding a reverb effect. Amp and cab have its own authors. But the Rig Author is different.

    The normal procedure is that you load complete Rigs into Slots in Performance Mode. That's how Performance Mode is described in the Main Manual and demonstrated in our video tutorials.

    Haven't you received that Matchless PROFILE in the form factor of a complete Rig? Why don't you load that Rig?

  • I have a whole set of Performances for my band live. All the effects are programmed exactly how I want them. The only thing that will ever change is the Amp Stack

    When I have decided to paste in a newer amp stack that I have profiled, all the original rig tags remain. It’s a mess from that point onwards trying to easily see what amp is in what slot in the performance.

    Can we have an easy way where the stack can predetermine the rig tags when you replace only the stack sound in a performance slot?

  • If the Rigs stays the same, the associated Rig Tags stay as well. If you only change the amp, only the associated amp tags change. The amp author is the one who created the amp PROFILE, the cab author is the one who created the cab PROFILE. The Rig Author is the one who arranged the complete Rig including effects.

    You could lock effect modules you intend to maintain and load another Rig. If you lock all modules A-D and X-REV, you are practically loading another stack plus Rig Settings like Rig tags, Rig Volume, Panorama, Volume Pedal Location, Tempo and others,

  • And another idea:

    If you have created your own Rig setup with your own chain of effects that you constantly use, why don't you tag it correctly once? Enter your name as Rig Author and assign a meaningful name "Vinny Burns Default Rig" and load this Rig into the Slots you want to use first replacing the default Rig Crunch?

    However, there is no mechanism, that Rig Name automatically follows amp name nor does it follow cab name. It is on another logical level.

  • Not sure I understand this fully, but I think I had the same challenge and I solved it by locking the full chain except the stack and then loaded another rig with the right stack. Then the amp meta data was still correct. Makes sense?

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • And another idea:

    If you have created your own Rig setup with your own chain of effects that you constantly use, why don't you tag it correctly once? Enter your name as Rig Author and assign a meaningful name "Vinny Burns Default Rig" and load this Rig into the Slots you want to use first replacing the default Rig Crunch?

    However, there is no mechanism, that Rig Name automatically follows amp name nor does it follow cab name. It is on another logical level.

    Thanks Burkhard.

    I am replying to both your answers.
    I have created all my own amp profiles and they are all correctly labeled and tagged in the rig, amp and cab sections.

    I have had to initially save certain rigs the way I wanted them as a template to then bring into a Performance. Also saved my important starting point effects presets.
    There were then basically a few Performances I made as templates to start the actual Performances.
    I have about 6 or 7 rigs that get pasted into these template Performances just as a starting point.
    But, each song is different. Different intros with triplet delays for instance for some songs. The intro is a different tempo than the song so I have saved those intro delays as delay presets with specific delay times for that intro.
    Different guitar harmonies in certain songs. Different amps. Rhythm, solo, clean, acoustic. Etc
    Different chorus and micro pitch amounts in different songs.
    I am trying to reproduce our recordings live.
    it’s not a case of just locking some effects. This is our whole live set. Every song is different spanning our albums from 1988 until now and the Performances have been programmed and fine tuned individually for each song in the set as the gigs have happened. Little adjustments here and there.

    I would basically have to start from scratch just to change the amp in the stack and still have meaningful rig tags.
    Is it not possible to have an option to use stack tags to overwrite rig tags? The rig is basically nothing without the amp and cab.
    After I have profiled one of my amps then noticed a few things live that could be better, it would be nice to just be able to replace the amp with a newer profile without messing up all my months of work where the tags are truly representative in the actual Performances. I can quickly look and see what I have used.
    I already previously went through the pain of starting from scratch and building every single Performance I use because I noticed the rig tags said someone else’s amp even though I had since replaced all those stacks since my first few days of ownership.
    I am now up against the same thing again. All the right tags are correct now as far as author and amp/cabs are concerned but if I change the stacks out, I will end up with rig tags that are all wrong and I don’t fancy using a little scroll wheel to correct every single tag in every rig in over over 25 performances.

    Edited once, last by Vinny Burns (August 1, 2022 at 11:41 PM).

  • You are providing good reasons why a Rig is more than just an amp. And that is why Rig Author doesn't automatically mirror the amp author. And the cab author could be different anyhow. I suggest you tag your specific Rigs with Rig Author "Vinny" and select the stack via preset or selective browse.

  • You are providing good reasons why a Rig is more than just an amp. And that is why Rig Author doesn't automatically mirror the amp author. And the cab author could be different anyhow. I suggest you tag your specific Rigs with Rig Author "Vinny" and select the stack via preset or selective browse.

    That’s true. 😂

    Will investigate.

    The rigs already have all the correct author (me) etc. But, the name of the rigs are the actual current amp being used in that rig and changing the stack won’t reflect that anymore.

    So currently, a rig might be called 3+ SE Rhythm #4 or Boogie Mk3 #6 and that is what it is then tagged as in the rig tags.

    It’s just been helpful to do it this way so I know what amp and profile of that amp I am dealing with when browsing all my profiles. But also, when wanting to know what amp I have in a slot of a profile months after I have put it there.

    Thanks Burkhard. I do appreciate the help.

  • If it is critical to see the amp in the Rig name you need to prepare the Rigs that way and load these Rigs. Just loading a preset doesn't do that job.

    Yes, I have gathered that now.
    Not too keen on how all the tags are setup to be honest. I don’t know exactly what I would do to change it but the way they are now just don’t work for me at all.

    Also, it would be great to finally support a usb keyboard. I know there is limited use on the classic profiler but the Stage being floor based definitely needs this when profiling…….. or editing all my live tags to represent an amp change.