How do you do simple browsing with the remote

  • How do I browse through the Rigs one at a time using the Remote? Right now I just want to advance to the next rig since I have a lot of rigs to check out. Assumed the Up and Down buttons on the top left would do this, but they don't. They do cause jumping to one or two rigs, but that's it.

    If I create a browse pool such as "All Rigs" on the Profiler the Up Down buttons jump five rigs at a time, then I have to use the 1 through 5 buttons within the group of five.

    How do i get it to advance one rig at a time?

  • Hi, Toneman.

    You can change this behaviour in the System settings.

    1. Press System
    2. Navigate to page [12/18] Remote Settings
    3. Change the soft button from Group of 5 to Single Rig

    For more details

    Do a search for Single Rig in the Kemper Manual.

    Kemper Manuals and Quick Start guides

    All set?

  • Thanks ST. I made the setting change and also read it in the manual.

    From playing around with it after making the change it looks like if using the Rig Manager to rate rigs I'd have to sort the rig pool on the Profiler the same way I sort the rigs in the Rig Manager. Otherwise the footswitch will not advance to the next rig shown in the Rig Manager. Do you agree with that?

  • Hi, Toneman.

    I hope this helps.

    I don't use the Remote to navigate through Rigs when I'm using Rig Manager. Here's why.

    When I'm browsing through Rig Manager, I'm usually auditioning Rigs that are NOT in the Profiler. I do this to explore the Rigs or find something specific that I'll add to a Performance. I may or may not store that Rig in the Rig Pool (accessed in Browse Mode).

    I navigate through the rigs on the computer with the arrow keys or the mouse.

    Since I use Rig Manager to audition Rigs that are not in the Profiler, navigating through the Rigs with the Remote isn't necessary (and it doesn't work). Loading a Rig on the Profiler with the Remote moves the focus in Rig Manager from the Rig library folder I'm auditioning to the "My Profiler" folder.

  • Not sure if this helps but I use RM to quickly "rough through" say, the contents of a new profile pack. I mark favorites then quickly assemble groups of them in performances based on gain in groups of 5. I may have 5 "Mars", 5 "crunch", 5 Freid etc and that lets me kinda see how they all work together switching between them usually using a favorite locked reverb or something to keep things relevant.

    An alternative is to do what ST wrote and use the bank buttons set to single rig and browse with the category filtered to your liking (favorites, by artist etc.) Sometimes I'll do that, just check a bunch of favorites and filter and sample them that way. If I don't like it I uncheck the favorite.

  • If you don't use TAP button (or looper or tuner), you can assign it to "Rig Up" function and it will do what you want. (Check system menu, page 4 -> Button assignment - this is on Stage, manual should reveal how to achieve it on Remote).

    Edited once, last by piotrmaj (January 12, 2021 at 9:12 PM).

  • Thanks for the replies. My remote went back in the closet, at least for now. I have some rigs I just tend to stay on all the time. I found the remote a bit clunky to use but I'm not much of a menu-diver, it's like pulling teeth for me for some reason.

  • Thanks for the replies. My remote went back in the closet, at least for now. I have some rigs I just tend to stay on all the time. I found the remote a bit clunky to use but I'm not much of a menu-diver, it's like pulling teeth for me for some reason.

    Wow. I can't imagine that in my world. The first time a Kemper blew me away, the artist was using the remote. He was paying 1% attention to it and I thought, being that easy to navigate, I MUST have one now that I know I must also have a Kemper. I have had Ground controls, Bradshaw units,Control 2's, Midi buddys, ADA and many more and by far, The remote is the most powerful and easy to navigate in the world. If there was better, I'd have one, but there's not. Any flaws that it might have are easily overlooked when you see the power you have at your feet with such a small footboard. Pull it back out of the closet and spend a little time with it. It's a blast to use! looper too! Of course you could just play your Kemper like one of my old 800's as a single channel amp , but the advantages of learning and utilizing a the remote will be worth it. No matter what style or how you use the Kemper, you have one of the best implemented pedalboards, don't make it live in the closet!

  • Hi, Toneman,

    Thanks for the replies. My remote went back in the closet, at least for now. I have some rigs I just tend to stay on all the time. I found the remote a bit clunky to use but I'm not much of a menu-diver, it's like pulling teeth for me for some reason.

    Only if you play in the closet too.

    Consider putting the rigs you tend to stay on all the time into a Performance. There's no menu diving involved. Watch this short video.

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    And the Looper (easily accessible from the Remote) is a terrific way to audition new Profiles and Effects as you are experimenting with your tones. Ignore the title shown below - just click it to learn all about the Looper.

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    Have fun!


  • Toneman get the Remote out the closet and spend an afternoon with the video tutorials. you won’t regret it. Like many others I have used various top notch midi controllers but they got the heave when I discovered just how flexible, intuitive and easy to ise the Remote actually is. There are definitely some things that a dedicated midi controller can do which the Remote can’t but they are far outweighed by the easy of use which the Remote provides.