Sound quality

  • How can you compare a 1mm speaker to a 12 inch speaker? Of course it won't sound the same. Plus, the cabinet goes thru all kinds of air before reaching your ears, and that air helps make the sound. Put your head in between two 12'' cabs, left and right at 1 meter distance, and then judge how defined they are. Make sure not to exceed 15db or you won't have to worry about hearing anything again.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • How can you compare a 1mm speaker to a 12 inch speaker? Of course it won't sound the same. Plus, the cabinet goes thru all kinds of air before reaching your ears, and that air helps make the sound. Put your head in between two 12'' cabs, left and right at 1 meter distance, and then judge how defined they are. Make sure not to exceed 15db or you won't have to worry about hearing anything again.

    If you can hear 15dB you must be a bat 8o

    Cheers !

    The adjective for metal is metallic. But not so for iron ... which is ironic.

  • My ear doctor taught me how to keep my hearing good by turning down the TV to almost inaudible levels at night. Sometimes I can go to Level 4 on the volume (goes up to 30). Drives my wife nuts. :)

    Nice to know. I do the same and always have closed captions on.

    The problem with any FRFR/speaker is the size of the driver. Physics will not let you move something that big very fast. So you need a smaller speaker to make higher frequencies. That is why most speakers have a woofer/tweeter combo.

    Next you will have directionality problems. Speakers tend to beam high frequencies like a laser. So you have to be right in front of the speaker to hear the high frequencies. It cant be pointed at your knees, etc. And of course your room will enhance low frequencies and smear the high frequencies due to reverb reflections.

    Large speakers can also have issues where some of the speaker is moving at a certain rate while the other parts are lagging behind. The center may follow the voltage and magnetic field driving it but the middle parts and outer edge may be flopping around creating weird distortion etc.

    If the speakers magnet is not large enough, even the center will not move linearly thru its range of motion. This is sometimes desirable for a guitar amps sound.

    I am pretty sure IEMs, Air pods, etc get around most of these mechanical limitations because they are so small and know what the room is they will be heard in. Your ear canal.

    Luckily, my hearing is trash so none of this matters to me ;(

    Also I am not a speaker engineer. Just some ideas I have heard over the ages.

  • IEM just takes time to get used to. Took me most of a year when i transitioned.

    Also, like all other speakers, they do not all sound good for the purpose of playing guitar.

    And, as said, be careful that you actually use them to get the levels you are bombarding your eardrums with down. I have some fellow musicians, who got fooled by the nearness of the sound, and actually played very loud in their IEMs.

    And NEVER play with only IEMs in one ear. You will try to drown out the sound in the “open ear”, leading to very extreme levels from the IEMs directly into your eardrum.

    As to getting a bit of “cabinet comfort” on your guitar sound: Use the headphone space parameter, and tap your IEM signal from the headphone jack. (You do not want the headphone space to go into the FOH)

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.