Is it my ears? last attempt to get a resolve.

  • Firstly if the Kemper sounds good with headphones and active monitors connected direct, it’s not the Kemper.

    Apart from that it really does sound like digital clipping in your interface or daw.

    I wish I could be there to check through things cos otherwise I can’t really help:(

  • Firstly if the Kemper sounds good with headphones and active monitors connected direct, it’s not the Kemper.

    Apart from that it really does sound like digital clipping in your interface or daw.

    I wish I could be there to check through things cos otherwise I can’t really help:(

    That makes sense to me.Im an absolute Noobie to all these terms but "Digital clipping" sounds like what could be happening when i described it as nasty glitch infecting the signal...but its strange because my interface aint clipping when recieving the signal from the kemper as its still in the green

    (Clarret 4pres flash a bad red when clipping) so maybe the signal FROM the interface into my PC and DAW maybe too hot...again though Cubase would indicate clipping and it very new to all this so sorry if i sound mental lol.

  • Adam, your SoundCloud link no longer works. I wanted to listen again with the digital-clipping theory in-mind now that it's been mentioned.

    If you could fix it that'd be handy, mate.


    From what I recall it didn't strike me as being digital clipping 'cause the tails / decay portion of the waveform exhibited the problem. If it were clipping you'd expect the attack / higher-level areas to be worst-affected.

  • Firstly if the Kemper sounds good with headphones and active monitors connected direct, it’s not the Kemper.

    Not necessarily. I've had problem with only one of my main output before. Meanwhile, the headphone, the other main and all other outputs were working fine - I just had to do my gigs in mono until it got repaired.

    Fun fact, I contacted support and sent it over, then picked it back up at their Recklinghausen office during 2 dates of a Europe tour (coincidentally) a couple of days later. They had apparently changed the board inside, unbelievable customer support! Hang on brother!

  • AdamMassacre1981 There are other threads about the Scarlett having issues with SPDIF. One thing you should check is that if you have the latest drivers.

    If that fails, try uninstalling the Scarlett and then reinstalling it.

    Good luck!

  • Adam, your SoundCloud link no longer works. I wanted to listen again with the digital-clipping theory in-mind now that it's been mentioned.

    If you could fix it that'd be handy, mate.


    From what I recall it didn't strike me as being digital clipping 'cause the tails / decay portion of the waveform exhibited the problem. If it were clipping you'd expect the attack / higher-level areas to be worst-affected.

    Ah! yeah i was freeing up some space on my soundcloud i will re-upload them again matey.

  • AdamMassacre1981 There are other threads about the Scarlett having issues with SPDIF. One thing you should check is that if you have the latest drivers.

    If that fails, try uninstalling the Scarlett and then reinstalling it.

    Good luck!

    I have uninstalled and re-installed it so many times using the current drivers and older drivers and different USB ports and USB cables...things were getting desperate lol.I have just recently went back to SPDIF believing the problem may have been the cables i was using .Before going back to SPDIF i was using a TS cable from guitar into front input then TRS cable from main out left direct into Interface also tried TS cable from main out to interface using LINE and INSTRUMENT on the interface but no difference...pretty grim huh? ;)

  • Not necessarily. I've had problem with only one of my main output before. Meanwhile, the headphone, the other main and all other outputs were working fine - I just had to do my gigs in mono until it got repaired.

    Fun fact, I contacted support and sent it over, then picked it back up at their Recklinghausen office during 2 dates of a Europe tour (coincidentally) a couple of days later. They had apparently changed the board inside, unbelievable customer support! Hang on brother!

    Thanks man! i needed that positivity boost.

  • Adam, your SoundCloud link no longer works. I wanted to listen again with the digital-clipping theory in-mind now that it's been mentioned.

    If you could fix it that'd be handy, mate.


    From what I recall it didn't strike me as being digital clipping 'cause the tails / decay portion of the waveform exhibited the problem. If it were clipping you'd expect the attack / higher-level areas to be worst-affected.

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    There ya go bro!

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    Just re-uploaded the sample to show you the problem frequency glitch's (Dont know what else to call them) im having.They are pretty clear in this little clip. I have purposly used different profiles from completely different commercial companys and as you can hear its still there.

    I cant explain it or figure it out.

