Update changed tone?

  • Last week I updated my Kemper and my tone does not sound the same. It's very difficult to pin-point what sounds off. It's almost like it's missing a frequency or something. I have done a factory reset twice now and it has not helped. I'm literally sick over this:D It also seems to be a bit more noisy now. Has this happened to anyone else?

  • You could be suffering from "refreshed ears" syndrome. It happens to me all the time. You play a certain tone all day long, then go to bed, and only to wake up the next day and swear someone touched your stuff! It's because your hearing was refreshed during sleep --and you begin the cycle all over again.

    I've actually had to go back and track over a mix just to prove to myself the tone hasn't changed.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • You could be suffering from "refreshed ears" syndrome. It happens to me all the time. You play a certain tone all day long, then go to bed, and only to wake up the next day and swear someone touched your stuff! It's because your hearing was refreshed during sleep --and you begin the cycle all over again.

    I've actually had to go back and track over a mix just to prove to myself the tone hasn't changed.

    I suffer from this badly. My ears adjust to a sound almost instantly. If I play for more than a few chords my brain dials it as perfectly flat. Ever since I bought the Kemper I have started it everyday and said "This does not sound like it did yesterday". And it is really making me aware of all the variables of tone so much.

    The best solution is to get some golden standard so you know what a certain profile should sound like. Since I normally play thru my PC audio device, I have a couple songs ready to go as reference. But a trusted profile would be great also.

    I also find myself adjusting my playing to a certain profile. For instance a profile that has huge frequency dips and sounds like you are playing in a tube/small room I tend to not play full chords where I can hear that freq suck out.

    Another problem is what you are listening to the profile on and where you are standing when you hear it. If your speakers/system are not perfectly the same for all volumes you will get tonal differences from the volume change. If you dont stand in the exact same position as last time some freqs will be missing or phase canceled by the room and/or your other speaker if stereo.

    Headphones may help with repeatability but are more prone to fatigue. So probably not?

    And louder is always better to us humans. If yesterday you played it loud. Today you played it quiet. It will sound completely different to your ears.

    Or maybe. Just maybe. Kemper has gone so far in their tube mimicking software that the Kemper acts like real tubes and changes continuously :/

  • And louder is always better to us humans.

    Not always. I'll sit you in front of my JCM 800 cranked WAY up to where it's shredding your ears then play it at a reasonable volume and you'll like it much better I'm betting. But I know what you mean. If I play two guitar tracks to most people with one slightly louder they will always say that one sounds better. That's a well known phenomenon that's been discussed here ad nauseum. You have to be able to listen to the TONE. it takes a good ear .

  • Not always. I'll sit you in front of my JCM 800 cranked WAY up to where it's shredding your ears then play it at a reasonable volume and you'll like it much better I'm betting.

    Ahhh yes I remember the few times I dimed my JCM 800 50 watt combo... glorious sounds were made!!!

    Our ears are very weird. The LOUDNESS button was created because sounds at low volume sound bad to us.

    If you are not careful its really hard to adjust your profile. The Amp Mid setting, for example, always sounds better turned up because it is adding volume as it goes. Even though it is really killing the tone sometimes. And to me 90% of profiles sound way too dark/distant, so more highs always sound better to me. But again the profiles are getting slightly louder. Then I come back later and have to turn them all down.

    I wonder if I should put a compressor after the Kemper to try and keep the volume the same no matter what, if it would help. Funny since I just moved the Kemper off my main mixer/compressor setup because the mixer was coloring the sound too much.

  • Ahhh yes I remember the few times I dimed my JCM 800 50 watt combo... glorious sounds were made!!!

    I've played some pretty big stages with the few I've had & have and I've never been able to have the output volume on 10. With a load box maybe but never just into a cab...Yow! It kinda starts falling apart over cranked...

    The Amp Mid setting, for example, always sounds better turned up because it is adding volume as it goes. Even though it is really killing the tone sometimes

    Agreed. Many times things sound dark but just hold off untill you hear them through the P.A. with some screaming horns(tweeters). The rigs you might have thought dark at home can be just right through the P.A. MB Profiles are a good example. Often referred to as "dark", But when they go through a P.A. you can tell they are suited for that and don't get thin or pokey.

    wonder if I should put a compressor after the Kemper to try and keep the volume the same no matter what,

    I wouldn't, it wouldn't feel natural to kill dynamics like that. Just keep working with the amp levels. eventually you'll get everything level and when that's saved, you're on easy street 5min setup!

  • Last week I updated my Kemper and my tone does not sound the same. It's very difficult to pin-point what sounds off. It's almost like it's missing a frequency or something. I have done a factory reset twice now and it has not helped. I'm literally sick over this:D It also seems to be a bit more noisy now. Has this happened to anyone else?

    In some rare occasions, things can affect the sound such as global settings and sometimes the effects parameters are changed as a result of changes to the effects.

    If you made a backup, this is the only real way to check.

  • There were updates in the past that affected my Kemper's tone as well. Some of it was due to EQ changes, but some was due to problems updating the performances. If I loaded a performance from an old rig manager into the Kemper, then updated the Kemper and Rig Manager, then there was an issue.

    Spent a lot of time re-amping with Kemper Support and they could not replicate. Finally, they implied I had done something during re-amping and that I was wasting their time. I love my Kemper and appreciate Kemper's continuous improvement, but they have a way to go on customer service in trouble shooting.

    If you are experiencing a non-hardware issue, then remove your performances from the Kemper (store them on the computer, of course) and update rig manager and the Kemper. Then reload your performances back to the Kemper. That's how I solved my problem.

  • I'm beginning to think it is a hardware issue. The amp has become extremely noisy. The sounds of every profile just seems "weak". My high gain stuff is also super muddy on the low strings.

  • Are you using any of the beta releases? In my mind I experienced something a bit similar but with me could have been all in my head (meaning imagination). I set my sound settings to default (with a reset) and took a snap shot of that configuration.

    Unchecked beta releases which rolled back my Kemper to the official release. Turned some knobs and all has been fine since. Again could have been all in my head but worth a try (especially if betas are being used).

    There do not seem like other reports of this in the forum but worth a shot for piece of mind.

  • I think I found an explanation.

    After update, I wanted to try the Double Tracker, so I connected the Stage to my two JBL 305s.

    The DT sounded nice. Then I reconnected to the Headrush and I found it sounded better than before the update. It was probably just because I liked the Headrush more than the JBLs, (yesterday).

    Today I just used the Headrush and it sounded like before.