The Kemper Foot Controller: Evolution

  • Deep down I honestly believe Kemper sold its soul to Behringer and the FCB1010 for "x" number of years as the one and only prioritized controller; and until that agreement is null and void, we will never see a dedicated foot controller.

    Am pretty sure that's not the case and I don't use a Behringer to control my Kemper. Lot of other people using different pedal controllers as well, some even use 10-pound amp footswitches to control their Kemper.

    It's only been two years, cheer up. I think it was more before the Axe FX got its foot controller. ^^

  • Bought a LF JR+ a while ago. Good move for _me_. No need to debate where buttons go if you just program them any way you want.

    Best of luck. I'm sure the final product will be very nice, but many of us simply could not wait.

    Edited once, last by blewis: spelling (October 6, 2014 at 12:31 AM).

  • I am not currently using this feature, but would like to. I can't make performance mode work with my POD HD500 otherwise I would. I am excited for the KFC in order to use the feature. In terms of changing the auto load to what you suggest Mr. Kemper, I think, as has been said several times, that having that as an option would be best. Of course that is easy for me to say since I'm not the one programming it or running the business.

    Starting in the current slot of the next performance when you switch might be a really nice way to do things. Maybe a quick explanation from one or both of the touring guitarists you talked to might help people? If they could explain how they use the performance mode that way, maybe it would help everyone understand a little better why you might want to change it? I can basically guess why they like this feature, but it might be nice to have a little anecdotal evidence too.

    It really doesn't matter much anyway since you said the footswitch will not load a performance until the slot button is pressed anyway. If people don't like the auto load behavior, it won't take hardly any more time to do it manually. Thanks for all the hard work on this great piece of hardware!

    Edited once, last by timdabel (October 4, 2014 at 9:49 PM).

  • Ok, I think I have the perfect name for the Kemper Foot Controller...Big Foot!! You could call it Sasqutach instead, if you want. I mean, I have heard that this thing actually exists, but no one can get it on caught on camera.

    Really though, isn't this getting a bit ridiculous now?

  • Ok, I think I have the perfect name for the Kemper Foot Controller...Big Foot!! You could call it Sasqutach instead, if you want. I mean, I have heard that this thing actually exists, but no one can get it on caught on camera.

    Really though, isn't this getting a bit ridiculous now?

    It obviously doesn't if they are still asking customers preferences as to how it should be designed.....

  • It obviously doesn't if they are still asking customers preferences as to how it should be designed.....

    OK, as true as this is...isn't asking for how it can be improved and what preferences are needed/wanted actually showing that they are nowhere close to making it available? I mean, the question of preferences has been asked for over 2 years now. There are 108 pages of people discussing what features they would like to have included. Does it need to be discussed anymore?

  • OK, as true as this is...isn't asking for how it can be improved and what preferences are needed/wanted actually showing that they are nowhere close to making it available? I mean, the question of preferences has been asked for over 2 years now. There are 108 pages of people discussing what features they would like to have included. Does it need to be discussed anymore?

    Beeing part of the development of a great product is fine with me. The fact that Kemper is in no rush to release the KFC only means two things:

    1) They will release a well made product with minimal bugs and functions that their customers asked for.

    2) The KFC is not essential to use the KPA and there are already a lot of options out there to control it live.

    Just be patient mate! ;)

  • OK, as true as this is...isn't asking for how it can be improved and what preferences are needed/wanted actually showing that they are nowhere close to making it available? I mean, the question of preferences has been asked for over 2 years now. There are 108 pages of people discussing what features they would like to have included. Does it need to be discussed anymore?

    Honestly, I dont care anymore if it ever comes out. My KPA is gone....

  • They probably have (at least some) KFC's built, but they are finishing the software and need to assign the foot switches to the right locations. They could very well be still asking at this stage and go to screen printing the cases and finish production very quickly. At least that is what I hope! If you have ever been a part of developing a product (physical or virtual) you know how much work it takes and how long it can take. It seems like forever, but I bet it will be out by January of next year for NAMM.