Kemper amp died, potentially killed speakers, laptop and finally itself.

  • Jamesc

    I can only advise to get somebody to check the electrical situation.

    There is absolutely no way you can can damage a laptop and active speakers with a Profiler unless you either do something fundamentally wrong, the unit is damaged in a way we never have seen before. Maybe there is an outside factor such as the cabling of your house etc. I understand that this must be totally frustrating, possibly an issue you can forward to your insurance though.

    For the safety of the people living at this place, you should find the reason behind all this.

    Hey, thanks for the reply. Honestly, we just moved in and had a thorough inspection. I had an electrician in a few months ago when I last contacted Kemper support because I thought the amp sounded strange through the kabinet.

    I am really just upset that Parker from Kemper American said it wasn't covered in the warranty, I spoke to someone from EU support today who said he couldn't say for certain but he doesn't see why it wouldn't be covered.



  • Hey all,

    We will get the unit in to the shop and see what happened. Parker IS correct, that generally, power surges, spikes, grounding issues, etc (which this sounds like) are not covered by warranty. That said - we will take a look! Scorch marks and blown components are very telling, so we will take a careful look and go from there.

  • Hey, thanks for the reply. Honestly, we just moved in and had a thorough inspection. I had an electrician in a few months ago when I last contacted Kemper support because I thought the amp sounded strange through the kabinet.

    I am really just upset that Parker from Kemper American said it wasn't covered in the warranty, I spoke to someone from EU support today who said he couldn't say for certain but he doesn't see why it wouldn't be covered.



    Just to be totally clear. Parker offered to pay for shipping and comp labor and only charge for parts without even seeing the the damage! So in the very worse case that the outlet fried your unit, you are just paying for a PCB. He is a pretty nice guy. Of course if it was a defect, it will be covered. But Parker met you way more than half way from the start.

  • The only way the profiler could cause any damage is if it was part of a ground loop and acted as a relay. You said it yourself that you used the XLR outputs when this incident occurred. The XLR outs don't carry any voltage so there's no way they could have been the cause. The ground loop from an unearthed power source may have allowed voltage to transfer over the entire circuit between the power supply, the amp, the laptop and the profiler but that's something you should get an electrician in to check before it causes physical harm to you or anyone else using your mains. You do indeed have a problem. The profiler isn't it. The power in your house needs to be looked at ASAP.

  • I'm beginning to smell a troll here. There is absolutely no way the KPA could have caused the amount of damage the OP describes without there being other manifestations of electrical problems within his house... Lights, refrigerators, washing machines. microwaves etc.. If he's not troll, then he's not telling us the full story.

  • I'm beginning to smell a troll here. There is absolutely no way the KPA could have caused the amount of damage the OP describes without there being other manifestations of electrical problems within his house... Lights, refrigerators, washing machines. microwaves etc.. If he's not troll, then he's not telling us the full story.

    That really isn't the case. I'm being honest and including as much info as possible. I'm devastated and blown away by what happened on Saturday. What on earth would lead you to believe I'm not speaking in good faith?

  • I think they assume you are trolling because you are resistant to the advice already given to you and you keep insisting that it was the Kemper even though you haven't ruled out anything else yet. You need to get an electrician, preferably a different one, to check your wiring. Then heed the advice the Kemper team have given you regards getting the profiler repaired. That's the only way you can deduce what happened here.

  • Quit the trolling accusations, let's see where this goes. The OP has been polite but understandably he's upset because he's just lost a tonne of gear. We'd all be upset.

    There's clearly something at fault, and logical fault finding starts with one step at a time. Hopefully the KPA will be checked over and repaired without significant cost. Once done, then rest of the gear can be considered.

  • Quit the trolling accusations, let's see where this goes. The OP has been polite but understandably he's upset because he's just lost a tonne of gear. We'd all be upset.

    There's clearly something at fault, and logical fault finding starts with one step at a time. Hopefully the KPA will be checked over and repaired without significant cost. Once done, then rest of the gear can be considered.

    Thanks mate. Needless to say, I will get another electrician. I will also send the unit in for diagnosis and will trust the Kemper staff to figure out what's wrong.

