Monitor volume - Only global?

  • I hope someone can help me?

    I need to be able to supply my FOH with s stabil volume from my main out. This volume shouldn’t change.

    however, I have 1 song (performance) where I need to raise the volume of my cabinet, and have this volume increase be stored in the performance.

    is this possible on the kemper? (I own the Kemper powered rack version).

    I hope someone out there knows the answer?

    Edited once, last by MrWolff (July 11, 2022 at 11:04 PM).

  • You cannot store it as such, but there is a setting for monitor volume. This only controls the volume in the monitor output, not the main outputs.

    But you will have to adjust it manually before and after the song.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • To elaborate on what Wheresthedug says, you could also get a thingy with one knob, that sends out the appropriate midimessage, and use that for instant access. Easier to control by hand than by foot.

    I have a couple of costum built “midi knobs” mounted in my rack, for instant access to “deep” parameters important to me.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • I just unlink my main outs volume from the front panel knob. Then set it and forget it. Every FOH gets the same volume. The monitor out is still linked to the front panel control, so adjusting there only changes the monitor out on stage.

  • I just unlink my main outs volume from the front panel knob. Then set it and forget it. Every FOH gets the same volume. The monitor out is still linked to the front panel control, so adjusting there only changes the monitor out on stage.

    I do much the same, but use an expression pedal set to monitor volume at the moment.

  • Thabk you for your answers! Kim_Olesen I Think i will look into a solution with a hand operated knob.

    If you have any links to products, i will appreciate that.

    I like not having to reach for the kemper at all during liveshows.

    is it tricky to set up the kemper for this solution. I have to assign monitor volume to a pedal input?

  • I just unlink my main outs volume from the front panel knob. Then set it and forget it. Every FOH gets the same volume. The monitor out is still linked to the front panel control, so adjusting there only changes the monitor out on stage.

    I think you are missing the point, if you boost volume ( e.g. morph), that relative volume increase is reflected both on stage and FOH. The OP wants to only affect the on stage sound without impacting FOH, which I feel is a strange request..

  • Seriously. Let’s not go down the “why do you need that, when i don’t?” route.

    Maybe he needs a little more stage oomph in that song.

    Maybe he plays venues where the increased stage volume will be enough.

    Maybe the band needs to hear him better in that song.

    All perfectly good reasons. The fact of the matter is that the OP wants a solution.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

    Edited once, last by Kim_Olesen (July 13, 2022 at 4:36 PM).

  • I agree, I have no idea why you would ever want to do this?

    I agree that the why doesn't really matter. The OP wants it.

    I can think of two reasons to increase monitor volume but not FOH. First is because that particular sound needs a boost. Maybe the drummer hits harder/is more active, maybe there are horns that aren't normally present.......¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Second, if you want to create feedback on demand and don't have a Digitech FreqOut.....cranking the volume is one way to get there.

    My Kabinet is pointed directly at me and I use an expression pedal to adjust volume. It's a personal monitor of just me. If the overall monitor mix stinks, or something changes I can compensate on the fly. I really love having that control. I don't need it all night, but when I do....killer.

  • The reason I asked why is because often its because people don't always understand how the KPA works, so the question is to validate what they are trying to do.

    I feel if you post a request for how to do something, be prepared to be asked why as there might be others words, give the requirement not the solution.

    There are loads of things I don't need or do but I accept others do so it is meant in the spirit of wanting to help, not tell people they are wrong.

    Anyway, not meaning to spark a big debate here, to me its just an odd request so thought I might be missing something.

  • Seriously. Let’s not go down the “why do you need that, when i don’t?” route.

    Maybe he needs a little more stage oomph in that song.

    Maybe he plays venues where the increased stage volume will be enough.

    Maybe the band needs to hear him better in that song.

    All perfectly good reasons. The fact of the matter is that the OP wants a solution.

    Starting with "why" often gets to a better "how" which is why I originally asked. An ask of "I need to do [insert super important stage volume only need here], how can I do that with the Kemper?" may have lead to more, or different solution ideas.

  • Starting with "why" often gets to a better "how" which is why I originally asked. An ask of "I need to do [insert super important stage volume only need here], how can I do that with the Kemper?" may have lead to more, or different solution ideas.

    You are ofcourse right. I guess i have just seen so many “shoot the request down” replys here, that it is beginning to irk me a bit.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • You are ofcourse right. I guess i have just seen so many “shoot the request down” replys here, that it is beginning to irk me a bit.

    I don't disagree. I think this is in part due to what was said and what was heard. Without the verbal and body-language cues, it's super-easy to misinterpret.

    The crazy thing is that this forum is far less judgmental in this regard than just about any other you can name.

  • Again, thank you for your insightful replys and useful links.

    I understand that this is a Strange need to have. And actually, it is not for myself, but for the other guitarplayer in the band. I am hoping to convince him to join “the Dark side” but he has some reserves. We use in Ear monitoring and wish to turn down the level of noise on stage. The guitarist in question plays a tube amp. Aside from the general issue with turning the volume down without taking the juice out of his amp, in 1 song his guitarpart relies heavily on feedback. So now this 1 song is determining the stage volume of his amp.

    This is a problem also with a mic’ed amp, because if he turns the volume up in that 1 song, it becomes louder in FOH, but even worse - it gets distributed louder to each in ear mix.

    Without a kemper - the ability to turn up stage volume (in order to achieve the desired feedback) without affecting the in ear mixes - you need to replace the mic with an attenuator that has xlr out with Cab sim. These can be quite expensive.

    So, in order to convince the guitarplayer in question, i have to find out whether this can be done on the kemper.

    It seems that with a midi knob, the same use as an attenuator will allow, is possible, but with the added flexibility of the kempers features.

    I hope this explains my strange, but specific need.

    thank you for your inputs.

    Edited once, last by MrWolff (July 14, 2022 at 1:11 PM).

  • The OP is probably doing something with feedback or something. It's not that hard to imagine is it? Sounds like the answer has been given to the original question. 🙂

    Not trying to perpetuate the point but.... yes to me its hard to imagine - I use feedback quite a lot on stage. I don't need to boost my on stage because at any reasonable volume you can illicit it anyway, hence why I thought it was strange and hence why I asked.

    If this forum isn't to discuss, then someone could just I think its for more than straight yes and no answers...