Wet/Dry Rig with Stage + 2 Powered Kabinets

  • Hello everyone,

    I have read much material on setting this up in Kemper though I have a couple of questions.

    As far as I understand, I will need to set the Monitor Out to Stack (or Mod mono)

    And the Reverbs/Delays to 100% Wet.

    What do I use for Main Outs? If I use Dly/Rvb then that outputs a Stereo signal but I only have 1 cab getting "wet" (lol)

    If I use Master Mono then that cab will get everything. What's the correct way to approach this?

    For Dly/Rvb, I'm not sure what this means exactly and how that's different from Master Mono. I've read the manual but a little unclear. Does the amp stack not get applied using the former?

    Lastly, how do you recommend setting up the placement of the cabs. Far apart, stuck together and closeby?

    Thank you for taking the time.

  • Wet/Dry is not possible with KEMPER Power Kabinets, because you have only one output with KEMPER Kone Mode: MONITOR OUTPUT. And this output can only have one output source at a time.

    If you had two other full-range cabinets, you could establich wet/dry/dry/wet running the MONITOR OUTPUT with "Stack" or "Mod Stereo" (and KEMPER Kone Mode) and the MAIN OUTPUT with "DLY/REV wet" into your other two powered full-range cabinets.

  • Wet/Dry is not possible with KEMPER Power Kabinets, because you have only one output with KEMPER Kone Mode: MONITOR OUTPUT. And this output can only have one output source at a time.

    If you had two other full-range cabinets, you could establich wet/dry/dry/wet running the MONITOR OUTPUT with "Stack" or "Mod Stereo" (and KEMPER Kone Mode) and the MAIN OUTPUT with "DLY/REV wet" into your other two powered full-range cabinets.

    Glad I posted this topic before buying the 2 Kabinets. Thank you for the advice. This stuff is a little new to me so please bear with me as I ask stupid questions.. ! Any chance I can do a W/D with a Kabinet and a powered full-range cab?

  • you need a Kabinet for the mono stack sound and a stereo full range solution for the main outputs that deliver the delay/reverb wet signal.

    That could be two active FRFR monitors or a single one with 2 speakers wired in stereo.

    Thank you. This is an interesting approach.. my goal is to definitely have 1 Dry signal so it doesn't get lost. With your suggestion -

    I won't have the space for 2 additional monitors, 1 cab with 2 speakers in stereo makes sense,

    1. Would it sound weird if there is no stereo separation?

    2. The speaker would be different than the Kone, would this degrade the sound?

    3. How do I send this FOH?
    4. Can I use 2 TS mono to 1 TS mono plug (y cable) and use it with a single powered 1x12? The stereo would be lost but that's ok, my priority is getting the Dry good and controlling the level of wet to liking

  • Maybe some members that are actually using a single stereo monitor like the Spark can answer your first question.

    Full range is not a degradation of sound quality.

    You can send the delay/reverb signal to the FOH from the XLR main outs (the TS outputs go to the full range monitor)

    The Stack Signal can be duplicated at the direct output.

    The purpose of reverb is to place the guitar signal in a stereo space. Summing the wet signal to mono and sending it to a single speaker will sound weird. If you want to get any real benefit from splitting the signal into dry and wet you should use a stereo monitoring solution.

    Alternatively you could tweak the dry/wet balance in the Profiler and store it with each rig. That will also ensure that everyone hears the same mix.

  • Thanks, that helps. What's the Spark monitor? Couldn't find much online about it..

    And apologies, degradation wasn't the right word.. I was wondering if a stereo monitor running Wet would blend well with the Dry out of the Kone. Guessing because the former isn't an amp-in-the-room sound while the latter is an actual cabinet.


  • Spark is a stereo monitor by blueamps.


    Using a reverb in mono will have much more impact on the perceived sound than using a full range system for the wet and a guitarspeaker for the stack.

