Goodbye Kemperverse! (My final review)

  • ...

    I don't think the Kemper is perfect for those who are beginners, just joining a band and not having tried hundreds of amps. It's a great tool to somewhat educate yourself about sound differences, but it's not a great tool to find sounds if you don't already expect a certain sound. It's the opposite of plug and play. It's the opposite of intuitive.


    I guess I proved that statement wrong. My Kemper is perfect.

    I hope you find your way. Cheers!

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • At the end of the day the only thing that matters is that you are happy with your sound and enjoy making music. The Kemper literally changed my life and although I still have 4 Mesa Boogies and a THD BiValve they are all gathering dust. However, I totally get that everyone is different and that’s what makes life interesting.

    All the best for the future ?

  • I assume this was your first profiler/modeler.

    I've done the same journey with Helix (and Firahawk before).

    I've bought all the rig ; Helix, variax, Powercab +

    I liked it, the possibilities are phenomenal, it's well designed but I always missed something in the sound....

    The journey was worse ; you need, to do high/low cuts on every cab sims, to go deeper in cab's parameters, etc...I was too much tweaking instead of playing guitar...

    On the other hand, it teached me a lot of things , I don't regret that

    The first time i played with the Stage, i found the sound good (very good) instantly.....

    It hasn't worked for you, i hope you'll have fun with your new rig !

    Music is a passion and you have to take pleasure following your taste....

  • I don’t really understand these posts. It kind of comes off as though you’ve missed the point of the unit and that you’re not using the technology to it’s intended purpose. The shortcomings you’ve outlined are more to do with your approach than the Kemper.

    Most of what you’ve said actually points to the fact that you haven’t liked the profiles you’ve been trying. If you had real life amp sounds that you liked the sound of, then why not profile these? You could capture these at any volume and EQ setting which would have allowed you to get the sweet spot you needed.

    The other point about the Kemper being hard to use in a recording situation with the band present etc. just comes down to poor planning. If you haven’t found a sound you like, doing it in an attended session is barely going to help.

  • I don’t really understand these posts. It kind of comes off as though you’ve missed the point of the unit and that you’re not using the technology to it’s intended purpose. The shortcomings you’ve outlined are more to do with your approach than the Kemper.

    Most of what you’ve said actually points to the fact that you haven’t liked the profiles you’ve been trying. If you had real life amp sounds that you liked the sound of, then why not profile these? You could capture these at any volume and EQ setting which would have allowed you to get the sweet spot you needed.

    The other point about the Kemper being hard to use in a recording situation with the band present etc. just comes down to poor planning. If you haven’t found a sound you like, doing it in an attended session is barely going to help.

    Maybe just read my post again before venting…

    The main point of my post was to say goodbye to a community that I really appreciated. And you’re free to believe that I just missed the point, I was told that for over a year and I said it myself to plenty people who criticized the Kemper. In the end, I picked what worked better for me, that doesn’t mean I’m telling you that you’re wrong liking your device.

    Also, almost all of your assumptions about me and my approach are just plain wrong. Neither did I not find Kemper sounds I liked in certain contexts nor is it that simple to properly profile someone else’s amp at every volume. My new amp comes with an IR that was recorded with a mic that alone costs 1.500 USD. Just because you say something is simple that doesn’t make it true…

    In the end, I believe that my new setup is more practical and sounds better than what I could achieve with the Kemper and that’s really all I care about.

    Since I didn’t intend this to be a controversial discussion I’m logging out now but wish all of you the best. Keep rocking.

    Edited 3 times, last by Kaschko (November 17, 2021 at 1:58 PM).

  • The main point of my post was to say goodbye to a community that I really appreciated.

    Nothing but love here Kaschko! I agree the Kemper community is pretty cool.

    And there is nothing wrong with selling your Kemper because 90% of the time people will end up buying another one. So that is just extra sales that keeps the company going and getting us more updates!

    Best of luck! And feel free to stay around because there is a lot of great info that comes from these talks that still applies to real amps etc.

  • The Kemper is a complex device

    for me was a matter of 10 minutes to dial an awesome sound in the Kemper,maybe i was lucky and i found the right profiles,im in love with my Kemper,but yes you are not alone in this, i know people who have bought the Helix,Axefx and Kemper and could never get a good sound,but like always say to my friends play with the device that make you smile.

    stop worrying about what's "best" - just pick the thing that works for you

  • Exactly what I do! Same on Helix.