Britt Crank N Go Friedman BE50 Deluxe Profiles...OPINIONS?

  • I made a performance copying yours here. Very Very nice except after a while I disfavored the sound of the rigs with pedals baked if being driven by a Kemper drive pedal. But it's one of my top 5 performances for sure. Thanks for the idea. I noticed the promo video showed these as well. Have you tried the "heels"? I think that one goes under the radar and normally I wouldn't look twice at that brand but that rig (I think the 5)sounds great. My current favorite is the two Marshalls in there! I have found them hard to beat out of all the ones I have tried from several top profilers. I actually had a 78 JMP that was great but not as versatile.

    I'd probably tell beginners that may be struggling with getting rock sounds to get this pack. If it doesn't sound good, there's something wrong with your setup!

    For now it's Match JJ for mild crunch using a mid boost EQ I copied and tamed down from that famous AC20 profile(which is great too) then the two marshalls in 2&3 then the heels #4 and a ENGL I found on RE for metal #5. All channels are set up to boost to a compatible lead sound using tap control as morph. ( If I start adding phase, delay etc., I like the selection button to go right back to the base sound with one push) For songs I need a really clean or acoustic sound for, I'll use another performance.

  • I am considering buying a pack from MB, and many people here love his work..

    But i'm really not sure, cause his free stuff (and some commercial morgan profiles i tried) is basically unplayably dark and lifeless for my ears and fingers

    I really wish I'd love MB's profiles like everyone, but I just can't understand you guys...

    Why do you think that is?

    (BTW, my setup is guitar --> KRK Rokit 6)


  • MB profiles IMO are meant to be played live through a system that has crisp lively top end, & mids. Play something too bright through a pro system like that and you will get anemic and icepicky. MB has proclaimed to be allergenic to thin sounds and I think he has found out when playing through a pro PA that can project vocals and cymbals, it needs to sound what some could hear as "dark" to have body and not offend. Take one of those "dark" presets and crank it up to a volume that would feed 1,000 people and see if you still think it's dark. If it is, dark is simple to fix on a Kemper as the EQs work wonderful IMO.

  • The Mbritt profiles are simply amazing. I play music for a living. I agree with dynochrome in that the mbritt profiles sound best at louder volumes. That is a fact in my opinion.


    Kemper toaster >Kemper remote> 2 x Alto TS310 powered speakers Furman M-8XAR

  • It may have to do with genre. I'm a classic rock guy so his stuff is great for my needs. However, he's not a metal guy (and doesn't pretend to be) so if that's your style it may not be the best fit.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • It may have to do with genre. I'm a classic rock guy so his stuff is great for my needs. However, he's not a metal guy (and doesn't pretend to be) so if that's your style it may not be the best fit.

    Exactly. Nothing is the "end all". His profiles are solid and seem to be tuned for playing louder. I'd rather have that and have to bump it up on the EQ a bit than have it shred ears and leave a bad first impression! The profiles are not dark imo they are tuned to be very pleasing to the ear at a venue with a big P.A. because they are.