Release - Discussion

  • I speculate I would like to have all user presets not organized by type or something.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • There is this idea for the hardware part to have a separate Category for user effect presets, so they can be found right at the beginning of the list, instead of inline with the permanent presets.Since you would not create dozens or hundreds of effect presets for your own purpose, they might easily be found in that „User Category“.

    How do you like this idea?

    To do this, use a filter for user preferences, just as you can mark profiles as favorites.
    A standard tagging and filtering philosophy would be helpful here.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • To do this, use a filter for user preferences, just as you can mark profiles as favorites.
    A standard tagging and filtering philosophy would be helpful here.

    I think it might be easier even to place the user presets right at the beginning of the list. That way, the factory presets are out of the way, as long as you don‘t need them. And no filters or tagging is required.

  • To do this, use a filter for user preferences, just as you can mark profiles as favorites.
    A standard tagging and filtering philosophy would be helpful here.

    great idea user-chosen filtering, a favourites category would be a nice solution. Whether this is taken a step further to sort by name/date/etc is another step.

    I think it might be easier even to place the user presets right at the beginning of the list. That way, the factory presets are out of the way, as long as you don‘t need them. And no filters or tagging is required.

    As it appears now is not a problem (to me) whilst the user presets appear first/top of the lists and the factory presets follow so the user gets priority access to their presets and, if needed, scroll further to the factory ones. And, scrolling by “type” means we dont have to wade through the factory presets.

  • To do this, use a filter for user preferences, just as you can mark profiles as favorites.
    A standard tagging and filtering philosophy would be helpful here.

    Tagging works, but you need to be diligent and consistent. And remember what tags you used.. Hard to do (I suck at it) in most applications. I don’t believe I’m alone on this.

    I like the idea of having factory presets appear after user presets.

    Perhaps even italicize or otherwise alter the factory font so they’re even easier to pick out.

  • Separate subfolders for User and for Factory, per effect.

    And as long as legacy profile tones are preserved, any new features that sort of deliver for newbies what it is they’ve been programmed from the internet to believe they want or need—if it’s good for business I support it.

    More importantly any evolution that keeps it interesting for you and your team, well so far all of those kinds of developments have resulted in inspiring creative possibilities.

    Thanks for that.

  • So you would prefer a blank Kemper, with no rigs, effect presets, nothing. So you could profile your own amp, with baked in fuzz/of/dist and then build your effects from ground up. Because if you use anyone else’s rigs then your argument is moot

  • So you would prefer a blank Kemper, with no rigs, effect presets, nothing. So you could profile your own amp, with baked in fuzz/of/dist and then build your effects from ground up. Because if you use anyone else’s rigs then your argument is moot

    Yes, exactly a blank Kemper and you have the "OPTION" to buy or to exchange Profiles and Parameter/Presets.
    You only install what you need and thats it.
    If you like to play around with sounds you can always use your Rigmanager.
    But for the hectic everyday life on stage or during studio sessions, it is important to have a fast, simple workflow that changes as little as possible. In the past, you had to decide which amps and which pedals to take with you on tour.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • I think it might be easier even to place the user presets right at the beginning of the list. That way, the factory presets are out of the way, as long as you don‘t need them. And no filters or tagging is required.

    That user folder will not work, that would require that each preset is named so clearly that you know which effect is meant.

    You haven't even managed to do that with the firmware presets.

    As an example Wah Preset "Touch" is available 4 times, or the name "Slow" and "Fast" are available for almost every modulation effect or "Full" for Distorion.

    For me a preset is only a shortcut to parametrize a given effect. Not more not less.

    Well, over the years, I've adapted almost all of the presets (except for the brand new ones) to my own needs. I have this in the RM in my local archive. Sometimes I have several modified / adapted copies of the "standard presets" depending on the amp profile types and purposes for which they are used. I have around 270 user presets, with delay / pitch effects and modulations having the largest amount.

    I only use the supplied presets as a template or pool of ideas and adjust them, after which they are deleted from the Kemper. So far I have always been able to restore them from the delivered preset pack.
    I would prefer to have a switch in the system setting to hide all firmware presets, because i don't use them anyway without modification.

    Be the force with you ;)

    Edited once, last by Yoda Guitar (May 16, 2021 at 9:08 AM).

  • I think it might be easier even to place the user presets right at the beginning of the list. That way, the factory presets are out of the way, as long as you don‘t need them. And no filters or tagging is required.

    the problem with that is that the list could be very long and require scrolling. Context menus aren’t really suitable for long lists as they become more of a hinderance than a help. I would definitely favour the filter option.

  • I think allowance (for any similar device) should always be made for those individuals that maybe are not technically-minded enough to connect their KPA to pc/mac and or the internet. I'm sure there's a few here and more that don't even use this forum who we don't know of. And i think to rely on owners having to connect to pc/mac/internet is shallow and too presumptuous. Luckily, this is not the case for the Kemper- nice for new users to be able to use their KPA straight out of the box without having to connect it to another device.

