Uhhh, something is wonky when editing and trying to save a rig with the editor. Help!

  • Hoping to get some help, here.

    Something is either not intuitive or confusing me, when it comes to storing a rig I just edited, when using the Rig Manager/Editor.

    On the physical Kemper, I would be performing a "Store As". But I am not at my Kemper's control panel, I am on my PC and using the Rig Editor. There is no "Store As"...and that is what is causing me some headaches, here.

    Allow me to clarify. I do NOT want to save over (over-write) the rig I have just edited. I want to "Store As" and rename it as a different rig...so I maintain the original rig, unedited.

    I am pretty sure that if I click on "Store", it is going to over-write the rig, which is not the behavior I want. So, I have tried clicking "Duplicate". But then, the duplicate copy doesn't carry over the changes/edits I have just made (for example, changing the Cab).

    So, how do I perform a "Store As" using the Rig Editor?

    I must be missing something obvious, therefore I am initiating a preemptive state of embarrassment. :P

  • What if you change the rig name in the upper right side of the screen and then just save it?

    Hi Vjelen,

    Thank you for your reply. I am not presently at my Kemper and laptop. However, if I am following you correctly…wouldn’t that only change the Rig “tag” information?

    I may be missing something. If I change any of the rig tagging information, I presume that I will be presented with a highlighted “Store” button at the bottom of screen…which brings me right back to square one. That is to say, if I then go ahead and click “Store”, Rig Manager is now going to overwrite and replace the original rig with this new, changed name rig. I don’t want that to happen. I want the original rig to remain unaltered while also having made a newly edited and renamed rig.

    I am tagging Burkhard so that he might read and help out in this matter.



    Edited 2 times, last by Tritium (July 13, 2021 at 6:04 PM).

  • It was just an idea which I am not able to verify, since I have no access to my Kemper now. Maybe you are right, just try it when you will be able to do it.

  • Okay, I kept working on this. Vjelen, I did try your recommendation, but it didn't work as hoped. However, I do very much appreciate your suggestion and consideration.

    I ended up coming up with a very cumbersome and circuitous method to accomplish what I would have hoped would be a very simple, straightforward task.

    Burkhard , I am hoping you can review my original post, and provide advice. Am I missing something, or is there no method to "Store As" on the Rig Manager/Editor, even though this function is available on the physical Kemper Profiler controls/interface?

    Edited once, last by Tritium (July 15, 2021 at 4:09 AM).

  • Store As is called Duplicate in Rig Manager. However Duplicate is only available if it makes logical sense. You can for example preview a Rig of somebody else from Rig Exchange but not duplicate it in Rig Exchange. You could store it in your PROFILER or copy&paste or drag&drop it into your Local Library. Or use the buttons Store Rig in Profiler or Store Rig in Local Libarary. The same applies to KEMPER Rig Packs. You cannot duplicate a Rig inside one of our Rig packs. Same with mounted backups. You cannot duplicate inside a backup, that you mounted. Those are read only.

    Rig duplication is available, if you load a Rig (headphones symbol) inside your PROFILER or local library.

  • Thanks for the reply and explanation, Burkhard .

    Do you happen to know the motivation behind the Kemper Rig Manager programming team's decision to employ a new term and methodology (Duplicate) versus the paradigm that we have previously been familiar with when editing on the Profiler, that is, "Store As"?

    The beauty of "Store As" is that it allows the saving of an edited Rig while simultaneously requiring (forcing) user to assign a new Rig name...all in one action. This makes it easy to save different variations of a base Rig, by doing something like adding a letter or number after the original Rig name. For example, edited variations of a favorite rig named "Tritium Soldano Lead" becomes "Tritium Soldano Lead B", "Tritium Soldano Lead C", etc.

    If the user mistakenly tries to save (i.e., "Store As") an edited Rig in a read-only section of the Rig Manager (e.g. Factory Rig Packs), then one might expect a pop up window to be displayed, which explains the problem and prompts the user to select a different save location.

    Just curious as to the motivation/reason behind the new "Duplicate" paradigm.



  • The beauty of "Store As" is that it allows the saving of an edited Rig while simultaneously requiring (forcing) user to assign a new Rig name...all in one action.

    you can do the same with duplicate. hit the button button, change the name, store rig. that's not really different. "Save As" would require an extra dialog for the name.

    by the way: if you want to "save as" a rig from a rig pack, just drag it somewhere else (where you can save things), change the name, hit "save".

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • @G String this is not what the OP is doing though.

    They are bringing up a profile, then editing that profile, then when they hit duplicate it loses the changes they made.

    What you are telling them to do, which is correct for RM, is bring up the originl Profile, hit duplicate first, to duplicate and rename, then do the edits, then save after the edits have been done.

    The problem with this, and why it is confusing, is because on the KMP itself, you can do your edits first then hit 'Store as' and you don't lose your changes OR write over the original. THe confusing thing is having two different methods to achieve the same thing.

  • @G String this is not what the OP is doing though.

    They are bringing up a profile, then editing that profile, then when they hit duplicate it loses the changes they made.

    What you are telling them to do, which is correct for RM, is bring up the originl Profile, hit duplicate first, to duplicate and rename, then do the edits, then save after the edits have been done.

    The problem with this, and why it is confusing, is because on the KMP itself, you can do your edits first then hit 'Store as' and you don't lose your changes OR write over the original. THe confusing thing is having two different methods to achieve the same thing.

    Yes, precisely.