  • Long story short. Goodbye krk rokits... Goodbye msi titan gt63 laptop.

    Given that even your laptop is shot, I seriously doubt that the Kemper could have done that (unless there is a MASSIVE problem inside with a leak of power phase to ground - but that should shoot the RCCB (if there is one) or the fuses for the room first...). The laptop is separated from the Kemper by the audio interface and the USB connection, so if there were some high voltage travelling from the Kemper through the interface to the laptop to actually kill the laptop, that would be something going extremely wrong.

    Since it's a new house: could there be one power socket in the room that is wired wrong? I had a problem like that in a house I moved into quite a long time ago - newly built and inspected (to German standards), still when I plugged the vacuum cleaner into one of the sockets in one room, it immediately shut down electricity for the whole house (we have mandatory RCCBs here).

    Reading about what happened to you, I would really suggest you get a different electrician to inspect all the power sockets in your home. Feels dangerous...

    But of course you should also have the Kemper checked - if there is really something wired so crazy that live current travels through (the ground of) the XLR output, that could only be a massive production error - can hardly imagine that for Kemper, but of course it's not completely impossible.

  • Quit the trolling accusations, let's see where this goes. The OP has been polite but understandably he's upset because he's just lost a tonne of gear. We'd all be upset.

    There's clearly something at fault, and logical fault finding starts with one step at a time. Hopefully the KPA will be checked over and repaired without significant cost. Once done, then rest of the gear can be considered.

    chu, No "accusations" merely speculation. The OP has stated that his home has been looked over by an electrician. In my 35 years of using and working with non-voltage related musical equipment, on stages and in studios, I have never come across an issue such as this. Please do not suggest that I have no sympathy for the OP. Indeed, I have.. Having said that, I find the title of the thread, "Kemper killed speakers, laptop and finally itself " to be highly misleading .

  • chu, No "accusations" merely speculation. The OP has stated that his home has been looked over by an electrician. In my 35 years of using and working with non-voltage related musical equipment, on stages and in studios, I have never come across an issue such as this. Please do not suggest that I have no sympathy for the OP. Indeed, I have.. Having said that, I find the title of the thread, "Kemper killed speakers, laptop and finally itself " to be highly misleading .

    Good call fair enough, I neutered the insinuation in the title.

    As I've said a few times. I have no certainty as to the cause. I only know what happened on the day.

    The fact that I plugged in from the same output into a different device later that showed the same symptom whereas the kabinet was still plugged in and working felt like that output had a fault.

  • The fact that I plugged in from the same output into a different device later that showed the same symptom whereas the kabinet was still plugged in and working felt like that output had a fault.

    To me, this would really imply grounding issues between different AC powered equipment. Kabinet is passive device after all without own grounding and being able to take some 200W of 'abuse' even.

    Reminds somewhat the 'classic' "Got electrical shock when I touched microphone" -issue where gear have differing ground potential which escalates as electric spike once shorted. In the microphone case the shorting piece is the person itself touching strings and mic grill simultaneously, but here the triggering factor would be the XLR cable itself.

    So would look into the possibly incompatible (difference in ground potentials), ungrounded or faulty AC outlets.

    Hopefully the pros find the root cause and get the issues sorted out for you. Be careful until then though. :|

  • Good call fair enough, I neutered the insinuation in the title

    this is no neutral Title, it implies that the Kemper could be in charge of this Problem, which is in my Opinion

    not the case, please change the Titel, and take off the word "potentially" until you really know what happened to all your Gear

    That is fair and nobody could be lead to the point that the Kemper is a dangerous machine, which its is obviously not

  • It was on the phone yesterday at all 4pm cet.

    I've just talked to to the person you've spoke with. possibly, details were lost in translation but "he couldn't say for certain but he doesn't see why it wouldn't be covered" wasn't what he stated and wanted to relay. we operate the same way out US office does: if there's an issue we'll of course have a look and do our best to help - but we cannot make a statement or claim about warranty coverage without even looking at the unit. i hope that clears it up.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here