Wireless that doesn't affect Kemper tone?

  • I have been using one of these since they hit the market. I have never had an issue with mine. I have also been on stages with other guys that are also running them and we have never had issues with running multiples of them on the same stage. I never play a gig without mine.

    They are definitely made for the road, love mine and have also been on stage with others that use the same model and flawless.

  • I think you had a bad experience. I've not had any dropouts except when I went for a wander in a very big room, full of people and even then I think it was an issue with my KPA as for some reason the output volume was almost zero into the desk ( never found out how this setting changed).

    I ran it for around 10 years with no problems, played very large festivals and toured extensively, it's only since the proliferation of networked equipment and WiFi in venues that it started becoming a problem. There's no strict protocols on 2.4ghz and it's starting to get very messy.

    Edited once, last by Andrew_Ongley (February 19, 2021 at 11:51 AM).

  • I can name loads of pro touring musicians that use a G90 all the time that could afford anything. They must not drop out on them that bad.

    I can name pro-touring Musicians, Tour Managers and Soundguy friends of mine who've all experienced the same thing with Line 6 and Shure GLX systems. Sometimes it causes drop outs on the wireless system, other times it causes the venue WiFi to stop working (which is not an acceptable thing for a Tour Manager).

    I had to dump mine mid tour, every day I would soundcheck >no problems, my tech would line-check at the start of the show>no problems, start the show, all the cameras come out in the audience, the techs start making adjustments on networked equipment, my guitar is dropping out for 5-10 seconds at a time.

    Edited once, last by Andrew_Ongley (February 19, 2021 at 11:54 AM).

  • I can stand behind the Shure GLXD 16 for two years and have never experienced a drop out Sound quality is too notch plus they are built like a tank out of metal.

    I would like that too but I really like having a "bug in the plug". I can change guitars silently just as fast as a cord or faster. I may even pop it in my pocket for a second. My only wish would be that it had easily replaceable rechargeable battery and that it had a rotateable jack with settable tension so it stays flat on a 335 or fits into a strat. When I was using packs, I used the same strap all night that I had the pack secured to. I used Schaller straplocks and could change the strap very quickly. I also did he back pocket thing but usually it ends up on the floor with my guitar unplugged.

  • I would like that too but I really like having a "bug in the plug". I can change guitars silently just as fast as a cord or faster. I may even pop it in my pocket for a second. My only wish would be that it had easily replaceable rechargeable battery and that it had a rotateable jack with settable tension so it stays flat on a 335 or fits into a strat. When I was using packs, I used the same strap all night that I had the pack secured to. I used Schaller straplocks and could change the strap very quickly. I also did he back pocket thing but usually it ends up on the floor with my guitar

    Samson Airline 88 UHF, I don't believe anything else fits your description

  • Samson Airline 88 UHF, I don't believe anything else fits your description

    I looked into those at one time. My friend had one of those years ago. It has a plug very close to what I would call just what I want. however, I would never buy one of those. For me, the ultimate wireless would be similar with Line6/Sure type digital quality. Once you go with one of those plug in bugs, its hard to go back to a pack, it's just ridiculously simple and you treat it just like plugging in a cable but with no pops. IMO there is a big (as in non existent)gap in the market for pro quality digital wireless bug that is low profile in all guitar types. It wouldn't be that hard to design.

    Edited once, last by Dynochrome (February 20, 2021 at 4:19 AM).

  • Any reason you're not keen on UHF? I can't fault it, Ideally I'd rather go a/d straight into the Kemper (the Kemper accepting a wireless digital signal) but at the moment you're going a/d/a/d with a digital wireless, (not that any of us could likely pick the difference) but I don't see an obvious benefit

  • There are only two brands of wireless I would buy after all of my playing years and my years being a sound guy. I buy either Shure or Sennheiser. I use the GLXD on my pedal board. I also have a Sennheiser EW100 that use for the acoustic side of my PRS P22. I run them at the same time. I have had very good luck with both. I haven't really noticed a difference between the digital unit and the analog unit. I have been using wireless units since the 80s. These are the brands I trust. I feel they are worth the extra money. They work well and they are built with the road in mind.

