• Do neither the strobe or bubble do it for you?

    No, I use a TC G2 though the Kemper's effects loop, I just don't think the Kemper's tuner is exact enough .The Helix is better.

    A 'metronome?' Use the one on your DAW. Stop wishing the Kemper to be a 'Swiss army knife unit'. It does what its creator intended it to do, amazingly well. Don't dumb it down to pacify everyone.

  • I meant reverbs, sorry.

    Well yeah...but they're done. The point is that both small and large changes should be able to be handled simultaneously,

    That said, I'm very happy with how Kemper handles the updates...pretty awesome that they are still fully supporting the product, with no signs of slowing down soon. Can't beat that.

    No, I use a TC G2 though the Kemper's effects loop, I just don't think the Kemper's tuner is exact enough .The Helix is better.
    A 'metronome?' Use the one on your DAW. Stop wishing the Kemper to be a 'Swiss army knife unit'. It does what its creator intended it to do, amazingly well. Don't dumb it down to pacify everyone.

    Well, this is just silly. A DAW doesn't come with the KPA, ya know? Not everyone uses one. Not everyone has one. I doubt the majority of Kemper users use a DAW regularly. And even if they did...so what?

    You could say the same for the tuner, but it would be just as damn silly as what you're saying now. I've never had an amp with a built-in strobe tuner, a transpose feature, or any other other amazing features of the KPA...it is a "Swiss army knife unit" already, what the heck are you on about??? :D

    A metronome would be very useful for those (of which there are obviously many) who use the KPA as an all-in-one solution for all things guitar. And if enough people request it, it makes sense for Kemper to incorporate it. Out of all the stuff you can do with the KPA, a metronome is a bridge too far for you...? I don't get it.

    I think you're the one trying to dumb it down here...

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

    Edited once, last by Locrain (August 10, 2018 at 2:14 AM).

  • No, I use a TC G2 though the Kemper's effects loop, I just don't think the Kemper's tuner is exact enough .The Helix is better.

    Hmmm different strokes for different folks, I guess. I find it very accurate, and set my intonation by it, but I guess everyone’s experience is unique. I didn’t get on with the Helix, when I had one, haha! :)

  • I have several different metronomes, probably 15, some of them are vintage and hard to find, I think it would be great to add metronome profiling, maybe to Kemper II, I guess that would require a lot of DSP power?I promise I'll post my metronome profile pack for free on Rig Exchange.

    While we are at it can we have real time pitch correction effect too, so we don't have to listen to all these out of tune bends and vibrato?:)

  • "Well, this is just silly. A DAW doesn't come with the KPA, ya know? Not everyone uses one. Not everyone has one. I doubt the majority of Kemper users use a DAW regularly. And even if they did...so what?
    You could say the same for the tuner, but it would be just as damn silly as what you're saying now. I've never had an amp with a built-in strobe tuner, a transpose feature, or any other other amazing features of the KPA...it is a "Swiss army knife unit" already, what the heck are you on about??? [Blocked Image: https://www.kemper-amps.com/forum/wcf/images/smilies/biggrin.png]
    A metronome would be very useful for those (of which there are obviously many) who use the KPA as an all-in-one sol'ution for all things guitar. And if enough people request it, it makes sense for Kemper to incorporate it. Out of all the stuff you can do with the KPA, a metronome is a bridge too far for you...? I don't get it.
    I think you're the one trying to dumb it down here..."

    A tad of an over reaction, if I may be so bold, but unlike some ultra sensitive folks on here, I don't take it personally... :)

    Well a tuner does seem to go hand go hand with a guitar unit, so yes 'a tuner' is a quite normal addition. A 'metronome 'I'd consider more of a percussion type element, and not firstly a guitarist's tool. Every other aspect of a Kemper is something used 'with' a guitar; effects, tuner etc.

    I don't really know any musicians who 'don't' have 'some' sort of DAW, everyone seems to have access to recording facilities, but excuse me if I got that wrong with my assumption.
    Each to their own though, we can all have our thoughts without enraging someone whose ideas differ...

    Edited 3 times, last by LiamUK (August 10, 2018 at 9:19 AM).

  • No rage here, I just don't think your argument holds water. Whether or not most KPA users have a DAW (doubt it), or whether they use it every time they use their Kemper (almost certainly not), what does that matter?

    The utility is obvious, if you wouldn't use it, ok, good for you. But clearly, it's a popular request. To call it a percussive element, as if you're adding a drum machine or something, is kind of...silly. :)

    The Kemper can do a lot of things that are normally reserved for a DAW, and not usually present on a "normal" amplifier. Transpose, eq boosts, I could go on...point the point is, the KPA is obviously intended to be a Swiss army knife solution for guitar players. And practicing should be done with a metronome.

