No, WE don't need a kemper2

  • And this!!! is what I am talking about..

    Yes. And I am not calling you names for that. I am talking about, yes, "WE" need a Kemper II so bad - in a "No, WE don't need a Kemper II" thread. If you want to complain for me having chosen the wrong quote for that, go ahead.

    I showed that with my U2 example above - and if I am missing something I honestly invite everybody from the "no"-fraction to show me how they would recreate every the Edge sound with only this Kemper generation and what I am missing after all that time.

    I don't need any kind of synth for now but guess what. Yes, a Kemper II should also have a synrh, imo like everything else. And it should also have all those midi issues resolved that the current Kemper generation does not seem to be able to cope with after thousands of freezing screens I've had because of that existing damn midi problem in this generation. Yes, "WE" need better and newer technology. But for now "WE" will persevere with this generation which does the two things that it does extremely well.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • No, I didn't. Lush and ambient guitar tones aren't synonymous with synthesizers.

    Not sure why you think "lush and ambient" is synonymous with synthesizers. It's not. There are plenty of lush and ambient guitar tones that sound nothing like a synthesizer, nor could they be duplicated with one.

    I think synths can reproduce any kind of sound.Much better than a guitar ever could.Speciallynwhen it comes to "ambient,orchestral" etc kind of stuff.

    Dont get me wrong.I also like atmospheric guitar sounds.I just hate recording them.And even more trying to get along with them during live gigs.

  • in the end..what I want to say is that I believe that soon technologically we as guitar players could do things we could not do in the past.We should be able in the very near future to expand our limits beyond the "usual pop/rock guitar" kind of sounds.

    A possible kpa2 should help with this.Imho.Thats all.

  • This is a good point. The Edge actually uses the Axe FX in his rig. Listening to his tone, it's obvious that complex routing of delays and verbs is integral to the soundscapes he creates.

    So, yes, that could indeed be a good reason for someone to want a Kemper II, in my opinion.

    It does bear noting however that the Edge doesn't just rely on any one device for anything. Please look at this link:…wn-u2s-the-edge

    And look at this picture:

    So, on the flip side, all this talk about recreating a world famous guitarist's sound on even the Axe FX III doesn't seem realistic either, as much as some people believe.

    Granted, all of us want to have everything in one box because we want the most bang for our buck.

    Still, it is one thing to wish for something, but I always believe it is better to be pragmatic about what is actually possible and feasible.

    In that regard, maybe it would actually be more prudent to invest in a Kemper and an Axe FX, or multiple Kempers or multiple Axe FXs if one is chasing this kind of sound, rather than hounding the manufacturer and asking for some new device that most of us could ill afford.

    Because let's be honest: most of us couldn't even justify owning a Kemper and an Axe FX at the same time. And most of us don't need to. I'm pretty sure that people are covering U2 in their bands with the Kemper and the audiences are loving it.

  • I think synths can reproduce any kind of sound.

    They're great at creating certain types of sounds, and not so great at emulating others. I've never heard a convincing clean guitar emulation created with a synthesizer. Even sample-based emulations generally fall short. A synthesizer can't reproduce the lush, ambient tones I've personally created in the Axe-Fx.

    Specially, when it comes to "ambient orchestral" etc kind of stuff.

    Are you referring to a sampler?

  • I'm pretty sure that people are covering U2 in their bands with the Kemper and the audiences are loving it.

    As I said. I play in a U2 tribute band. At least I, myself like my sound. I don't think in 2021 you need Edges stuff to sound like Edge. On my U2 board all there is, is a Kemper stage and an HX Stomp because I wanted to reduce gear madness into one small box for gigging.The current Kemper has midi issues and other weaknesses that an even smaller and lighter all in one one Kemper II could resolve. Do we "need" it? I, personally want it.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • Define synths. there is like the mini moog. But really you mean synths using samples, no?

    Good question.

    I don't know what is possible today.I would like to use samples.Just loading samples and being able to play them through the modeler.That would be exciting.Ofcourse it would be also very interesting to have a real synth module like the moog.That would be hot..

    Again I don't know what is possible today or what will be possible in the near future.Maybe some day in the very near future we will hear some opinions on these matters from guys like @CK.

    In any case trying new stuff like this for guitar..I mean strings offer a completely different feel than any midi keyboard could.Vibratos, is something we don't have yet.

