Wireless features incoming?

  • I could't give a hoot about another company's product. That's Kemper's issue as to who they see as competition. I have, use ,and love my Kemper. They could have done all the same "teasing" and said the same thing," Your gonna love this!" "But we're ironing out a few kinks so it's perfect. "

    No matter what they say (or don't say) people will wonder, speculate and eventually complain if it doesn't show up in the 'correct' timeframe.

    The easiest thing for them would be to say absolutely nothing before releasing it. But wait!!! .......... People will complain with something like "I wish I'd known, I'd have done X, Y or Z instead."

    I'd like to see it sooner than later, but as cool as this (free) feature is.... Meh. It'll get here when it gets here.....and people will whine about it both before, during and after.

  • No matter what they say (or don't say) people will wonder, speculate and eventually complain if it doesn't show up in the 'correct' timeframe.

    The easiest thing for them would be to say absolutely nothing before releasing it. But wait!!! .......... People will complain with something like "I wish I'd known, I'd have done X, Y or Z instead."

    I'd like to see it sooner than later, but as cool as this (free) feature is.... Meh. It'll get here when it gets here.....and people will whine about it both before, during and after.

    Totally agree...this debate was had when the editor was due...

  • With all the love that many users might have for their Kempers, there is no doubt that the Quad Cortex is a competitor. Probably the first serious one in a long time as it comes with the captures feature but also other modern appointments and modeling at the same time. It clicks a lot of boxes.

    So in this state of things, of course that it is an intelligent marketing decision for Kemper to tease things like: "hey if you really want a touch screen, please know that we are going to have one, and a better one also".

    And at the same time they send the message to every one of us that they have not stopped developing. They are not "done". They are not "old technology that is dying" but state of the art tech that keeps evolving and adapting to new times.

  • They are not "done". They are not "old technology that is dying" but state of the art tech that keeps evolving and adapting to new times.

    This is the one part of Kemper that, as many keep saying, sets them apart.

    A 10+ year old product, at its core effectively unchanged. A product still being actively developed at no cost to owners (OS, RM, wireless), with new products (Stage, Kone, Kabinet(s) ) being released. That's not only still relevant, but thriving and competitive.

    It is an exceedingly unique approach and company. What Kemper has done here is extremely difficult. What's more, this is the second time CK had a hand in revolutionizing an industry. The Access Virus keyboards was the first and still very much exists.

  • One more reason I'm glad I got a Stage last fall. curious though for you handy rack and head owners. Would it be possible for you to buy the bluetooth chip and solder it yourself?

    You can find small board with the same chip like this one : https://www.amazon.com/KeeYees-Develo…22212339&sr=8-4

    There is on this board a chip to "see" the board as a UART (COM port) through its USB connection. AS I assume the main CPU of the Kemper also talk to its internal chip using this same COM port (maybe they use a quicker SPI ??) , it should be feasibly to use the same ESP32 firmware and connect this dev. board to the kemper USB (it requires the Kemper support USB COM class device).

    GString : I don't know why they don't to this way (maybe manufacturing their own "dongle based on the same chip" to avoid to distribute the firmware of the ESP32)

  • I’m biased, but the worst Kemper production snafu—the handful of interrelated problems during the Stage rollout—was handled with class, and mercifully with zero endless explanations or excuses, just quiet, prompt replacements where necessary. And oh boy that can’t have been a fun summer for them. By comparison, the FM3 rollout was a debacle. The Quad Cortex, with ground noise, dsp allocation, and wifi issues, and an absolutely useless web-based user experience—and so many nuts and bolts functionality deficits—may be even worse. But it’s such a huge hit that the fact that it can’t deliver on the basic expectations of serious and pro users may not even matter. They’ll be fine, and I’ll be happy to see them get it together. That said, I don’t think Kemper should do it in public, but they deserve to do a merry, gloating dance of self-satisfaction around their offices. Always doing things their own way, no matter the babies whining about timelines and marketing and business decisions, and still somehow delivering novel products, elegantly designed, that from day one can handle so many different kinds of musical applications in mission-critical scenarios. Sorry but whenever people start saying how CK&Co should’ve done this or that differently, I think really? They did it their way.

    Edited 2 times, last by creative360 (May 29, 2021 at 5:54 AM).

  • Working great for me. I've got the Toaster sync'd to my PayPal and iCloud accounts so I can purchase profiles and retrieve tones in real time. Siri implementation is rolling out next week.

    Don't all those adverts scrolling across the screen and the interruptions to your playing for those "messages from our sponsors" drive you nuts?

  • Sweetwater is one the most notorious tracking sites. Number one in my browser. They track our every move. GuitarCenter is not any better, to be fair.

    At this point, Sweetwater might know that your girlfriend/wife is pregnant before you, and let you know in advance suggesting you training guitars for childrens. LOL

    The answer is 42

  • At this point, Sweetwater might know that your girlfriend/wife is pregnant before you, and let you know in advance suggesting you training guitars for childrens. LOL

    Oh don’t joke, it’s almost here now, can you imagine the type of AI that could be implemented here LOL.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.