Maintenance required after nearly 8 years ?

  • As a follow-up to my previous topic about importing a rig, I several times have been noticing, while adjusting, modify or just adding fx, my powered head hangs. Shutting down is then a solution but I wonder if this leads to more trouble eventually. Can it mean something internal. I have my powered head since 2014 and I work a lot with it and ask myself if it needs a total check-up or are this signals of something worse to come...

  • Most likely you have some corrupt files which happens from time to time using databases. Deleting the corrupt file is all that is needed. Doing a factory reset can work wonders, but I would check with Kemper Support before doing this. Make sure you backup your important files first. It is nearly impossible for computer components to fail that do not have moveable parts like a IDE hard drive, switch, dial, etc. You have to take a hammer or put them in a fire to break them. I have an Atari 2600 that works like when it was purchased in the 80's.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Most likely you have some corrupt files which happens from time to time using databases. Deleting the corrupt file is all that is needed.

    Good thinking. But how can you find out if you have one or more, even after you have tweaked them to your desires?

    Doing a factory reset can work wonders, but I would check with Kemper Support before doing this. Make sure you backup your important files first.

    OK, even after a back-up of all the files, what does a factory reset do?

    It is nearly impossible for computer components to fail that do not have moveable parts like a IDE hard drive, switch, dial, etc. Y

    This is good to know! :)

  • Basically, a factory reset should rebuild a new database and startup files so there is no more corruption to cause your system to hang. Again, check with Kemper Support for help on this.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Only kemper support can really let you know if you have any corrupt files.

    Get in touch and I'm sure they will resolve.

    As mentioned I'm not sure a service is needed and also not sure what can really be serviced ( blow some of the dust out)?

    I've had mine nearly 8 years too and not missed a beat so far.

  • Foirst, you could try an start the PROFILER while holding the RIG button. Keep holding the button until message appears in display "Initializing....". This is rebuilding some of the internal data structure, maintaining all setttings and stored data. Just the temporary edit buffer gets lost.

  • Most likely you have some corrupt files which happens from time to time using databases. Deleting the corrupt file is all that is needed. Doing a factory reset can work wonders, but I would check with Kemper Support before doing this. Make sure you backup your important files first. It is nearly impossible for computer components to fail that do not have moveable parts like a IDE hard drive, switch, dial, etc. You have to take a hammer or put them in a fire to break them. I have an Atari 2600 that works like when it was purchased in the 80's.

    Database corruption is not something that just happens every now and then in a database, or any storage for that matter. It is always caused by some kind of failure in software or hardware. The KPA performs some limited consistency-checks during upgrades, but there is a need for more. Especially as the hardware is getting older. There should be a consistency-check available in the menus that checks both firmware and data. My KPA had a rather serious issue with the front-panel being seemingly disconnected at random. LCD backlight was the only sign of life although the unit was working fine with the remote. Even the power/mode-switch wasn't working so the only way to regain control was to pull the plug. The problem disappeared after upgrading to the current production firmware. Nobody else had reported similar symptoms, which make me suspect a glitch in the NVRAM where the firmware is stored. I had been running the same firmware for some time without problems when the issue first appeared so it wasn't simply a bug in that particular firmware. A simple checksum validation of NVRAM-content could have pinpointed the problem immediately.

    My Kemper's 10th anniversary is coming up so I'm also starting to be concerned about maintenance. Warranty ended years ago and shipping such old gear half way around the globe for expensive repairs isn't reasonable IMHO. Maybe the community should create and maintain a list of things to do and how, what tools are required, possibly with instruction-videos etc. The most obvious things being tasks such as cleaning the internals and replacing circuit-board batteries.