OS 8.5.4 -18,5 DB Rig Volume BUG - SOLVED with OS 8.5.6

  • I just installed the latest 8.5.4 OS on my Kemper and discovered that a bunch of my presets suddenly are turned down, as indicated by the LEDs on the RIG volume knob on the Kemper.

    The Volume that corresponds with the volume knob on the profiler, are almost zero. ((The "Amp Level" in the Rig Manager no longer seems to control this button) Kemper said that it never did, so that one is me being confused) .

    So no matter if I turn the volume up on the Kemper itself and saves it on the Kemper, the next time I change back to that preset, it goes back to almost zero. Same if I save it in the Rig Manager, after adjusting the volume up, it just returns to -18,5db. This is of course a huge problem and renders the Kemper useless in a live situation.

    (My question is: What knob in the Rig manager corresponds with the volume knob on the Kemper?) The RIG volume in the RIG section controls this)

    Is this a bug or have I missed some info on the way? If it's a bug, are any of you aware of this?

    OBS: Just discovered that if you on the Kemper turns the Pure Cabinet function on or off, it resets the volume to almost zero in the affected presets. And if you switch the AMP section on and off, that also resets the volume. This is most definitely bug.

    I like music, especially good music. :)

    Edited 3 times, last by PalleSchultz (July 15, 2021 at 10:42 AM).

  • Slowly getting to the bottom of this. The volume knob on the Kemper is connected to the Rig-Volume under Rig in the Rig Manager, not the Amp Volume in Amp section. But it still resets to -18.5DB no matter what I do.

    And it also seems that the constant resetting to -18,5 DB which is annoying AF, might have something to do with either Morph or the way the Pedal is set-up. But I haven't found a solution to this problem, as I never had it before.

    Next step will be disconneting the pedal and switching off anything pedal. Trying to get rid of anything Morph and so forth. If it continues to reset to -18,5DB I'll smash the thing with a hammer and buy a Quad Cortex... :cursing:

    I like music, especially good music. :)

  • Hi Paults.
    No. It isn't locked. I just tried to lock and then unlock it, just to see what happens. It made no difference unfortunately.

    What confuses me, is that it is only some rigs that are affected.

    I can test it by going into the RIG page and then just push the AMP section button. And immediately, the Rig volume goes from 0 db to -18,5 db... The crazy thing is that this happens no matter if the RIG section is locked or not.

    I like music, especially good music. :)

  • After the update, I noticed some rigs that I have not touched before had the rig volume at (-12db) instead of being at Zero. Don't have a clue why. I would never set a rig volume that low. I usually have to raise it.

    Correction: they are at (-18.5db).

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

    Edited 2 times, last by BayouTexan (July 16, 2021 at 2:31 AM).

  • There is definitely something odd going on with this latest update. Several of my rigs have had their volume turned down, and I cannot save them back to 0.0 dB; it just resets when I reload the rig.

  • There is definitely something odd going on with this latest update. Several of my rigs have had their volume turned down, and I cannot save them back to 0.0 dB; it just resets when I reload the rig.

    if you have a backup of the profile, have you tried loading it? does it do the same thing?

  • Hi guys
    I have some feedback from Kempers support, after I send them the affected RIG. In short the solution seems to load an unaffected version of the same amp profile, save it, and load it into the affected RIG.

    Here's their reply:

    We investigated this issue and partly understand what's going on. We don't fully understand why the issue is affecting this Rig.

    We think, the root cause of this issue might be in the OS version this Rig has been stored with before. Do you have earlier versions of this Rig or the amplifier included, which has been stored with an earlier OS version? Can you please check, if you load such an older version, is there the same issue? Potentially go back to the oldest version you can get hold of e.g. mounting an old PROFILER backup which includes an earlier version.

    If you find such an old version not showing the issue, you can store an amplifier preset based on that Rig, then load that amplifier preset into the latest version of the Rig and store it afterwards. This should fix the issue. You would obviously need to repeat that process for each Rig affected. If you cannot find any unaffected version, send us the earliest version of the Rigs with such issues and we will try to correct those amplifiers.

    Background: For future enhancements we need the original gain of a RIg as it was immediately after PROFILING independent of the current gain. We capture these seperately since many years. But very early PROFILEs didn't store that seperately. The current OS therefor calculates the original gain from other parameters and stores that for future use. There seems to be an issue in that algorithm, which is then causing the jump of Rig Volume. But this issue only appears if the currrent gain is completely different e.g. 0 than the original gain. Beside yours we have found only two of our old factory Rigs showing a similar issue.

    I like music, especially good music. :)

  • I upgraded today, and i got the same issue. + I can not change the rig on the hardware. It`s stuck on one RIG, i am only able to change it on the Rig Manager. Extremely annoying. Also the rig crashed once with an error message on the display. Wish i had checked before updating, unfortunately i did not. I just updated because the Rig Manager forced me to if i wanted to use it...


    I found the reason for not being able to change Rig on the hardware.

    It had changed from "All Rigs", to "Last imported" (Upper left button over the display)

    Hope this helps someone :)

  • I upgraded today, and i got the same issue. + I can not change the rig on the hardware. It`s stuck on one RIG, i am only able to change it on the Rig Manager. Extremely annoying. Also the rig crashed once with an error message on the display. Wish i had checked before updating, unfortunately i did not. I just updated because the Rig Manager forced me to if i wanted to use it...


    I found the reason for not being able to change Rig on the hardware.

    It had changed from "All Rigs", to "Last imported" (Upper left button over the display)

    Hope this helps someone :)

    I've gotten a crash after renaming a rig on RM in previous versions. You just turn off profiler and shut down RM and restart everything.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I've gotten a crash after renaming a rig on RM in previous versions. You just turn off profiler and shut down RM and restart everything.

    It only happened once to me too, and i did he same thing, seems stable now. Still some amps with the locked volume drop, but it`s not on any amps i actually use, so i don´t mind that much. It`s just the eerie feeling that there is a bug lurking in my Kemper... Not a happy feeling.