losing date and time when turning on Kemper Stage

  • I *cough cough* know of someone that might have had this issue with the stage right at the start.

    Battery swap is easy but you void warranty iirc, I think earlier on there was a FW release that fixed it but maybe something get messed with in the software again.

    Would be nice if the battery was user servicable

  • I got these instructions from Kemper Support


    Please perform the following reset, set up time and date and do not turn off the device directly. The Profiler device needs some time to adjust time and date.

    Also make sure the device is not connected to Rig Manager and a computer during that. Possibly the Profiler tried to adjust the time and date from a connected computer.

    I suspect the device was jet not able to adjust time and date correctly which leads to the message.

    Turn off the device.

    Press and hold the Rig and System button while you turn on the device (into tuner mode on a classic device)

    Hold these buttons till the message "Initializing current Rigs and global settings" appear in the display, then release the buttons.

    It performs some housekeeping, clears the Profiler's cache and reset the global settings.

    Please check time and date after some hours or a day, is it still correct or wrong?

    In case it is wrong, then I suspect the internal batterie is empty.


    no solution, installed latest Beta software also no solution,

    last night i performed the instructions again and kept my Stage on until this morning, after reboot same error

    UPDATE 30/7/2021 : at request of Support i send my profiler to tech support within 4 days a new Profler was delivered, problem solve, thanks

    Edited 2 times, last by LarsRook (July 31, 2021 at 2:26 PM).

  • @LarsRock - thanks for the update - as you can see this thread has continued. Your update after starting this thread is appreciated. This is company recall level in my opinion, and these are not isolated incidents. Entire distributed inventory worldwide has this problem but Kemper won't post or admit it. Its big. The issue with potential failing parts be that battery depletion or motherboard battery holster clamping tightness not is not new to Kemper and definitely not new to the Profiler stage unit. this problem has been around for YEARS. It recurs, And that alone truly disgusts me.

    I know the calendar dosen't stop me from using the unit, but the whole idea of a unit I paid 1700 US dollars for new with a glitch in it that's well known has tarnished my want to even power it on. Like - Purchasing the guitar of your dreams and opening up the pick plate to see twist tied and bubble gum affixed electronic connections instead of soldering points. It just ruins your experience knowing there is CRAP going on inside. What will they send me when if I return for a replacement as a new unit - surely somebody's previous RMA claim (used), absolutely positive about that.

    I am pursuing a complete return and refund and honestly, last night I plugged back into one of my Blackface DLX reverb reissue tube amps with some CS69 pickup, and once again became in awe of the difference in real sustain - snap - and authentic saturation. NOTHING beats the real thing, convenience for recording set aside.

    Kemper you failed us with this - please do the right thing.


  • Well, this thread has been...educational...

    Just got my brand-new Profiler Stage today and I'm running into this too. Clock is resetting whether the power is connected or not. Now, functionally it otherwise seems fine so far - but honestly, had I run across this thread last week I might not have pulled the trigger on it, at least not yet. I just filed a ticket (or I think I did anyway, I filled out the forms but have yet to see any email confirmation, and I'm not inclined to call Support at $3/min int'l calling rates).

    As far as the "new user" experience goes, this has not been great thus far.

    Now, I haven't updated anything yet - it came with on it. I did try connecting it to Rig Manager to check it out - it keeps saying I need an update, but I don't know how to do that yet (I have some reading to do). I thought RM would do it but apparently not, and I need to set up a USB stick to do this?

    Anyway, I'm not sure I want to mess with this in case it needs to go back. :( I don't have a problem with actually performing the upgrade (I'm a systems engineer, I do this sort of thing all the time) but I'm concerned about whether this is a software or hardware issue. If I had an idea that upgrading the OS would fix it I'd be happy to do it.

    Edited once, last by franknputer: clarity (July 9, 2021 at 12:04 AM).

  • Anyway, I'm not sure I want to mess with this in case it needs to go back. :(

    Because I ordered it online, and it took a week to get here, I would like a more definitive suggestion from Kemper before going through all that again to try and exchange it; and it sounds like getting another one might not solve the problem anyway.

    If I get confirmation that it needs a repair, then back it goes; if it's only an issue of software then I would consider living with it.

  • The shear number of these having this problem all of a sudden to me doesn't seem like a hardware issue. Plus mine started this behavior directly after a firmware update. But maybe it is a hardware issue. I am holding on to mine at the moment as I can live with the annoyance as shipping it to Kemper is a problem for me as I got rid of the original box.

    Kemper have not come clean or been clear as to WHAT the problem is and WHY so many have had this issue all at the same time... I would feel better if they would just tell us. It doesn't give me a good feeling long term for such an expensive item

  • Update: US support reached out to me, we have a plan now to exchange the unit for a new one. Presumably the replacement will not have the problem, so at this point I’m feeling much better about the situation.

    I hope too that my comments about support interactions are taken in the spirit they were given. I deal with support system issues at my day job, so I feel I understand both sides pretty well. The main thing is that people want to feel heard, and know that the company is working to fix things. That wasn’t really my initial impression here - so I hope someone at Kemper considers that, and maybe find a way to improve that first impression for the next n00b. :)

  • Update: US support reached out to me, we have a plan now to exchange the unit for a new one. Presumably the replacement will not have the problem, so at this point I’m feeling much better about the situation.

    I hope too that my comments about support interactions are taken in the spirit they were given. I deal with support system issues at my day job, so I feel I understand both sides pretty well. The main thing is that people want to feel heard, and know that the company is working to fix things. That wasn’t really my initial impression here - so I hope someone at Kemper considers that, and maybe find a way to improve that first impression for the next n00b. :)

    Making the battery user replaceable would go a long way...

  • Same issue occurring to my KPA Powerhead, I was worrying about battery replacement since the unit is from 2016 but looking at how many cases occurred over the last days worlwide, I will wait for an official statement from Kemper as it might be related to a sw bug instead of a massive hardware failure...

  • I just received a brand new stage and I am having the same date/time error when booting it up. It does it every single time, regardless of whether or not a USB is connected or the unit is plugged in or not. I submitted a ticket and am waiting on a response.

    The stage is otherwise working perfectly. Other than the annoyance of clearing the message on startup, will this impact performance at all?

    It doesn’t seem to.

  • since a few days i need to manually enter date and time when starting.

    i upgraded tot dated may 20th same problem occurs

    regards Lars

    You just need replace the battery inside KEMPER STAGE,I replaced this CR2032 battery,problem slolved.

    Edited once, last by close_2_u (October 13, 2021 at 2:26 PM).