  • I would like that too but I really like having a "bug in the plug". I can change guitars silently just as fast as a cord or faster. I may even pop it in my pocket for a second. My only wish would be that it had easily replaceable rechargeable battery and that it had a rotateable jack with settable tension so it stays flat on a 335 or fits into a strat. When I was using packs, I used the same strap all night that I had the pack secured to. I used Schaller straplocks and could change the strap very quickly. I also did he back pocket thing but usually it ends up on the floor with my guitar unplugged.

    This is why I bought the sennhieser...I switched from the Samson stuff which I loved but very rare and not easy to replace.

    Link below, seems to work reasonably well ( the moveable plug can go a bit floppy)...let me know if you want any more info.


  • I bought a StageClix V4 in 2018 and am very satisfied with it.

    Unlike the competition, this system transmits at 5.8 GHz. I've never had problems with dropouts or poor audio quality. With the 2.4 GHz systems this is already predetermined because you are in the WLAN frequency band. I don't know if this company still exists, but you can still order from Thomann (Germany), but these parts have become a lot more expensive. The original Dutch company was apparently sold to a distributor in the USA.

    Since then it has become relatively quiet.


    Be the force with you ;)

  • I bought a StageClix V4 in 2018 and am very satisfied with it.

    Unlike the competition, this system transmits at 5.8 GHz. I've never had problems with dropouts or poor audio quality. With the 2.4 GHz systems this is already predetermined because you are in the WLAN frequency band. I don't know if this company still exists, but you can still order from Thomann (Germany), but these parts have become a lot more expensive. The original Dutch company was apparently sold to a distributor in the USA.

    Since then it has become relatively quiet.


    Ahh, I looked into this and struggled to find information.

    I was told they had gone out of business and some issue with warranty not being available. otherwise it looked like a great system!

  • Once you go with one of those plug in bugs, its hard to go back to a pack, it's just ridiculously simple and you treat it just like plugging in a cable but with no pops. IMO there is a big (as in non existent)gap in the market for pro quality digital wireless bug that is low profile in all guitar types. It wouldn't be that hard to design.

    YES, YES, YES!

    Been using bugs for about 10 years now, would never go back to cables or use a pack! The Sennheiser is close to what I wanted, just a couple of niggles...

    BTW - anyone that uses wireless with AA batteries....big shout out for AA Li-ion.....they are rare ( only found the brand Kentli that do them) but sooo much better than Ni-cads. They have the performance of alkali batteries i.e. maintain 1.5 volts consistently but fully rechargeable so work brilliantly for digital wireless stuff.

  • YES, YES, YES!

    Been using bugs for about 10 years now, would never go back to cables or use a pack! The Sennheiser is close to what I wanted, just a couple of niggles...

    BTW - anyone that uses wireless with AA batteries....big shout out for AA Li-ion.....they are rare ( only found the brand Kentli that do them) but sooo much better than Ni-cads. They have the performance of alkali batteries i.e. maintain 1.5 volts consistently but fully rechargeable so work brilliantly for digital wireless stuff.

    I didn't even know you could get ni-cads anymore! (can't stand them and haven't used them in years) AA LI-ion batteries are not rare, easily available here and pretty inexpensive in many brands of possibly better/worse quality. I have about 10 of them I rotate in home electronics. If I ever kill my G10, I might move to a system like that. The G10 suffers from a fragile mini usb (or so reported) I put one of those magnetic plugs in so the port doesn't get "wore out". I know people tear them open and put in a different jack or even a little 9V to 5v converter you can buy for like a dollar on Ebay so you can use a regular wall wart.

    I wish the Kemper had that ability. I worry about plugging and unplugging the vital ethernet plug every gig. For home use I bought a male/female dongle so I an leave the plug in the unit but it won't transport like that safely. I like what some do with their rack Kempers where they make a panel. That's almost worth me wanting a rack Kemper for.

    Edited once, last by Dynochrome (February 23, 2021 at 6:05 PM).

