Using LOOPER pedal in fx loop

  • Hey guys,

    Is there anybody using looper pedal in fx loop of Kemper?

    I am having trouble with low volume of the recorded loop. Drum machine from the pedal works fine but there is problem with low guitar signal. Is there a way to increase volume of Kemper fx loop?

    Pedal used Boss rc2

    Edited once, last by troglodit616 (May 6, 2021 at 7:17 PM).

  • From the manual:

     FX Loop Level

    “FX Loop Level” controls the outgoing signal level of the hardware effects loop for correct leveling of the external device. This helps to prevent noise or distortion. It is a global parameter and affects Loop Mono as well as Loop Stereo. Loop Distortion is not affected by “FX Loop Level”.

    ✓Increases of SEND output level are compensated for corresponding decreases of RETURN INPUT level and vice versa. Therefore, the level and effect loop mix of the output signal stay unaltered.

    ✓The PROFILER Stage allows for two simultaneous effect loops. In this case, FX Loop Level affects both.

    I don’t have an RC2 and am not familiar with its functionality but it sounds as though your send level may be too low so the signal going onto the RC2 isn’t strong enough for the RV2 output volume to provide sufficient control.

  • so after some research / trial&error troubleshooting, I was able to fix all problems with external looper pedal:

    - volume drop of the loop

    - tone quality loss

    1. Looper pedal pluged in to FX loop of the Kemper. The way you would do with any other amp.

    2. Kemper OUTPUT menu, tab 7 - all AUX IN on 0

    3. Set Loop Mono in the X slot of the effects section ( needs to be done for every profile)

    Enjoy :)

  • To whom it may concern - I did use looper in the fx loop in the past but than realize better way (in case you can use main output):

    - Kemper MAIN OUTPUT to Looper INPUT

    - Looper OUTPUT to Kemper AUX IN

    - MONITOR OUT to amplifier

    I have Stage so as AUX IN I use RETURN 1 & 2. This works perfectly also in stereo. I have Boss RC-10.

  • you do not need to use the FX loop to connect an external looper pedal. Simply assign Master Mono as the output source for the direct output and use the AUX in function to balance the level of the looper signal with the live signal of the Profiler. This setup will allow you to loop the entire signal chain and you do not have to set up a FX loop in every rig.


    vjelen beat me to the punch by a couple of seconds! Using the direct out is only mono but if you use the main output you need to make sure that you do not turn up the aux in level for the main outs because otherwise you will create a feedback loop. This cannot happen when you use the Direct output.

  • Simply assign Master Mono as the output source for the direct output and use the AUX in function to balance the level of the looper signal with the live signal of the Profiler.

    i have tried this but the looped signal is really silent even when Aux in is set on max volume.

    in order to get louder signal I need to crank Direct Output volume on max (any value in between results in quality loss of the tone) however even then the recorded looped signal is hard to work with. Can you share yout exact settings please?

  • the audio level in the Profiler has no influence on the tone. It is probably your external looper that has a n issue dealing with different input levels. The direct out delivers a line level signal in any case no matter if you use it as a send for the effect loop or as a separate master mono output. If your Looper cannot deal with the signal even when you set it to zero dB there might be an issue with the input of the looper.