Performance change

  • Moving from one Slot to another in Performance Mode you normally leave everything behind and load a completely different Rig including the whole signal chain from Input to module REV. Exception: If you lock a module e.g. module B with the LOCK button.

  • It took me a bit to realize the lock thing as most units that run on presets don't operate like this. Performance mode operates different to banks in other devices. The lock feature can be your best friend once you understand it and what it lets you do. I often use the same reverb for everything and I will have the reverb locked and when I adjust one, it adjusts everything in all performance slots. If a room needs a little more or less I can do it instantly instead of having to go to every single preset and change it. When I first started, and had similar problems, someone told me to hold down the lock button to see what is locked and that's when I understood.