Nasty demonic frequencies

  • So as you may know i cry a lot about my kemper experience with a genuine broken heart and since I've purchased my little green box the problems have still not gone away. I have tried and tested and spent quite a large amount of cash on cables interfaces monitors even new guitars trying to remedy this but i just cant make it work. I have recorded a sample to show in detail the problem frequency i still have on ALL of my distorted/metal profiles and ALL of my IR's no matter what i do or what setting or EQ curve or dialing back distortion etc it is there on ALL of my five fairly high end guitars. I have tried multiple resets re-installs and read through MANY forums trying desperately to find an answer but there just isn't one out there. I guess the Kemper just wasn't meant to be...well for me anyway.

    WARNING!!! when the sample hits the Star Trek alert you may want to turn down your monitors or if you are listening on headphones to turn them down as i purposely over exaggerated and boosted the nasty 4-5k region where the main problem is more apparent and AFTER that section i completely removed the 4-5k frequency and STILL its there...please someone tell me im not going mad and that im not the only one who can hear that digital glitch.

    At this point I am lost with ideas on how to fix this and will probably end up moving on from my little green toaster...sad times.


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  • I was looking back through some of your older posts and at one point you had said that it sounded good through headphones and monitors. Did you mean through the same monitors you're using in Cubase? And are you still using those profiles that you thought sounded good?

    What I would try is connecting the Kemper directly to the same studio monitors you use for Cubase. Not through the interface, just directly Kemper to monitor. If it still doesn't sound right, you've at least eliminated Cubase/Interface and SPDIF. If it does sound good, I'd next try skipping SPDIF (and XLR's in case it's a MIC level vs Line level type of issue). Just connect your Kemper with 1/4" to a Line level in on the interface. Does it monitor OK? Record something and listen back. If still OK then it must be somehow in how you're using SPDIF.

    Hope that's helpful.

  • Most heavy metal stuff will have a ton of high frequency gain. In your second section you turned it down enough that it would probably not be heard in a full band setting. I have used the Studio EQ in the past to kill certain freqs like that.

    I think the real problem is with the CABINET being used for the profile. The Cabinet IR will have a very profound effect on these large frequency peaks. You can turn the CAB Hi/Lo or CHARACTER Up/Down to see if it gets better.

    You might want to try some different cabs. And if that does not help, you need a different profile. Either the amp or cab are creating that fizz. So you need to isolate which one it is. But once that is imprinted into the waveform it is very hard to get rid of completely.

    And the more EQ stages you add the more thin the sound gets. Each stage colors/distorts the sound a little bit. So it is an uphill battle to try and remove it once its there. You are better off to start fresh with a different profile.

    But you are not alone, I hear it. I have done battle with these demons myself :evil:

  • Does your sample include using a free profile? If so please post that snipped and name the profile. Then we can try to reproduce.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • I was looking back through some of your older posts and at one point you had said that it sounded good through headphones and monitors. Did you mean through the same monitors you're using in Cubase? And are you still using those profiles that you thought sounded good?

    What I would try is connecting the Kemper directly to the same studio monitors you use for Cubase. Not through the interface, just directly Kemper to monitor. If it still doesn't sound right, you've at least eliminated Cubase/Interface and SPDIF. If it does sound good, I'd next try skipping SPDIF (and XLR's in case it's a MIC level vs Line level type of issue). Just connect your Kemper with 1/4" to a Line level in on the interface. Does it monitor OK? Record something and listen back. If still OK then it must be somehow in how you're using SPDIF.

    Hope that's helpful.

    Yeah ive been struggling for the past few years with my Kemper sometimes it sounds great but then i change nothing and turn it on and it sounds like ass again and i can never get it back to what was sounding great then the whole journey starts again I.E tweaking this knob turning that knob changing out this cable buying a new cable new strings resetting my kemper reinstalling my interface its like im stuck in a revolving door lol

    Yeah i still have my HS7s running out the back of my Clarett 4pre i will try again hooking them up directly into the i just hooked up my monitors directly into my kemper and there does appear to be a difference but then again Fergal suggested in an earlier response of dropping the High-shift down in the cab section and i did and in doing that it did improve massively on that high end scratchy fizzy glitch sound. For a tester i adjusted the High shift back to zero and it sounded like ass again even when monitoring direct from the Kemper.