  • slateboy that is a very good point which we all (myself included) often lose sight of. One of the things I liked about the Toaster from day one was the ease of use on the physical device without the need for a computer or tablet. However, we now have both options but it remains important that improvement for one user group doesn’t detract from the others.

  • hectic everyday life on stage or during studio sessions

    Ok, that shows YOUR work style. It is not mine, and sure it is not the way most KPA users work. When I go to stage or do rehearsing with my band, I almost never touch what I have stored as my performances (and in fact, use only 3 or 4 of them, also I stored more). So for me, it is the best way to try all theses effects I'm interested in makeing a performance at home, and of course with RigManager - and not in a hectic mood...

    Anyway, I think there is no golden path for an implementor of tools to satisfy all their users. Some always will complain or propose other ways. Best Kemper can do is to listen what people say and get an impression how most users use the KPA and want to use it.

  • I’m not fully understanding the impetus for baking settings in to the device. I’ve always appreciated that each Kemper is essentially a custom box. One is filled with Marshall profiles and another is filled with Champs, Supros and Gibsonettes. For many of us, ninety-nine percent of the effect presets would never apply. Therefore the device becomes more toy-like, like Line 6 or Zoom, designed for hobbyists to scroll through aimlessly with zero specific musical intentions. The dials on my vintage Tube Screamer haven’t been touched for years. My (relatively) vintage synths have incredible presets, but with editor apps I removed everything I never use, and customized the order of the presets - user and factory - that I do use. Many people wouldn’t want or need most of what’s in any of those preset lists. It is way way cooler to not be saddled with extra stuff on a device created to facilitate personal approaches to making music. So then it’s like, who is this change really for?

    RM could have a section called “current factory presets” that could each be auditioned individually and installed or ignored. This new baked in direction does seem a bit like abandoning the original KPA ethos.

    If anything, I would have loved a development that made it even easier to pare down these lists to only include what we use, without losing the option to revisit at a later date.


  • Why the aggressive and defensive responses to Yoda? His posts sound angry, but based on actual experience using a device workflow that he committed to years ago that is now being transformed in fundamental ways. You don’t have to agree. But no, many many people bonded with Kemper because using it was the closest reflection of using traditional rigs in the digital domain. In large part because it was the most personal, or most person-izable.

  • we could take the whole game a step further and the KPA could arrive totally empty, no firmware forcing the user to connect online, register, update OS and load in the goodies before it becomes useable (like some phone OS do)

    Certainly having the option to remove unwanted "clutter" is useful. What sells these units, and probably where a lot of us started, is that there is some attractive and useful sounds from the word go. I do like the fact i can manage without RM and did for many years. Ok, so now i have it is is a useful tool. I appreciate different users have different needs. I certainly like to thin out my KPA contents so its easier to use and quicker to boot.

    I'd rather get on with making music than hooking up to a computer. its a curse and distraction that leads me away from playing. in fact its happening right now!!!! Grrr!! aghh!. step away from the compoota now! now going to play some tunes....

  • .

    Ok, that shows YOUR work style. It is not mine, and sure it is not the way most KPA users work. When I go to stage or do rehearsing with my band, I almost never touch what I have stored as my performances (and in fact, use only 3 or 4 of them, also I stored more).

    Seems that you work for your own projects, so you decide what you wanna do...

    But if you work as a session player or working in a big band project you are not the first person, you have a Bandleader,

    a producer or an art director. You come to a rehearsal prepared as much as you can, but you have to deliver requested sound by request, because others are waiting.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • Seems that you work for your own projects, so you decide what you wanna do...

    quite right. I am a simple hobbiest. And now understood your workstyle. In fact, that is what I wanted to emphasize: KPA users are very different, and maybe the old times now have gone with the sheer masses of "consumists" (vs. professionals).


  • FIrst full rehearsal with the latest OS. Everything good except two minor hiccups. The transpose actually carried over to another performance. Very odd. Noticed it immediately. Quick correction in Rig Manager and it has not done it since. Secondly, the Wah stuck twice on a preset within a performance. Once I changed to another performance the issue did not return. Just an update and heads up in case someone is keeping track of issues.

    p.s. Still unsure on the steep buttons. Maybe they are better, maybe not. Time will tell.

  • Interesting reading the different perspectives on presets here with factory vs user etc.

    As a side note, I think it would be helpful if it were made clearer which preset you're actually using within any given effect. For example, if I select the new Fuzz stomp (which is wonderful IMO) and choose the 'Red Germanium' preset.

    Does the unit tell me *anywhere* what preset I'm using? If it does and I'm being silly, please tell me - I'd be delighted :) Unless I'm missing it, I cannot see the preset on the screen of the Kemper unit itself if I select the fx block. I do not see it in the Rig Manager main screen (it just tells me that I have the fuzz enabled). If I go into the preset selection menu, there is not a tick next to the preset I'm currently using. These things would be helpful in my opinion, especially now that a single FX type (such as the new distortion) can be set to emulate several classic fx so it'd be great if it told me when it's in Klon mode vs when it's in King of Tone mode.