Kemper noise problem

  • Hi there.

    Recently, I have this weird "signal" type little noise in my Kemper and dont know why. It is consistently there, been there like 2 to 3 weeks long..

    I thought of a powering problem, but the noise gets into the recordings also. (Attached the file for diagnosis.)

    As an example for the volume ratio of the noise; Lets say if my guitar sound is 10 - the noise level is 2.

    My checklist is;

    - Its not about the guitars or pickup issue, not a powering issue, the XLR connection or bad cable, not about the UAD Apollo Twin sound card either (double checked it with headphones input of Kemper itself)

    - My Kemper toaster is "stable" on a desk at my studio. So no harm done physically that can cause a malfunction etc.

    I thought maybe some of you had the same issue and may have a solution for me.

    (Sorry for uploading it as a Zip, the site didn`t let me upload the mp3 itself.)

    Cheers !


  • That sounds like electronic interference; like from a fluorescent bulb,lamp, TV or Radio plugged into the same circuit as the Kemper is plugged into. I would use a long extension cord and start plugging the Profiler into other outlets around your home, and also start turning off the lights and TV's in the house to see if it goes away.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

    Edited once, last by BayouTexan (January 23, 2021 at 8:21 PM).

  • That sounds like electronic interference; like from a fluorescent bulb,lamp, TV or Radio plugged into the same circuit as the Kemper is plugged into. I would use a long extension cord and start plugging the Profiler into other outlets around you home, and also start turning off the lights and TV's in the house to see if it goes away.

    You could also just try getting a power conditioner

  • Hi, cem.

    Welcome! Check out the links at the bottom of this post.

    You've done some great troubleshooting diagnostics. Thanks for the audio file.

    Let's eliminate the possibility there's a problem in your environment. Can you take your Profiler and headphones to a different location? If so, does the sound follow you there too?



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    Kemper Profiling Amplifier (unpowered) [2014], Remote [2016], Stage [2020], PowerRack, Remote & Kab[2021]
    Twitter | LinkedIn | My Blog | My Kemper Notes

    Edited once, last by ST (January 24, 2021 at 12:35 AM).

  • Couple of things from me:

    LED lights create a lot of electrical interference so defienatly check those.

    Not all power conditioners are equal and solve the problem, hence why finding the source would be better first

  • Do you have any sort of Modems, Routers, TV's, PC's/Laptops in close proximity to your Kemper and/or speakers/monitors?

    I have experience noise when i set my laptop right beside the Kemper. I have to keep it at least a couple of feet away to be "interference free". Same thing if Kemper is too close to the TV while the TV us on.

    Hell, I even get interference if my phone is near my monitors.

  • Does it do it with nothing plugged into the input jack? Did you find a solution to this?

  • Horrid noise after update 8.10.7. No guitar signal comes through and same sound across all Kemper patches with guitar plugged in or not . Please help. Forum won’t allow video. Like a test tone , not ground hum . 25 years as an electrician measured the receptacle all fine .

  • Horrid noise after update 8.10.7. No guitar signal comes through and same sound across all Kemper patches with guitar plugged in or not . Please help. Forum won’t allow video. Like a test tone , not ground hum . 25 years as an electrician measured the receptacle all fine .

    You could simply post on youtube or soundcloud or even google docs and post the link here. Have you contacted Kemper Support for advice?

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Kemper has been very responsive so far . I was able to call Germany and get referred to Kemper USA in Colorado. Got a trouble ticket and shipping label same day I called about the issue. Found out my used Kemper was still under warranty and they are honoring the warranty. At this point ,Kemper has received my shipment in Colorado and I assume I’m in line for repairs. I’ve only had it for a week but what a week! Things is the bee’s knee’s! Right through the PA. Amazingly good. So nice to be excited about gear again. Time will tell if they can complete a repair and return shipment.

  • Kemper has been very responsive so far . I was able to call Germany and get referred to Kemper USA in Colorado. Got a trouble ticket and shipping label same day I called about the issue. Found out my used Kemper was still under warranty and they are honoring the warranty. At this point ,Kemper has received my shipment in Colorado and I assume I’m in line for repairs. I’ve only had it for a week but what a week! Things is the bee’s knee’s! Right through the PA. Amazingly good. So nice to be excited about gear again. Time will tell if they can complete a repair and return shipment.

    My experience with support has been excellent so I hope you get the same experience.