Kemper needs to update

  • No one said the profiling process is terrible. Some users have simply noted there are, at times, notable discrepancies between a profile and reference amp.

    I understand you have no use for certain features; however, preferences often differ, thus the feature set of amp modelers is generally designed to accommodate the widest possible range of preferences.

    Hence my statement " just my view"................

  • Okay, but when you're trying different ideas, double-tracking takes a lot longer than testing stuff in real-time. Plus, some people don't play live or record. They're just hobbyists.

    Well, banjos don't hold any particular interest for me, either, but they do for somebody, and that's why they make them.

    Well, less isn't necessarily better either. "Better" is entirely subjective.

    The ability to use two or more amps and cabs simultaneously is pretty standard in a lot of modelers.

    Im also a hobbyist - I play for fun, but you are aright there are multiple use cases. The benefit of this unit is its for Live and studio so we should consider both. Myu point was its less useful for studio.

    We are describbing what is useful for us. Like you I don;t play the banjo so its not of interest. Doesnt make my opinion less valid than anyone elses.

    Conversely Im actually suggestinmg that KPA2 should have multi amp capability as many people want it. I personally don't.

    My point is just becuase its standard doesn;t make it needed. I guess you have to chase fuinctionality to stay relevent, I am just questioning its real use as there are numerous ways to solve problems.

  • You're entitled to your opinion, but no one claimed the profiling process is terrible. Further, do you think modeling companies design modelers specifically with your needs in mind? If no, then what does your view have to do with it?

    If my view doesn;t count then niether yours. If our opions don't matter then this is a pointless conversation anyway.

    However Kemepr seem to listen to their users and I will provide my opinion even if you disagree ( which you are of course free to do).

    Terrible profiling - I was making a slightly sarcastic point that we seem to have gone from the profiling proces is industry leading in reproduicing the sound of an amp to it having many flaws. Now you and other will say this has been said before but having been on this forum for 6+ years ( as I suspect you have) I just haven't seen this level of complaint.

    Persoanlly I don;t care about profiling accuracy, I care about good sound with minimal fuss. Im not dissing any other product and happy if this pushes Kemper to resolve any issues but my personal view ( which I will express but you don;t have to agree with) is its disproportinate.

  • The benefit of this unit is its for Live and studio so we should consider both. My point was its less useful for studio.

    This forum is littered with posts from people who've requested the ability to use dual profiles, and for a variety of reasons. Whether you personally find the function less useful in a studio environment is a matter of opinion. You're entitled to think whatever you like, but a lot of people want it.

    Like you I don;t play the banjo so its not of interest. Doesnt make my opinion less valid than anyone elses.

    No one suggested you not liking something makes your opinion less valid.

    My point is just because it's standard doesn't make it needed. I guess you have to chase functionality to stay relevant, I am just questioning its real use as there are numerous ways to solve problems.

    The features that are standard on most modelers are generally standard because people want them. When the Rig Editor was released, was Kemper chasing functionality in order to stay relevant? I suspect it's because Kemper actually listened to what its customers wanted.

    Edited once, last by ColdFrixion (February 10, 2021 at 8:23 PM).

  • If my view doesn;t count then niether yours. If our opions don't matter then this is a pointless conversation anyway.

    Who said your opinion doesn't matter?

    However Kemepr seem to listen to their users and I will provide my opinion even if you disagree ( which you are of course free to do).

    What, specifically, have I said that you don't agree with?

    Terrible profiling - I was making a slightly sarcastic point that we seem to have gone from the profiling proces is industry leading in reproduicing the sound of an amp to it having many flaws. Now you and other will say this has been said before but having been on this forum for 6+ years ( as I suspect you have) I just haven't seen this level of complaint.

    There have been numerous threads on this forum that discussed the discrepancies of the profiling process in-depth, with audio samples and comparisons, many of which I was involved in. In fact, there have been numerous requests for Kemper to revise the profiling process due to the inconsistencies heard by many users over the years. No one in those discussions ever suggested that the profiling was terrible; however, comments about profiling accuracy are nothing new at all.

    Persoanlly I don;t care about profiling accuracy, I care about good sound with minimal fuss. Im not dissing any other product and happy if this pushes Kemper to resolve any issues but my personal view ( which I will express but you don;t have to agree with) is its disproportinate.

    You may not, but Christoph Kemper definitely cares about profiling accuracy.

  • I have head some silly stuff over the years, but this right here is beyond my understanding,,,,,,like asking Leo to change the design of the telecaster,,,,,why?? well,,,,, because its, been around a while,,,wow!

    Leo was insistent against having a truss rod, he figured a solid maple neck would be fine on it's own, until a guitarist suggested it needed one

  • Who said your opinion doesn't matter?

    What, specifically, have I said that you don't agree with?

    There have been numerous threads on this forum that discussed the discrepancies of the profiling process in-depth, with audio samples and comparisons, many of which I was involved in. In fact, there have been numerous requests for Kemper to revise the profiling process due to the inconsistencies heard by many users over the years. No one in those discussions ever suggested that the profiling was terrible; however, comments about profiling accuracy are nothing new at all.

    You may not, but Christoph Kemper definitely cares about profiling accuracy.


    Glad you have the time to tear apart every sentence. I don't.

    I don;t agree with many things you have said but can't be bother to list them - the most notable one is the proliferation or lack of it of complaints about profiling accruacy on this forum. Never said they didn;t exsit, only said they weren't a main topic of discussion. , I'm ( and only ever have been) stating my experience.

    Debates like this are pointless over social media so I'll stop now.