8.5.4 Release announcement

  • While everybody surely is interested in announcements of new versions by Kemper, I also think Kemper should be clear about what is contained and fixed in a new releases.

    Statements like this: "This version also includes a couple of fixes..." are not satisfying users, they are at least obscure. For me this expresses as if Kemper wants to hide what's going on.

  • A Changelog is included with each Release. It can be read on the Kemper Website, or in the Rig Manager Update Announcement Window:


    PROFILER Operating System 8.5.4 Release for all PROFILER models

    PROFILER Operating System

    Please refer to the Addendum manual included in this update package for detailed descriptions of new features!

    Rig Manager 3.2.43 for Windows(R)/macOS(R) and Rig Manager 1.0.0 for iOS(R) required! All PROFILER Stage units can generally be upgraded in one step. All other PROFILER models running OS 7.3 and higher can be upgraded in one step, too. Check the OS version currently installed on the last page of System Settings. PROFILER Head, Rack, PowerHead and PowerRack models running OS versions before 7.3 need to be upgraded in two steps. First install OS 7.3, then upgrade to OS 8.5. If you need to do this, you can find OS 7.3 on the download page under “Older Software Versions”.

    User Interface

    fixed: browsing amplifier presets on page 4 of amplifier module

    fixed: some effect types lacking parameter assignment on Stomps and Effects Section page of Head and Rack models

  • While everybody surely is interested in announcements of new versions by Kemper, I also think Kemper should be clear about what is contained and fixed in a new releases.

    Statements like this: "This version also includes a couple of fixes..." are not satisfying users, they are at least obscure. For me this expresses as if Kemper wants to hide what's going on.

    Kemper always includes what has been fixed...