Speaker output… just quit

  • Greetings. Been using my powered rack for over a year with no troubles. I have the speaker output going to my Mesa cab and monitor out to the board. Last night I booted the thing up and it worked fine thru the pa but I have no sound at the cabinet. Tried new speaker cables and speakers. Last page of the output section is showing power amp on and appears to be working?

    I didn’t make any adjustments or push any buttons. Any ideas what is wrong?

  • I don’t believe so. Is this the right section to check that?

    Yes. Also check the Master volume. Another thing to check is if you hear a "click" when the poweramp is tuned on and off. You should also hear a light "pop" from the cab is the amp is working. So, if a click and a pop, then it has to be some setting that is muting it.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Yes. Also check the Master volume. Another thing to check is if you hear a "click" when the poweramp is tuned on and off. You should also hear a light "pop" from the cab is the amp is working. So, if a click and a pop, then it has to be some setting that is muting it.

    First, thank you for taking the time to respond. I appreciate it very much.

    This is an odd situation for sure. Before I posted this question I reviewed the manual and it seems everything is correct.

    I am not getting the pop like I used to. The amp is clicking. Headphones work, line out to the board works, just no cabinet volume. The power amp graph moves when strumming or changing master volume. And I made zero changes between practices.

    Really bummed. Got two gigs this weekend. I have really enjoyed the weight and ease of the remote with this thing. I am fearful something more than a button or knob is wrong here. I guess I’ll have to bust out the heavy ass triple Rec and my stomp boxes this weekend.

  • Still sounds like a cable or cab issue if you hear the "click" of the amp for off and on. You can always just strip all connections and use the shortest cables you have to the cab and just have guitar cable input to test. So just a two cable test.

    If no "pop" and you know cables are good then I would open a support ticket just in case the poweramp blew. It may just be the fuse that protects the poweramp that needs replacing.

    Keep us updated.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Still sounds like a cable or cab issue if you hear the "click" of the amp for off and on. You can always just strip all connections and use the shortest cables you have to the cab and just have guitar cable input to test. So just a two cable test.

    If no "pop" and you know cables are good then I would open a support ticket just in case the poweramp blew. It may just be the fuse that protects the poweramp that needs replacing.

    Keep us updated.

    Tried the two cable test with no luck. Thanks for the advice. I’ll open the ticket and keep you updated.

    Appreciate your time Bayou.

  • I had a similar issue like yours. Somehow the Monitor Output soft knob setting on page 1 of OUTPUT was inadvertently changed to something else by someone else. Try cycling around with the knob designation under "Monitor Output" in page 1 of OUTPUT back to your normal setting.

  • Yes, check Monitor Output Volume and Monitor Output Source as the signal of the MONITOR OUTPUT is internally feeding the built-in power amp. Perhaps there is no issue witht heoutput signla, but already with the input signal of the power amp.

    Check, if there is a signal onthe MONITOR OUTPUT. You could either plug in your headphones and should hear a signal one one side. Or you plug in your speaker cable and should hear a bit from you cabinet.

  • Yes, check Monitor Output Volume and Monitor Output Source as the signal of the MONITOR OUTPUT is internally feeding the built-in power amp. Perhaps there is no issue witht heoutput signla, but already with the input signal of the power amp.

    Check, if there is a signal onthe MONITOR OUTPUT. You could either plug in your headphones and should hear a signal one one side. Or you plug in your speaker cable and should hear a bit from you cabinet.

    If I understand the OP’s original post correctly he is using both the Monitor Out and Speaker out simultaneously and the Monitor Out is working OK. If his post is accurate that would rule out a volume link issue.

  • Yes, check Monitor Output Volume and Monitor Output Source as the signal of the MONITOR OUTPUT is internally feeding the built-in power amp. Perhaps there is no issue witht heoutput signla, but already with the input signal of the power amp.

    Check, if there is a signal onthe MONITOR OUTPUT. You could either plug in your headphones and should hear a signal one one side. Or you plug in your speaker cable and should hear a bit from you cabinet.

    Thank you all for the suggestions. I tried them all.

    Volumes are linked

    Power amp is on. It clicks when I press the soft button turning it off and on from page nine and show voltage use when strumming making me think it’s working.
    Tried different cables and cabinets.
    Checked the monitor output settings on page one, no changes.
    Plugged headphones into the monitor out on the back and got sound in one side. Also connected cable to cabinet and that worked too.

    Just get nothing from the speaker output. Really odd situation I have here.

  • Same happened to me. I discovered it just now.
    I am using the speaker outputs.
    First I thought it was my steinberg soundcard, but plugging my jack cable directly in it, I saw I got the red peak lamps blinking as I was playing.
    I did a global reset of the Kemper by holding in the "system" button upon booting. But man, it says "initializing global settings" for over 20 minutes now and the loading bar is fully loaded.

    Any tips?

  • wow... This is all troubling news...

    Here's one for ya',... My power rack has no output in perform mode. checked everything I can think of. Everything other than perform mode works perfectly. I am at a loss...Has anyone else had this problem or have any suggestions?

  • Thank you all for the suggestions. I tried them all.

    Volumes are linked

    Power amp is on. It clicks when I press the soft button turning it off and on from page nine and show voltage use when strumming making me think it’s working.
    Tried different cables and cabinets.
    Checked the monitor output settings on page one, no changes.
    Plugged headphones into the monitor out on the back and got sound in one side. Also connected cable to cabinet and that worked too.

    Just get nothing from the speaker output. Really odd situation I have here.

    Looks like the power amp is broken. Please contact support.

  • wow... This is all troubling news...

    Here's one for ya',... My power rack has no output in perform mode. checked everything I can think of. Everything other than perform mode works perfectly. I am at a loss...Has anyone else had this problem or have any suggestions?

    If you have sound in Browser Mode and don't in Performance Mode, nothing is broken.

    Check settings like what is locked, is there an effect loop activated while no external gear is plugged in. At which level is the volume pedal controller?

  • Guys, I figured it out! Hold your system button inside after a few seconds after you started up your Kemper.
    Hold it inside until the "resetting global settings" text pops up.
    Now you might have to wait a long time. If it takes too long time just turn off your Kemper normally (over 10 minutes).
    Restart it. Now it works! I guess something happened with my output settings. It's been so long time since I messed with the settings on the Kemper I might have fixed it if I knew more about the output settings, but it works now.

  • Wanted to provide you all an update. After trying all your suggestions I contacted Kemper. They had me try a few things, sent me a UPS label Monday, I shipped it Tuesday, they received it yesterday, and emailed me today that they found a defective chip, are testing and returning it to me. I am pretty damn impressed with the customer service!

    Bought myself a Kabinet too! Can’t wait for everything to return.