Help with profiles

  • Hi all,

    I’m still getting used to the Kemper and I’ve downloaded a number of profiles but I’m finding that with the profile packs I’ve downloaded they sound nothing like what is advertised in some of the demo videos. Especially packs which sound distorted. I load them up into rig manager and they all sound similar, just a guitar running through an amp (without much gain or distortion), yet the name says it’s a profile of an amp, cab and pedal (such as a Fortin 33 or fortin Grind or 808). Am I missing something or are the profiles just there to have a distortion applied to it?

    I am also finding that the profiles volumes vary drastically between the clean profiles and ones which are meant to be high gain or distorted, is that normal?

    Any help/assistance with either query is greatly appreciated.

    Edited once, last by Boycie999Uk (February 3, 2022 at 1:27 AM).

  • ...

    I am also finding that the profiles volumes vary drastically between the clean profiles and ones which are meant to be high gain or distorted, is that normal?


    You may need to adjust your Clean Sens and Distortion Sens (see video). You can also raise or lower the Rig Volume or Amp Volume that will be specific to each profile. Some profiles are louder than others.

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    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Profiles will never sound the same from youtube videos, and that goes for real amps too. You can dial in the same settings and you will get different results. I am sure there is lots of post processing going on in those videos to make their product sound better for sales. And yes of course you need to consider how the profiler is presenting these profiles, FRFR, using a real cab, IRs, power section used. I have stopped buying profiles because if this, there are plenty of great free ones on the exchange, seek and you shall find. You can tweak this and tweak that, but those downloaded profiles will never give you the same results as the presented video, stop wasting your money.

    The best results I get from the Kemper is running it through a tube power amp or return loop of a real amp, using a real cabinet and turn the cabs off. That method has given me the best "real tube amp" tone.

  • Hi all,

    I’m still getting used to the Kemper and I’ve downloaded a number of profiles but I’m finding that with the profile packs I’ve downloaded they sound nothing like what is advertised in some of the demo videos. Especially packs which sound distorted. I load them up into rig manager and they all sound similar, just a guitar running through an amp (without much gain or distortion), yet the name says it’s a profile of an amp, cab and pedal (such as a Fortin 33 or fortin Grind or 808). Am I missing something or are the profiles just there to have a distortion applied to it?

    I am also finding that the profiles volumes vary drastically between the clean profiles and ones which are meant to be high gain or distorted, is that normal?

    Any help/assistance with either query is greatly appreciated.

    The thing is vendors have made profiles that sound stellar with their guitar(s) and pickups and if you don't have the same....well of course it will sound different. Your playing style make it sound different too. How you percieve your sound is different from what others hear when you play. We are always our worst ciritics and you will always sound like you no matter what you use. Yes I've purchased some rig packs that was dissapointing and some I found killer profiles. It's always a risk purchasing rig packs. That's why one or at least a couple of free profiles from the rig pack is crucial. i won't purchase anything without free profile(s)anymore because of obivious reason.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

    I think Bayou is on the right track. If you have high gain amps that are not high gain, something drastic is wrong. Like input sense, bad cable, low vol on pedal before the Kemper, etc.


    Clean amps have a lot more dynamic range than high gain. So some clean profiles will be very quiet. Because any hard attack will cause clipping. Pros like Michael Britt will always have a compressor on their cleaner tones to get them audible and on par with higher gain stuff.


    The TREBLE BOOSTER is the most amazing thing about the Kemper. For clean sounds run it before the amplifier to smooth and chime the tone. For high gain run it after the amplifier to boost high-mids to highs and compress the low end. This usually livens up a dead sounding profile pretty well. For high gain you want the mix low, like 10% or so. The TB cuts highs so you will lose high fret inch harmonics.

  • The thing is vendors have made profiles that sound stellar with their guitar(s) and pickups and if you don't have the same....well of course it will sound different.

    This! I have to tweak all my profiles to fit each specific guitar and pups. I never realized how much difference a pickup can make until Kemper gave me a chance to explore a zillion amps. I have refrained from buying commercial profiles because I know without the same exact guitar setup the profiler used on a sound I like then I won't get there without some serious tweaking, and even then might not get it close. I figure if I am going to tweak then I might as well tweak the crap out of all those free ones on Rig Exchange, or pay a profiler to create one using my guitar.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.