  • As I said. I play in a U2 tribute band. At least I, myself like my sound. I don't think in 2021 you need Edges stuff to sound like Edge. On my U2 board all there is, is a Kemper stage and an HX Stomp because I wanted to reduce gear madness into one small box for gigging.The current Kemper has midi issues and other weaknesses that an even smaller and lighter all in one one Kemper II could resolve. Do we "need" it? I, personally want it.

    Why? Do you think Edge is dumb and doesn't need that stuff really but just wants wants it? I thought we were arguing about authenticity. Plenty of guys playing U2 on the Kemper and they like their sound too, don't you know?

    I mean, If you already have Edge's sound, I really don't understand what you are complaining about, to be honest. I mean, do you go on Line 6's site and holler away for them to come out with a better sound engine?

    It seems that your only grievance is that you have to carry two devices instead of one. Poor Edge with his refrigerators full of FX. What a tool.

    Seriously, while I think that a Kemper II is only a matter of time, I'd be more than happy if the company focuses on the bugs you raised and also adds promised features like "aliases" that allow sweeping changes across patches by tweaking a preset.

  • I mean, If you already have Edge's sound, I really don't understand what you are complaining about, to be honhonest.


    I am not complaining, I am saying that I, personally, want a Kemper II. Why? Because ...

    1. yes, I am sick of carrying heavy stuff while "poor Edge", as you call him, has plenty of roadies who carry his refrigerators fir him and

    2. I "need" a new all in one unit with much more routing and fx chain possibilities, better drives and simulations (therefore the HX Stomp) etc. in order to better recreate Edge sounds as I have them in my head and as I hear them.

    Clear now?

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • I am not complaining, I am saying that I, personally, want a Kemper II. Why? Because ...

    1. yes, I am sick of carrying heavy stuff while "poor Edge", as you call him, has plenty of roadies who carry his refrigerators fir him and

    2. I "need" a new all in one unit with much more routing and fx chain possibilities, better drives and simulations (therefore the HX Stomp) etc. in order to better recreate Edge sounds as I have them in my head and as I hear them.

    Clear now?

    Yes, I understand that, but your reason just seems to be the first one you listed, which actually is the same reason as number two (i.e. "heavy stuff" and "all-in-one"), and that is kind of hilarious.

    I mean, here you are, you have good gear, you like your tone, I imagine audiences like it too, but you basically want an all-in-one unit so that you can reduce what you're carrying.

    Some people might call that first world problems, but I see a disease that I once had really bad and have been trying to combat for years now, with some modicum of success.

    The disease is called G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome). You already have a great setup, yet here you are whinging for a company to put out a new product that basically does what your existing gear does (in two separate pieces).

    I literally have wasted a lot of money buying, selling, trading... Each time I would convince myself that the gear is good, but if I could just get something an itty-bitty bit better, all my problems would go away.

    There's a term for expending precious and finite resources in pursuit of negligible gains. "The law of diminishing returns".

    In that sense, if you are happy with your tone, I just don't understand what you are going on about like you want Kemper Amps to abandon further development of the current model. And that is just the bottom line of my argument and why I was being sarcastic.

    Coincidentally, I saw a cartoon about heavy gear loads today, you might be able to relate. I got a laugh out of it.

    Basically, Sir, you don't know how good you have it.

  • The disease is called G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome).

    Reducing the weight of a rig you have to carry around and wanting to more closely replicate the sound of a given guitarist's tone because you're in a tribute band are practical reasons for wanting to upgrade.

    You already have a great setup, yet here you are whinging for a company to put out a new product that basically does what your existing gear does (in two separate pieces).

    He mentioned he wanted to reproduce The Edge's tone more faithfully, so it goes without saying he expects a new product to do something his existing gear doesn't.

    By the way, what's wrong with G.A.S.?

  • Reducing the weight of a rig you have to carry around and wanting to more closely replicate the sound of a given guitarist's tone because you're in a tribute band are practical reasons for wanting to upgrade.

    He mentioned he wanted to reproduce The Edge's tone more faithfully, so it goes without saying he expects a new product to do something his existing gear doesn't.

    By the way, what's wrong with G.A.S.?

    What's wrong with GAS? The belief that by upgrading your gear or acquiring more, you are going to suddenly metamorphose into some kind of super-musician and that everyone will love what you've done with yourself.