    Thank you, this answers all my questions :) One last thing I wanted to ask was about the "DLY/REV Wet" setting for Mains

    Only the wet stereo effect signal of the delay and reverb located in the modules DLY and REV are sent to the output. If no delay or reverb is active, the output will remain silent.

    only available for stereo outputs

    If I'm not using any Stereo Delay or Reverbs, what would the Mains L&R output?

  • yes sir, the Stereo is set at <0>, hooked my cab up, turned off cab block, and was only getting my delay and reverb out on the cab

    I've lost track of what you are doing.

    When you asked

    Quote from jpmpdt

    One last thing I wanted to ask was about the "DLY/REV Wet" setting for Mains

    If I'm not using any Stereo Delay or Reverbs, what would the Mains L&R output?

    When I said "Silence" I assumed you meant

    1. Main Output Source: DLY/Rev Wet
    2. Mon Output Source: Mod Mono
    3. Delay: Off
    4. Reverb: Off

    When I do this, I hear nothing from the Main Outputs.

    When I turn on Delay and Reverb, I got only the wet portion of the signal.

    Here's a screenshot from the Main manual of the Output sources.

  • Yeah.. apologies if I wasn't clear. The manual had thrown me off a bit - "only the wet stereo effect signal..". And I figured I'll just stick with using mono delays and reverbs if DLY/Rev Wet works with a mono signal. Per my test, I think it does..

    If you have been following the thread, my aim has been to run a wet-dry rig with my Stage. As Burkhard pointed out, I cannot do so with 2 Power Kabinets. So I will run an FRFR from Main Out (DLY-Rev Wet), Kabinet from Monitor Out (Mod Mono), and use Send 1 (Master Mono) if I need to send it to FOH and they only have 1 channel for me because the sound guy is cranky about something.

  • My Setup -Using a Power Head:

    Main out - Master Stereo (R channel) via external power amp into Celestion FX12-200 (had that before I got the Kone - good full range speaker) All delays/verbs show up here.

    Monitor out - Mod Left- Internal power amp - Kone. Dry punchy 'amp in your face' stuff with chorus etc when applicable.

    NO ... It's not true stereo (except for the chorus ) BUT ... It sounds great and doesn't seem to upset the Soundies.

    I use the same setup (without the power amps) to record

    The naysayers and the yeabuts can go and whistle! TRY it!

  • How do you place these?

    Do you use Stereo delays or reverbs? If so, I think you might be only getting partial of these from the Right channel only. Additionally, you're getting more of a Stereo feel with this setup rather than Wet/Dry setup since your Wet channel also has the Dry component

    Have you tried setting Main Out to be DLY/REV Wet and using mono delays/reverbs? If you can give that a shot for a couple of minutes.. would really appreciate your findings.

    I'm thinking of a cheaper FRFR for the Delays/Reverbs since that channel is rarely active, only when Delays/Reverbs are actually working.

  • How do you place these?

    Do you use Stereo delays or reverbs? If so, I think you might be only getting partial of these from the Right channel only. Additionally, you're getting more of a Stereo feel with this setup rather than Wet/Dry setup since your Wet channel also has the Dry component

    Have you tried setting Main Out to be DLY/REV Wet and using mono delays/reverbs? If you can give that a shot for a couple of minutes.. would really appreciate your findings.

    I'm thinking of a cheaper FRFR for the Delays/Reverbs since that channel is rarely active, only when Delays/Reverbs are actually working.

    There is no such thing as mono reverbs in the Profiler unless you place the reverb before the amp stack but in that case it will not show up in the Rev/delay wet output source. Using a master stereo output source with just one cable is a bad idea because you will loose half of the processed signal. F.e. ping pong delays will not have all of the repeats in that scenario. If you plan to use only a single output you should use master mono. This will sum the stereo signal properly inside the Profiler. Setting one output to master stereo or master mono and another one to stack will not give you a proper stereo image but only introduces potential phase issues since you are basically doubling the dry signal on two speakers.