Preset Name Displayed on Stage device when Editing Effects

  • Hey guys & gals.

    Here is my issue:

    I have created a number of Presets saved under Vintage Chorus.

    So let's say I like the Chorus Preset that I'm using on "Rig 1" but I have forgotten which Preset it is and would like to try it out on various other Rigs.

    But when I open it up (edit) to see which Preset is being used, all that is displayed is Vintage Chorus. It does not display the name I have given to the Preset.

    I realize I may (or may not) be able to copy/past the Preset, but it would still be very helpful to know what I'm copying/pasting.

    In short, it would be extremely helpful if the Preset Name was displayed when you open up a Stomp/Effect so you know exactly what it is.

    If there is a way to make this happen already, please advise.


  • Hi Troy,

    Are you talking about using Rig Manager? If so, I agree - once you load a Preset, you can no longer see its name in Rig Manager.

    Edit - I subsequently found, the name of the Preset persists only while you are editing a Rig (or if you Store the Rig but do not reload it.) If you load something else and come back to the first Rig, the name of the Preset is not displayed.

    However, you can see the name of your Preset on your Profiler* when you press and hold the Stomp or Effect button.

    Does that work for you?

    * Kemper Profiler (Toaster) - I'm checking if this also works on my Stage.

    EDIT - It works on my Stage the same way.

    When I open a Rig, press and hold the stomp or effect button, if I used a Preset - its name is displayed.

    Kemper Profiling Amplifier (unpowered) [2014], Remote [2016], Stage [2020], PowerRack, Remote & Kab[2021]
    Twitter | LinkedIn | My Blog | My Kemper Notes

    Edited 2 times, last by ST (January 26, 2021 at 9:14 PM).

  • Hey ST.

    Yeah I'm referring to the display on the Stage itself, not RM.

    Maybe I have something set wrong?

    This is what I'm seeing:

    These are each different rigs to show that it is a global issue and not rig specific. But both chorus presets are named Troy$.

    As you can see, the only name displayed is the Type of chorus (Vintage) that the Preset is saved under.

    This is the case with all presets that I have made and saved. Maybe I have done something wrong during the "save" process?

    Edited once, last by Twilt1973 (January 26, 2021 at 5:30 PM).

  • When you load a preset you're just setting the values that preset defines. There is no name associated to the values once loaded in your profiler. And with the Kemper design for presets that name could not logically be persisted.

    Think of it this way - if you used presets to build a rig, then post that rig on the Rig Exchange, there would be no way to know if anyone else who might download it has the same preset. Or worse yet, suppose they had the same preset name but had altered their copy to be different. Or even in your own case - suppose you load a preset then make changes in your rig to the values the preset had entered. That means it would no longer be the same preset. So what would the Rig now show?

  • Hi Troy.

    EDIT - I stand corrected.

    The name of the Preset used does not get stored with the Rig. It only stores the settings.

    It looked like it did and I got some interesting pictures, but I couldn't get it to survive through multiple re-loads of a Rig.

    Sorry about that.

  • When you load a preset you're just setting the values that preset defines. There is no name associated to the values once loaded in your profiler. And with the Kemper design for presets that name could not logically be persisted.

    Think of it this way - if you used presets to build a rig, then post that rig on the Rig Exchange, there would be no way to know if anyone else who might download it has the same preset. Or worse yet, suppose they had the same preset name but had altered their copy to be different. Or even in your own case - suppose you load a preset then make changes in your rig to the values the preset had entered. That means it would no longer be the same preset. So what would the Rig now show?

    On the left (darker shade) side of the screen, it would still display the Type of effect in the slot (Vintage Chorus, in this case). So the end user would still know which Type of chorus is being used for the preset. Then the preset name would be displayed on the right (clear) side of the screen.

    So no, that doesn't make sense to me in that regard.

    However, I do see your point point of potential conflict with identical preset names. But I think there could be a work around there as well.

    Such as a flag warning "duplicate preset name, do you want to replace/rename". Or better yet, in that instance, the preset name would be negated altogether and only the Type (again, Vintage Chorus, in this case) would be noted.

    I can't see this as being any more of an issue than having duplicate rig names.

    Granted, I'm not a software writer nor engineer so all of this may be more hassle than what it's worth.

    But in the end, I still find it puzzling (and problematic) to not know which preset is being used on a particular rig.

    Hi Troy.

    EDIT - I stand corrected.

    The name of the Preset used does not get stored with the Rig. It only stores the settings.

    It looked like it did and I got some interesting pictures, but I couldn't get it to survive through multiple re-loads of a Rig.

    Sorry about that.

    Exactly. Yeah, it stays visible while you remain on the same rig, but as soon as you open up a different rig, there is seemingly know way to know what preset is being used. That is problematic.