The Kemper Foot Controller: Evolution

  • TBH, I can't understand your sarcasm... but it might be just me :D

    Do you have any record of Kemper not showing themselves committed and serious, and with an above-the-average customer care attitude?

    I have faith what they eventually release will be of good quality, i just think given the sheer amount of time and interest passed on the subject of the KFC, SOME sort of announcement would be a very good idea. I'm kind of tired of checking back to find STILL no new news, so even just a "check back in a years time" or "check back next week" or probably something in between these would be very useful.

  • I like many (all?) am very interested in the forthcoming KFC. Just can't help feeling for the kemper team on this one. With the level of expectation that seems to be brewing. I wish kemper all the best on this project.
    Also with all the advice to use the FCB set up until the KFC unit finally comes out. Seems to me there are going to be an awful lot of FCB units on the second hand market. Just saying....

  • Well, Behringer had a good run with FCB, that's for sure :rolleyes:

    I wouldn't mind picking up a used uno board when they become a dime a dozen...

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • TBH, I can't understand your sarcasm... but it might be just me :D

    Do you have any record of Kemper not showing themselves committed and serious, and with an above-the-average customer care attitude?

    You are right - in general.
    Kemper does great stuff - even when they were not asked to do so ;)
    But I absolutely do not like the approach of asking the customer 2 1/2 years ago for a design of the KFC - and than coming up with nothing.
    That is not fair - and not Kemper style.

    I think, with regular project controll, you should be able to bring something like this to the market in 2 1/2 years. There is nothingm that has to be reinvented.
    TBH: You should not ask the customers, before the project started. I would have done some functional prototypes with any design, before I asked the public - and than come to the market quite fast. Obviously Kemper did not. Otherwise, it would not take so long. So obviously, they just started a thread, and then, some weeks/months/years later, they might have started the development process - I dont think this is the right way.

    Edited once, last by CPHfx (December 17, 2014 at 4:08 PM).

  • The Company never announced a Release-Date for the Footcontroler. So i don´t understand why some people complain that this product isn´t released yet.
    Search another Company were the Customer is involved in the development or in some questions of the Layout. Like:
    "Do want a small controller or a big controller?"
    "Should the Bank-Up and Bank-Down Buttons left or right?" and so on.
    A company that asks the customer what he wants is unique! So i can wait!

  • It's also a question of priorities, in my opinion. Look at it from a business point of view; what would bring in greater numbers of new customers: a foot controller, or more accurate representations of amp sounds due to refinement of the profiling process (plus faster rig switching, better anti-aliasing, more and better factory rigs, etc etc)?
    We know that the Kemper team is (relatively) small. I reckon they're being sensible by not over-stretching themselves and committing to too much at once. Obviously they are still working on the KFC, but the other implementations they've managed to squeeze into the box in the last 2 1/2 years have been more than worth the delay of it. It'll come, but their strategy, in my opinion, is the correct one. More users means more income, means more freedom, means a bigger team, means potentially more and greater functions... You get the idea...


    Edited once, last by sambrox (December 17, 2014 at 6:22 PM).

  • The Company never announced a Release-Date for the Footcontroler. So i don´t understand why some people complain that this product isn´t released yet.Search another Company were the Customer is involved in the development or in some questions of the Layout. Like:"Do want a small controller or a big controller?""Should the Bank-Up and Bank-Down Buttons left or right?" and so on.A company that asks the customer what he wants is unique! So i can wait!

    But I think it is even worse, to ask what we want - and than dont bring it. Or only five years later.

    I am not saying Kamer is a bad company. Just in this special case they were ... unlucky.

  • asking the customer 2 1/2 years ago for a design of the KFC - and than coming up with nothing within the time I'd have hoped

    even worse, to ask what we want - and than don't yet bring it

    Edited in bold for you :)
    Basically, you have no idea about the investments, the design time, the tests, and any other issue the company might have faced meanwhile. Deciding how much is a reasonable marketing time on this base is - well, weird from you, so to speak.


  • I would love the KFC as soon as possible if not sooner.

    However, a foot controller is absolutely secondary in priority to the Kemper itself. Especially given other excellent functioning controllers (I use a liquidfoot +). Given presumably limited resources at Kemper such that the focus can be on either producing the KFC or making the Kemper even better, surely the latter is the best decision?

    at least, I think so.