Powerhead sounds digital and cold compared to Unpowered

  • Don't know if there's any cast in stone defaults. Probably most settings at zero, like the Clean Sens and Distortion Sens on Input and the Main Output EQs (page 4/8 on Output) to zeros. But in your case, you seem to like the settings on the unpowered one so you just need to match the powered one to the same settings.

    Maybe important things to look at are both Kempers on the same OS version? I never notice differences but maybe some option gets reset after an update that you don't expect to change. Also look at Output Page 1 of 8. Do you have the Main Out -12 db checked on one but not the other? Is the Main Output set the same - like Master Stereo? If one is Master Stereo and the other is something else, like Master Mono, etc. that might account for the differences you hear. Page 5/8 on the current version Output menu is Output Filter with a Low Cut and High Cut, probably both off by default.

    As long as all settings are the same, and if you know the Rigs selected on each are identical then I know of no reason why they'd sound different.

    And settings related to the power amp shouldn't apply since you aren't using the speaker out.

  • I would assume if its that much of an issue, take a backup of the unpowered and restore to the powered for a level playing field.

    The inference from support is that the power amp is fully bypassed when not in use so should not impact.

  • I think we figured it out. I had a friend who is also a professional guitarist come by a for a few hours last night. It turns out when we turn off the power amp, it sounds more natural. I also believe I may have had the noise gate up a little on the Powerhead.

    With the power amp turned off and noise gate turned all the way off, it sounds 99.99% like the unpowered version.

    I'm happy :)

  • I think we figured it out. I had a friend who is also a professional guitarist come by a for a few hours last night. It turns out when we turn off the power amp, it sounds more natural. I also believe I may have had the noise gate up a little on the Powerhead.

    With the power amp turned off and noise gate turned all the way off, it sounds 99.99% like the unpowered version.

    I'm happy :)

    I deleted all rigs in MyProfiler ( under All Rigs )

    you already admitted that turning off the power amp does not make any difference in one of your other posts. Of course different settings for the noise gate will have an impact which is the reason why I suggested that you create a backup and restore it for a valid comparison.

  • I deleted all rigs in MyProfiler ( under All Rigs )

    you already admitted that turning off the power amp does not make any difference in one of your other posts. Of course different settings for the noise gate will have an impact which is the reason why I suggested that you create a backup and restore it for a valid comparison.

    Being a newbie to Kemper, it can be quite confusing. Especially when your spending hours in front of the monitor speakers pushing buttons. But I do believe the noise gate affected the overall tone. My friend and I also heard extra artifacts in the tone of the guitar when the power amp was engaged. This is using the Kemper from the Main Outs into the Apollo Twin and the power amp wasn't being used, but nonetheless. I'm only reporting our experiences last night and what we agreed upon. This is splitting hairs and many may disagree, but I did ask a number of my students and they reported similar responses.

  • I have both. EXCTLY the same. Literally not one smidge of difference. Using the exact same profiles loaded up from one to the other...In fact, I've used my custom (..my own) profiles and purchased profiles on a few other Kempers (gigs/jams, etc..)..Never had an issue with them sounding different...Something is wrong with your powerhead. The Kemper Support people are awesome, follow their lead/advice at thsi point. Good luck.