    I know GAS. The feeling of euphoria and contentment. Then you play for a few days really hard, like you did when you picked up the guitar. And then the uplifting feeling disappears, like all happiness temporary, and then you are back to wondering, "what if I tweak this? Different IR? Different decay rate? Maybe that new modeller signed off on by The Edge will help?"

    Again, what's wrong with GAS? It makes you look for issues where there are none, it destroys finances and ruins marriages.

    Listen to the tone on old records. Look into the zaniest effects you've ever heard on a commercially successful album or by a band. When were they created? What gear was used?

    Equally, why did it have that impact on you? Was it just the effect, or the way it was used in the context of the song.

    We could ask ourselves, will my band win more fans by making the FX exactly like The Edge? Or if I have a signature guitar? Or an Edge beanie cap and clothes like Edge? Maybe.

    Or will I win fans if I refine my chops to the point where I am playing like The Edge and people cannot tell whether my tribute band is actually U2 in disguise (the beanie will help)?

    Alienator said he wants to get more accurate FX? Tweak some more, man. He also said he was happy with his sounds, and that would suggest he's going in the right direction. He said existing gear in 2021 would get him there too. Keep tweaking till you have gone through all the possible possibilities, it may take a while.

    In that sense, the Kemper model has been a lesson in what I would look for from any company. Seven years in now, and every now and then they give me a new effect or feature. I love it, I've never seen any company do so much for existing users for free. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

  • nightlight:

    Dude. I said I do not complain and you keep asking why I complain, what's wrong? Being happy does not mean you can't do better and better, right? Technology keeps getting better. Even our goddammn ears and taste changes each day. Don't try to explain me.

    "Tweak a little more"? Huh? Are you serious. Anyways... Good night.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • what's wrong with GAS? It makes you look for issues where there are none

    Sometimes. And sometimes the gear you're using simply isn't adequate to create the tones you want. You might also crave more flexibility and/or features because it can improve efficiency and workflow. It did in my case.

    it destroys finances and ruins marriages.

    Not if you're single and have the money. Every situation's different. It's not G.A.S. that ruins finances. It's a lack of personal responsibility.

    Listen to the tone on old records. Look into the zaniest effects you've ever heard on a commercially successful album or by a band. When were they created? What gear was used?

    In my case, it's not so much a matter of when but where and with what gear.

    Equally, why did it have that impact on you? Was it just the effect, or the way it was used in the context of the song.

    Some of the tones on albums I held in high regard during my youth seem lacking now. I look back at some of the stuff I recorded 10 years ago that I thought sounded great and think it sounds like shit compared to the stuff I'm recording now. Of course, some of that has to do with recording and mixing technique, but some of it also has to do with gear.

    He said he wants to get more accurate FX?

    He mentioned more routing and FX chain possibilities, along with better drives and simulations.

    Edited 3 times, last by ColdFrixion (March 6, 2021 at 9:15 PM).

  • This debate is similar to the vst debates. I want better VST's I want more realistic VST's, more realistic string library etc. So does it matter if you can't make a good song with what you have? Guitarists should worry more about being a good guitarist, creating better, or more inspiring riffs, nail that cover song etc than worry too much about the tone. The same is true in the VST world. I mean listen to the cheesy synth sound on Led Zeppelins All my love. It works becuase it's a great song. A great song is always most important. The guitar tone doesn't matter so much as guitarists like to believe.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • Would like to bring in another view.

    Listened to several (Live) Recordings of my sold rigs. Two examples of my gear used:

    (1) SansAmp PSA1 + Rocktron Velocity + Hughes&Kettner 4x12 (Rockdriver = V30)

    (2) JMP1 (modded by Tonehunter) + TC G-Force + Kammer TPA301 + Tonehunter 2x12 with EH EVM12L

    Well guess what: They all sounded the same once I dialed in the sound to my taste. My prophesy is that it does not really matter what gear one uses. Pretty sure you end up with the same sounds again. So in that case choose the toy to your taste. And for sure anyone posting in the Kemper Forum is a Kemper lover... and sooner or later back.

    Instead of having a KPA2 I would rather be happy if Kemper could make the perfect PU and bring in further tonal flexibility to the Kemper.

    Why that? It seems that my current PUs (though great passive Harry Häussel ones) do change any profile too much. Not that I am unsatisfied but this piece of upstream gear they should consider as a perfect match with the Kemper. And I am sure they would do it different than others but definitely perfect.

    Last statement in this thread: Chase your tones in peace.