Expanded Midi control feature with stage footswitches.

  • I suppose this might make more sense now that the Stage exists. In the past (pre Stage) the general idea seems to have been that people who want simplicity and seamless integration would use the Remote while those with more complex setups would be using a fully functional MIDI controller as the nerve center of their rig. In this case the Kemper wouldn't need to generate midi info as the controller was already doing it. I have a few midi controllers which can do anything I need but I ended up putting them in the cupboard and using the Remote for simplicity and bidirectional communication.

    However, with the advent of the Stage the Remote is effectively built in so it is more likely people will now use the Stage as the main controller for bigger setups. In this case expanding midi functionality makes sense.

    The only obstacle I can see is that Kemper clearly want to keep the Stage and classic profilers running on a single OS. I'm not sure if they will want to change the philosophy of the classic profiles. Only time will tell.

  • MIDI out support hasnā€™t moved forward in years, despite the ā€œmother octopusā€ promises made long ago. I donā€™t know if Kemper will ever provide support for more message types or even a better UI for the current minimal support. Right now, if you have multiple devices to control or need something other than PC messages, you have to send PCs to a device that then does what you need.

    More complete MIDI out support makes more sense with the Stage, but only a little more. With the Stage, itā€™s important to add support in RM so I donā€™t have to get on my hands & knees to edit performance slots.

  • Second that. As a singer, I would love to control my vocal FX (e.g., turn harmonies on/off for chorus/verse) from the Kemper Remote (voc processor sits in the same rack as the Kemper).

  • Is it possible to assign a dedicated foot switch (not a pedal) on a midi controller (like a Voodoo Lab GCP, or a RLM Mastermind) that will serve to activate and deactivate morphs, which can be the same morph or different, over any number of rigs (in or out of a performance group)?


  • Is it possible to assign a dedicated foot switch (not a pedal) on a midi controller (like a Voodoo Lab GCP, or a RLM Mastermind) that will serve to activate and deactivate morphs, which can be the same morph or different, over any number of rigs (in or out of a performance group)?


    Sure, I don't see why not. Just assign a switch to the same midi cc as the morph function. I don't even put my Stage on the floor. I control it with an other midi footswitch. I like to have it up where I can adjust it. I use an expression pedal but a switch could do the same function for on or off.