  • its the whole playbacked recording.If you have a listen to the audio example theres clearly a glitch/bad frequency smothering the sound i cant explain it in any other way than bad interference in the signal/recording.

    There is something bad and unwanted hitching a ride on my frequency.

    Im becoming convinced its somewhere between the interface and DAW buy tbh im not realy sure anymore as its getting to the point of giving up.

  • IMHO it'd be helpful if you could upload some power-chord sustains and chugging, Adam.

    That way we might be able to hear more of what's going on 'cause the sustained single note only reveals a terrible attack sound... IMHO.

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    Just literally threw this together...and im confused it dont sad too bad lol...somebody must be playing mind games with me because i aint changed any settings at all lol.This was recorded using SPDIF

    EDIT!! Sorry the first link was saved as a private link on my soundcloud and the forum didnt recognise it or something so here is the public link

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  • Thank you, Adam.

    Indeed, it's not as bad as I would've thought based on the single-note clip.

    IMHO you're using too much gain, FWIMBW. If that was used in a mix it'd get buried easily. In order to achieve cut-though you'd want to dial that gain back about a quarter turn I reckon. This would enable dynamics to shine through a little, reduce the over-compressed nature of the sound and allow the attack to be perceived more-easily in the mix.

    If you're cranking the gain this way for all your high-gain-Rig noodling, I suspect that might be part of the problem. High-gain doesn't necessarily mean dialled to "9" or "10". Try raising it to the point that adding more doesn't seem to do a lot to the perceived distortion level and leave it there or back off from that point a little. Dialling it up from that point onwards will only start to squash the signal, remove dynamics, suppress the attack and lose impact overall... IMHO.

    Let's see how you go mate.

  • Thank you, Adam.

    Indeed, it's not as bad as I would've thought based on the single-note clip.

    IMHO you're using too much gain, FWIMBW. If that was used in a mix it'd get buried easily. In order to achieve cut-though you'd want to dial that gain back about a quarter turn I reckon. This would enable dynamics to shine through a little, reduce the over-compressed nature of the sound and allow the attack to be perceived more-easily in the mix.

    If you're cranking the gain this way for all your high-gain-Rig noodling, I suspect that might be part of the problem. High-gain doesn't necessarily mean dialled to "9" or "10". Try raising it to the point that adding more doesn't seem to do a lot to the perceived distortion level and leave it there or back off from that point a little. Dialling it up from that point onwards will only start to squash the signal, remove dynamics, suppress the attack and lose impact overall... IMHO.

    Let's see how you go mate.

    Yeah in a recording situation i would dial back the distortion quite a bit usualy around the 2 oclock spot there is a nice sweet spot around there for me especialy when double tracking rhythms and i would cut out the low end just to the point where it disapears then dial a touch of it back in so to let the bass fill that frequency range also scooping a little midd so the snare doesnt get bogged down...pretty standard stuff.

    I have a couple of days off work so im gonna knuckle down and record something and see what happens hopefully get inspired with my kemper again :D

    Thanks again for your support and putting up with my moaning lol \m/

  • ...also know that there are 2 types of sounds.

    One is what sounds great to you when you're playing alone, without any other instruments. This is usually a scooped sound that would disappear in a mix.

    The other is the recording tone, which helps you stand out in the mix. This is usually the opposite of the scooped, where the mids are pushed.

  • To be honest, I don’t really get the problem here. Sure, a lot of distortion happening so it comes at no surprise that there is a harsh pick attack. I canˋt here any digital clipping effects.

    If you go back to the older recorded sample where im playing single notes its clearly something odd going on that i could never figure out what was happening...still cant lol the latest recorded sample i changed nothing except i used my other newer more pro setup guitar also i went back to SPDIF and it seems to have fixed itself or at least not sound as bad and again i have no answers for this...flippin voodoo magic man! lol my plan is to go back to the source and thats my actual guitar. Im pretty certain one of my older guitars is to blame for this she badly needs a makeover certainly a re-fret as im now thinking that is the main source of the noise maybe the string vibrating against said worn fret bars is creating that pwing zoowie fizz Pew Pew effect and could be the culprit and when distorted it only makes it THAT much more audible. After exhausting EVERY other possibility im now at this point of the process of elimination.

    Fingers crossed!