Kemper Profiler DI Box

  • Hey Guys,

    There is no manual for these.

    Just wanted to hear from anyone who owns one.

    How does it attenuate? As there are no switches.

    Also there is no mention of ohms.

    So safe to use for 8 - 16ohms?

    All it says it ok up to 500watts.

    Want to start making some direct profiles.

    If you have any other recommendations, please let me know.

  • But the Captor isn't just a DI Box. It's an attenuator/Speakersim (or if you want to look at it this way: a load)

    The Kemper DI Box is much cheaper, but still needs a Cabinet as a load. The Setup looks like this:

    you need to match the impendance between amp and cab. That's it.

  • Would be great if Kemper had a manual.

    From the Amp - Speaker out speaker in - Speaker Cable?

    Then from the DI Through to the speaker Cab - Speaker Cable.

    Just want to be sure.

    So the Kemper DI, must automatically adjust and attenuate the signal.

    Plus, also have an auto ohm detection.

    Again no mention of what is allowed.

    4ohms, 8ohms, 16ohms?


  • The Kemper DI is just that...a DI box only. It does not attenuate or load down an amp and therefore needs a speaker cab connected at all times. You would match the ohms to whatever ohms your cabinet is.

    - Speaker cable connecting your amps speaker out to “from amplifier”

    - Speaker cable connecting Kemper DI “to cabinet” to your guitar cab input

    - XLR cable connecting “to profiler input” to the KPA XLR return

  • From the Amp - Speaker out speaker in - Speaker Cable?


    Then from the DI Through to the speaker Cab - Speaker Cable.


    The Kemper DI does not adjust or attenuate the amplifier to speaker volume. The amplifier to speaker signal is passed through the DI, so the DI does not have impedance limitations.

    The Kemper DI (like all speaker-level DI boxes) also has an XLR Output that sends a signal that has been separated from the amp to speaker signal.

    The XLR Output is used to create a "Direct Amplifier" Profile.

  • Silly question: The point of a DI is to get the tone (from the complex impedance of the speaker) in the signal. So is a profile from a DI considered direct? Since it will be colored and sound like the speaker is in the profile? Asking for a friend ;)

    EDIT: Ahhhh I read the other post about DIs. So some DIs let you turn off the speaker influence. I am too old. These youngsters and their fancy softwares with built in IRs confuse me. In my day the whole point of the IR was to get the speaker sound without a mic. But now it is to get the amp sound including the output stages.

    It always pays to read posts on here even if not Kemper related.

    Edited once, last by RosboneMako (December 5, 2021 at 8:01 AM).