The Kemper Foot Controller: Evolution

  • ^ This.

    I'm SO hoping for a looper function, as the majority of users seems to do...

    It was stated early on that there would be a looper function. It appears to be built in to the KFC.

    One of the things I am most looking forward to is the idea about having only 4 footswitches for the stomps/effects but allowing them to switch on/off more than one stomp/effect at a time will be nice. Keep the board compact but very functional at the same time. On the Boss GT series as well as the POD, you can have the foot switches turn on off multiple effects. It will be very nice to turn on a delay while turning off a tremolo for instance.

  • I'm really interested in the final product too but I'm impressed by kemper not releasing any teaser info at the moment. The last thing they'd want to do is to give away what they're up to too soon and the not ship anything for 6 months (or 2 years). People would get bored waiting and go for something else instead. (Recent similar case is HTCs release of their ONE phone. Not ONE M8, but the previous model.)
    Sure, a lot of us has already gone for something else, but when kemper drops the bomb and were able to get the fresh new KFC within 2 months, a lot of us will sell our current floorboards and get the KFC.

  • Like so many others, I'm keen on what Kemper's Foot Control will actually be.

    FWIW - I occured to me that over the year's "experimenting" with several different foot controller designs I have to say (for my needs) my all time favorite has been the Johnson J12. Why?
    Integrated cabling, smart button positioning, legible display, build in expression pedals, mangeable size.

    This features list can probably share it better than I can.

    Whatever Kemper elects to deliver, I'm confident it'll be the same (or greater) caliber as their flagship Profiler product.

    Happy Kemper

  • It was stated early on that there would be a looper function. It appears to be built in to the KFC.

    One of the things I am most looking forward to is the idea about having only 4 footswitches for the stomps/effects but allowing them to switch on/off more than one stomp/effect at a time will be nice. Keep the board compact but very functional at the same time. On the Boss GT series as well as the POD, you can have the foot switches turn on off multiple effects. It will be very nice to turn on a delay while turning off a tremolo for instance.

    After using HD500 some years this has become kinda meat and potatoes feature with stomp switches. Along the capability controlling single effects and amp parameters with the controller, even simultaneously with expression pedal if you wish.

    As of speaking HD500, I'm really liking it's '2 expression pedals in 1' approach where you switch between two different modes by pressing the expression pedals 'toe' switch. Would like to have some similar pedal to use with KFC if there exist such commercial products.

  • You can connect your FOUR favorite pedals to it :)

    Yay, something of substance! I haz 2 mission pedals, very nice they are. Not long to wait now fellow KFC deprived kemperians.

    Thanks Paults for posting

  • As of speaking HD500, I'm really liking it's '2 expression pedals in 1' approach where you switch between two different modes by pressing the expression pedals 'toe' switch. Would like to have some similar pedal to use with KFC if there exist such commercial products.[/quote]

    mission engineering has a pedal with an integrated toe footswitch that does exactly that. You can even get it in green to match the Kemper!

  • I like the fact that they do take their time to do things and they keep going with the product they already have. If this was any other Company, we would already be on Kemper version 2. Instead, they built a solid product from the start, continue to develop a user base for it and roll with what they have because at the end, I don't know if you can get more authentic then what you hear on this unit.

    I think they have done things right.
    I'd rather have a solid well-tested product at the end of the day then something that was put together but doesn't have the function or form that would make it a well-received product.

    Like I have said in the past, they will probably debut this in Namm 2015 which would be a perfect forum for them to do so.

    Can't wait to order one!

  • i made a mock up of the larger foot controller using some paper to see how the dimensions look in reality compared to a picture. someone mentioned only 7cm spacing between buttons so i went off that and the dimensions given by CK. i originally preferred the smaller version, but if my mock up is correct, the larger one is actually much much smaller than i realized. if this is how it will indeed be, i'd rather have the larger one. its almost too small actually, my foot would almost hit two buttons at once it seems. i'm all about portability with my kemper. i like taking my 1x12 evh cab and kemper rack unit to friends houses to jam, a small foot controller would work great for my portability concerns. my body is ready for the foot controller! just hope it doesn't cost an arm and a leg