Headphone sounds not that good

  • Hi everybody

    For some reason my headphone sound is not so good, not direct, not jucy... like far away... its difficult to discribe.

    I played with the space parameter but no success...

    Also after tweakin a RIG and setting the EQ as good as possible...

    My referenz is, I use the same headphones on a Axe-Fx III and it sounds perfect.

    My headphones are: Sennheiser HD 598

    Has someone a idea?

    Thanks alot!


  • My first guess would be the headphones are not connecting correctly and you are getting a MONO summed signal. The very STEREO heavy SPACE function is normally ON for headphones and this may get a lot of phase canceling issues if played back in mono.

  • Yep, the headphone output from the KPA has gotten high reviews over the years and people have wanted their monitors and cabs to sound that good. Something definitely off for your settings on headphone, I suspect. If your KPA is plugged into a mixer or audio interface of some sort with headphone jacks, then A/B it with the headphone jack on the KPA as these will be sending different signal settings to the two different outputs. 9/10 times the KPA jack will sound better, IMHO.

  • I have the same headphones! I have no complaints about the sound quality. One thing you can try is to post all your current settings here. Noise gate, input, output, OS version and make sure it's not something like having 'lock' enabled with a high-shift on the cabinet.

    Have you tried listening to something (e.g. an mp3) via the alt input? That might help you narrow down the issue.

  • In my previous band the other guitarist was playing on an ax8, through my in ears (shure 535) he sounded way better than my kemper. Almost like a mastered guitar track, everything was well defined. My kemper sound like bees no matter which profile I use.

  • In my previous band the other guitarist was playing on an ax8, through my in ears (shure 535) he sounded way better than my kemper. Almost like a mastered guitar track, everything was well defined. My kemper sound like bees no matter which profile I use.

    Then you need to check your settings e. g. locking,. If you are using the HEADPHONE OUT, there is little you can adjust (the source is fixed and there is no EQ). Check Space and Pure Cabinet.

  • There is one thing, I can't tell the big diffrence if I deactivate reverb and delay, than is sounds okay, but If I add one of them and especially both, it sounds not good any more, like a little bit far away.

    In my previous band the other guitarist was playing on an ax8, through my in ears (shure 535) he sounded way better than my kemper. Almost like a mastered guitar track, everything was well defined. My kemper sound like bees no matter which profile I use.

    Yeah exactly the same by me, Axe-Fx 3 sounds perfect defined. On Kemper not.

    I have the same headphones! I have no complaints about the sound quality. One thing you can try is to post all your current settings here. Noise gate, input, output, OS version and make sure it's not something like having 'lock' enabled with a high-shift on the cabinet.

    Have you tried listening to something (e.g. an mp3) via the alt input? That might help you narrow down the issue.

    Yeah I will post every thing here soon.

    And I will test again, how it sounds, when it's recorded and how music sounds via alternative input.

    Thanks to all!

  • There is one thing, I can't tell the big diffrence if I deactivate reverb and delay, than is sounds okay, but If I add one of them and especially both, it sounds not good any more, like a little bit far away.

    I think I have heard this also. If you use two of the SAME reverbs back to back it sounds thin and out of phase. I have not tested it, I just always grab two DIFFERENT reverbs out of habit after hearing it once or twice.

  • Then you need to check your settings e. g. locking,. If you are using the HEADPHONE OUT, there is little you can adjust (the source is fixed and there is no EQ). Check Space and Pure Cabinet.

    we were both going straight to the board (x32) with no specific eq in the aux that could make a so huge difference.

    Ax8 like basically like listening to a record. Kemper is like listening to a mic capturing the amp I guess.

  • ...

    Ax8 like basically like listening to a record. Kemper is like listening to a mic capturing the amp I guess.

    Did you know that both are the same? The guitar you hear on the record is from a mic capturing the amp. ;)

    Do you notice any improvement when you turn up the headphone volume? I use headphones a lot and have them pretty loud (enough so I can't hear my wife say "it's dinner time" when she looks right at me). Volume will make a big difference on how good you perceive the tone to be.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Did you know that both are the same? The guitar you hear on the record is from a mic capturing the amp. ;)

    Do you notice any improvement when you turn up the headphone volume? I use headphones a lot and have them pretty loud (enough so I can't hear my wife say "it's dinner time" when she looks right at me). Volume will make a big difference on how good you perceive the tone to be.

    No improvements at all. His tones were like 3D and mine like an old jpg compared to him.