    The things that amuses me is that whenever a feature is requested, there's always someone to tell everyone in the thread who wants it that they don't need it, and it's a dumb idea, oh, and if they do that, they won't do the thing that I really want, etc. :D

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • Well clearly we think very differently from each other. I won't bother to critique your point of view V mine. End of. :)

    I think you've got it. ;)

    That's a very good perspective, and might be something to keep in mind when replying in dissent to feature request threads in the future...cheers. :)

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • And I won't mention "condescending", and we'll both be in good shape. ;)

    I'm not sure why you're acting like you first posted here in a good-faith effort to contribute to the discussion. It was condescending and derisive. If you didn't intend that, it might be good to give thought to how our words are interpreted over text, because it's dripping with those elements. I think this digression has ran it's course, you may have the last word if you like.

    BTW, off topic, since you seem to have a little trouble with the quote feature (I might be wrong, no offence if so). It's a pretty weird one, took me a sec too. Hit the quote symbol button for the post you're quoting, it'll turn black, then hit Reply at the bottom, and it'll format correctly. Or you can be in a post-creating window like I am now, go up to the post you want to quote, hit the quote button, and it'll insert automatically, like I just did.

    And I won't mention the word 'patronising'...

    For me is better to fix the LED of the BPM in Remote. The other guy has a Helix and a correct and steady light is great for playing live.
    My remote BPM light is very unstable.

    I've seen a lot of people mention this. If the internal clock of the KPA is whacked, it might be hard to get a metronome running. :D

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • And I won't mention "condescending", and we'll both be in good shape. ;)

    I'm not sure why you're acting like you first posted here in a good-faith effort to contribute to the discussion. It was condescending and derisive. If you didn't intend that, it might be good to give thought to how our words are interpreted over text, because it's dripping with those elements. I think this digression has ran it's course, you may have the last word if you like.

    BTW, off topic, since you seem to have a little trouble with the quote feature (I might be wrong, no offence if so). It's a pretty weird one, took me a sec too. Hit the quote symbol button for the post you're quoting, it'll turn black, then hit Reply at the bottom, and it'll format correctly. Or you can be in a post-creating window like I am now, go up to the post you want to quote, hit the quote button, and it'll insert automatically, like I just did.

    I've seen a lot of people mention this. If the internal clock of the KPA is whacked, it might be hard to get a metronome running. :D

    Let it go, guys. It's a simple feature request. If someone has a need, someone has a need.

    That said, anyone who needs a metronome NOW, I suggest just getting an app on your mobile phone and routing it into the Kemper. Should more than suffice for practice purposes.

    If you are looking at a metronome for stage use, best to get a laptop so that you can have tempo changes, time sig changes, etc.

  • Let it go, guys. It's a simple feature request. If someone has a need, someone has a need.

    That said, anyone who needs a metronome NOW, I suggest just getting an app on your mobile phone and routing it into the Kemper. Should more than suffice for practice purposes.

    If you are looking at a metronome for stage use, best to get a laptop so that you can have tempo changes, time sig changes, etc.

    With 7+ hours in between posts, I think it's probably safe to assume it was "let go".

    "It's a simple feature request. If someone has a need, someone has a need."

    This was my entire point....

    I guess I could have condensed it. [Blocked Image: https://www.kemper-amps.com/forum/wcf/images/smilies/smile.png]

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • Someone call the burn unit. :D

    Edit: When I typed "condensed" I thought about a play on words, but I'm glad I didn't, as I would have come across even more of a cock, and you nailed it anyway, so it was better that I shut up. :D

    *reads rest of thread* Oh no...

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • Is it sencefull to ask for a metronom even the Kemper at the moment do not have functionality to produce an audio signal? My answer is not really!

    Is it allowed here to ask for a function which is not implimented at the moment? My answer is yes!

    Do I wish an hardware-update to get this function. My answer is no!

  • Is it sencefull to ask for a metronom even the Kemper at the moment do not have functionality to produce an audio signal? My answer is not really!

    Is it allowed here to ask for a function which is not implimented at the moment? My answer is yes!

    Do I wish an hardware-update to get this function. My answer is no!

    I'm picking up most of what you're putting down...but my KPA has always produced an audio signal...maybe that's the problem for everybody who doesn't love theirs...


    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • If there is no guitar connected - please contact support :D

    I'll start a ticket. :D

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.