    Im starting to think its just the profiles are just not working for me.

    I will record something and see what happens

  • Most heavy metal stuff will have a ton of high frequency gain. In your second section you turned it down enough that it would probably not be heard in a full band setting. I have used the Studio EQ in the past to kill certain freqs like that.

    I think the real problem is with the CABINET being used for the profile. The Cabinet IR will have a very profound effect on these large frequency peaks. You can turn the CAB Hi/Lo or CHARACTER Up/Down to see if it gets better.

    You might want to try some different cabs. And if that does not help, you need a different profile. Either the amp or cab are creating that fizz. So you need to isolate which one it is. But once that is imprinted into the waveform it is very hard to get rid of completely.

    And the more EQ stages you add the more thin the sound gets. Each stage colors/distorts the sound a little bit. So it is an uphill battle to try and remove it once its there. You are better off to start fresh with a different profile.

    But you are not alone, I hear it. I have done battle with these demons myself :evil:

    Thank Gawd for that! i thought for the longest time i had a dodgy kemper ive tried 1000's of profiles and nothing was working but they all had that demonic frequency buried in it i even started buying IR packs and whilst some of them helps and still nothing really useful or mind blowing inspiring. I would attempt to EQ it out but like you say its imprinted in the profile so no amount of EQ will shift it.

    Yeah Fergal in a previous response recommended the Cab Hi-Lo option and it did indeed tame some of that rank scratchy fizz frequency.

  • its a commercial profile

    Roger. Why don't you try a free one and post the result?

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • I'll say this again... metal tones sound like awful crap outside the mix. Double track or quad track them against a bass and drums and some people will think they are in heaven.

    i DO double track sometimes even quad track and add bass and drums and all that does is make the problem twice or 4 times more bad lol it dont fix the fact there is something wrong somewhere that is causing this digital glitch i hear.Yeah in a mix its some what masked but its still there i know its there and i just want it to NOT be there haha i payed a lot of money for a unit that is putting out the same metal guitar tone quality i can get with free amp sims that were released over 10 years ago its heartbreaking. #poulin

  • Roger. Why don't you try a free one and post the result?

    TR&808 DJENT #3 gun9undo free profile on the rig exchange using SPDIF

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  • Roger. Why don't you try a free one and post the result?

    Here is another clip of 3 different profiles from the exchange.

    1. REC 1M GMF Trip Rec Framus 212

    2. Triple Recto Modern 06 gun9undo

    3. TR Modern 4x12 #1 gun9undo

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  • I added a high cut shelf and a 4db cut at 5K, so sounds pretty good to me except heavy on the low end.

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    Same EQ cuts as above but plugged in the Waves Double Tracker which I adore. Sounds killer even with the heavy low end! 8o

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    Here is your original.

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    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Ah cool man! im listening through headphones everything sounds better through my headphones im starting to think its my monitors i blummin well hope its not hahaha even through my interface the profiles sound more fuller in my headphones. Through my HS7s they are flat (that's what the HS7's were designed to be) but the downside is i tend to compensate by adding bass on a tone that is probably already bass heavy because i cant hear that low end on my HS7s . So my next investment is probably monitors that are a bit more untreated room friendly...booo! it just doesnt end lol.

  • Ah cool man! im listening through headphones everything sounds better through my headphones im starting to think its my monitors i blummin well hope its not hahaha even through my interface the profiles sound more fuller in my headphones. Through my HS7s they are flat (that's what the HS7's were designed to be) but the downside is i tend to compensate by adding bass on a tone that is probably already bass heavy because i cant hear that low end on my HS7s . So my next investment is probably monitors that are a bit more untreated room friendly...booo! it just doesnt end lol.