global control that switches all millisecond-indicators to bpm

  • pleeeeeeeease add a global control that switches all millisecond-indicators to bpm where it makes sense.


    I want to sync th following things to bpm (not milliseconds or whatever and not only delays)

    (not via midi, that´s cool too, but just via knob in the fx)

    tremolo speed

    slicer speed (in the future :))

    Chorus Speed

    things with speed or duration or fade or whatever has ms


    reverb duration (I´ve forgot the term ;() (so if I put 130bpm the duration would be 1/1 in an 130bpm song)

    and so on. Wherever I may roam. Some interesting syncing ideas.

    Yeeees, I know I surely could midi sync things. But guess, I often play on playbacks or clicks live but really nobody on stage else uses midi. Just all are synced via click via inear. But I know the BPM of every song. Until now I tap things in.

    add an option for duration if 130bpm means lenght of 1/1 or 1/2 or whatever.

    130 bpm are an example

    love ya guys :*

    Edited once, last by Tandrin (January 7, 2021 at 5:52 PM).

  • ahhh. Didn´t realize that I can lock Tempo (not my question but nice!)

    Now I´m sitting in front of the kemper. OK. I can adjust BPM per Rig-Button without tapping or midi and can lock it. Cool. Didn´t realize that.

    Now to my real wish (I hadn´t the kemper in front of me as I posted that, so I may hadn´t the righ word "rate")

    Things that can be timed to BPM (example 1/4 or 1/32trip and so on) (named "rate")


    Phaser Vibe


    Things that cannot synced by bpm (but have a speedsetting speed also named "rate")




    Phaser One Way

    of all these, a synced vibrato and a synced chorus by bpm would be a nice addition.

    Not a life changer. But I always asked myself. And within my daw I use synced chorus and stuff much.

  • I think the problem with linking Chorus to BPM is that most of the Chorus are currently designed to mimic specific classic Chorus effects which either have a fixed or no sweep (Air Chorus, Hyper Chorus Micro Chorus) while the Classic Chorus has a relatively narrow speed that doesn't give much scope for BPM applications anyway.