MIDI CC implementation

  • MIDI CC offers only 128 numbers. Some are occupied with fixed functions according to MIDI standards and cannot be used. The PROFILER has significantly more controllers.

    Are you aware of the extended MIDI protocol NRPN? The PROFILER supports NRPN. Many parameters can be controlled via NRPN. You can find a specific document on the KEMPER download page.

  • MIDI CC offers only 128 numbers. Some are occupied with fixed functions according to MIDI standards and cannot be used. The PROFILER has significantly more controllers.

    Are you aware of the extended MIDI protocol NRPN? The PROFILER supports NRPN. Many parameters can be controlled via NRPN. You can find a specific document on the KEMPER download page.

    This is new to me, so thanks. I know this is not the right corner to ask this but if there is anybody here who can tell me how to send simple CC Signals to my HX Stomp from the Kemper (without my brain collapsing) , to change the stomp's snapshots, please let me know. So far I only can send PC to change presets in the HX Stomp.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

    Edited 2 times, last by Alienator (December 6, 2021 at 9:08 AM).

  • This is new to me, so thanks. I know this is not the right corner to ask this but if there is anybody here who can tell me how to send simple CC Signals to my HX Stomp from the Kemper (without my brain collapsing) , to change the stomp's snapshots, please let me know. So far I only can send PC to change presets in the HX Stomp.

    This is Exactly what i would like to do, Understand the points burkhard but NRPN is not exactly CC plus is not easy to program. I don't think programming a way to send midi CC is mission impossible for Kemper, at least is a legitim request in the feature request isn't?

  • midi messages assignables dynamically....not fixed or only fews (ridiculous, only few cc disponibles less than 40!)....that obliges us to use the very complex Nrpn method or ask for assistance into this forum without an answer!<X;(

    something like "midi learn" in ableton or vst knobs....

    alternatively : you (kemper team) should do a video tutorial about how to use the nrpn....with practical examples, please.

    then a visual editor application that let us completely controlling and programming the machine and that let us doing midi assignments via pc.

    Midi via usb too.....audio maybe too?! ;)

    that's my opinion.

    nowadays every musician i meet looks for midi pedals/devices.....not the guitar pedals/devices as was before.

    we need to control our favourite pedals et devices with midi.....that's the future!


  • The PROFILER has way too many parameters to be addressed with simple CC messages.

    NPRN is a standard extention of MIDI. I'm sure you can find tutorials and manuals for these standards. If that is the future, it's an excellent investment.;)