  • I didn't even know you could get ni-cads anymore! (can't stand them and haven't used them in years) AA LI-ion batteries are not rare, easily available here and pretty inexpensive in many brands of possibly better/worse quality. I have about 10 of them I rotate in home electronics. If I ever kill my G10, I might move to a system like that. The G10 suffers from a fragile mini usb (or so reported) I put one of those magnetic plugs in so the port doesn't get "wore out". I know people tear them open and put in a different jack or even a little 9V to 5v converter you can buy for like a dollar on Ebay so you can use a regular wall wart.

    I wish the Kemper had that ability. I worry about plugging and unplugging the vital ethernet plug every gig. For home use I bought a male/female dongle so I an leave the plug in the unit but it won't transport like that safely. I like what some do with their rack Kempers where they make a panel. That's almost worth me wanting a rack Kemper for.

    On my power rack I did a patch bay when I first got it for the speaker out, remote and input just so I'm not wearing out those jacks, simple and pretty inexpensive to do as well.

  • I didn't even know you could get ni-cads anymore! (can't stand them and haven't used them in years) AA LI-ion batteries are not rare, easily available here and pretty inexpensive in many brands of possibly better/worse quality. I have about 10 of them I rotate in home electronics. If I ever kill my G10, I might move to a system like that. The G10 suffers from a fragile mini usb (or so reported) I put one of those magnetic plugs in so the port doesn't get "wore out". I know people tear them open and put in a different jack or even a little 9V to 5v converter you can buy for like a dollar on Ebay so you can use a regular wall wart.

    I wish the Kemper had that ability. I worry about plugging and unplugging the vital ethernet plug every gig. For home use I bought a male/female dongle so I an leave the plug in the unit but it won't transport like that safely. I like what some do with their rack Kempers where they make a panel. That's almost worth me wanting a rack Kemper for.

    I do mean rechargeable Li-Ion? Ive looked on ebay and seen they have increased though so maybe way more prolific than I thought :). when I bought them a few years ago they were rare so I'm a bit out of touch. Looks like they do AAA now as well...

    I have a rack and Ive added a panel that has XLR out ( from my mains out), USB and recently just added ethernet. This is all to protect the hardware conncetions and reaching into my rack case.....works really well! I also have my wireless and power conditioner in my power rack.....its the future :)

    I looked at the G10 but kept hearing it wasn't as good as the G30 etc but smart move on the magnetic connector!

  • On my power rack I did a patch bay when I first got it for the speaker out, remote and input just so I'm not wearing out those jacks, simple and pretty inexpensive to do as well.

    That is the way to do it. If the rack had the ring lights I would have done that. There are many of us that went toaster for them. I love the toaster form but in just a tiny way I may have preferred a rack just so I could do what you did. I was thinking about building a head cabinet that had a panel like you mentioned, and I may if I get back to playing loads of gigs.

  • I looked at the G10 but kept hearing it wasn't as good as the G30 etc but smart move on the magnetic connector!

    Not as good of range but sound is perfect. Most importantly it is a "bug" system and I recall the line 6 system that has the plastic packs falling apart easily and coughing your batteries on the ground. I'm sure if I was a big time touring pro I would have something else but for home and most stages it's great but you have to be careful not to shear it off if you set your plugged in les paul down or smack it on top of your 335. AND the whammy bar on your strat whacks it, (for which I remedied with a small M/F extension like the Senheiser but other than that....

  • Not as good of range but sound is perfect. Most importantly it is a "bug" system and I recall the line 6 system that has the plastic packs falling apart easily and coughing your batteries on the ground. I'm sure if I was a big time touring pro I would have something else but for home and most stages it's great but you have to be careful not to shear it off if you set your plugged in les paul down or smack it on top of your 335. AND the whammy bar on your strat whacks it, (for which I remedied with a small M/F extension like the Senheiser but other than that....

    Like you I can't stand the packs....I did consider the G70 or 90 and have multiple packs so i didn't need to swap when swapping guitars but again the bug type is perfect for me.