• I know there are some profilers that offer AC/DC packs that seem pretty good but knowing there is a lot of ways to get that sound, If you have ever went for it, what are your favorite ways to get it particularly the early sounds? I have got real close using a 79 Marshall rig but I was guessing there would be some opinions on here from more experienced users. Maybe in the rig exchange?

  • I recommend the profile of a Marshall JMP, that Marco Fanton provides. See

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  • Dynochrome what i am hearing is two standout things that make a profile un useable

    1) Too dark and compressed. Many targeted the drop tuning guys I suppose. Not sure how they cut in a mix

    2) Too bright. Bought an Ac Dc pack from a Top seller over the weekend and at bedroom volumes it sounded fairly convincing, however at band volumes it fell apart. The guy that made it may argue 'well it's a bright tone'..... If you were in the room where Angus's cab was isolated I'm pretty sure you would feel some air moving!

    I have yet to find that killer plexi tone in the Kemper, but then I've only been back a week!

    I'm using a real power tube amp and a real 4x12 cab

    I will check out Marco's profiles!

    Anyone else find a great Ac Dc tone??

  • Bright tones can be often be adjusted by the Definition, Treble and Presence control of course.

    I am very happy with the 74 TJ plexi. Haven't tried it live but the way it comes out of my guitar cab tells me if it's miced properly, it will be great!

  • There is very little distortion in Angus's tone, and even less in Malcolm's. That's the first area where people get off the track. I can get really close to their Back In Black era tones with an MBritt '69 Plexi profile, gain fairly low and a boost in front of it (part of Angus's secret sauce is the wireless he uses-including in the studio-that has a hot output that hits the front of his amp pretty hard).

  • Frodebro indeed your right. but the short coming of many profiles is using too much gain and compression ,then when they are going for a less gained tone it is thin and weak.

    Is that profile in the Factory or what pack do I look into/


    Dynochrome is that a factory profile or where do I try it?

    I forget which pack it was in, I bought it a few years ago. It's been my go-to set of profiles for a long time. I stumbled across the AC/DC tone accidentally a while back. Almost a clean profile, barely any hair, with a very moderate clean boost in front of it does the trick.

  • Try the Purple Plexi pack from Tone Junkie..I think it gets closer. higher volumes..also I think you may want to fiddle around with the amp settings on the AC DC pack you have...I found that the tone stack is quite good and working on the definition parameter can certainly help..

  • Tone Junkie had a good tip on one f his recent videos. To take one of the profiles in the pack with higher gain but turn the gain knob down on the Kemper to a lower gain. He said that gives you the same low gain sound as selecting a lower gain version of the profile but the amp still reacts like it is driven a bit harder and sounds better. Especially if you plan to it a lower gain profile with a pedal.

  • Tone Junkie had a good tip on one f his recent videos. To take one of the profiles in the pack with higher gain but turn the gain knob down on the Kemper to a lower gain. He said that gives you the same low gain sound as selecting a lower gain version of the profile but the amp still reacts like it is driven a bit harder and sounds better. Especially if you plan to it a lower gain profile with a pedal.

    I have been messing with lower gain profiles & turning the gain up and vise versa. Also using the volume knob as it works great too. There is a lot to discover here.

  • I have been messing with lower gain profiles & turning the gain up and vise versa. Also using the volume knob as it works great too. There is a lot to discover here.

    In the Tone Junkie video he said if you take a low gain profile and turn up the gain you will not be getting that amps realistic gain sound. You will be getting a Kemper “fake” gain sound that may or may not sound like the real amp. BUT if you take a higher gain profile of the amp and turn the gain down, the Kemper does a good job of staying realistic to that amp.

    And the point is if you like to hit a low or medium gain profile with a boost pedal, you should try taking the higher gained version of that amp profile, turn the gain down some n the Kemper and then hit it with the boost pedal. The amp with act more realistically that way.

  • I'm strubbeling to get the right crunch tone too...

    Downloaded the Tone Junkie Plexi (not the purple) pack, a few Kemper Packs (BM2), the Road King tones that Kemper shared on their social channels but still not happy.

    Those more gainy profiles sound dark, far away (like a blanket is covering my speaker) and lack of balls. I play with a 2008 LP, a Luke and Suhr HSS strat...

    Does the profiles you guys download sound as awesome as the demo's from Tone Junkie etc...?

    EBMM Luke Black Sparkle | EBMM Luke Luke Blue | Gibson Les Paul Standard 2008 | Fender Eric Johnson Stratocaster

  • The M Britt 69 Plexi pack is Killer for all things Plexi and of course will cover Ac Dc to a T!

    Got it. Will try it tonight. I went back to the free pack and there is one with a Timmy and one with a variac there. Can't remember which one I liked, but one of the two I liked a LOT so I got them all for the price of a few beers!

  • The M Britt 69 Plexi pack is Killer for all things Plexi and of course will cover Ac Dc to a T!

    This pack has been my best purchase so far. I love the way these sound and feel VERY toneful. I really think these profiles in the Kemper react to picking MORE than many high gain tube amps do. Like one of my favorites the 50 9 3 or 50V3T 50V3K (through a live cab). It's set up with considerable gain but even without turning the volume knob down I can pick lighter and it almost goes to a clean tone. VERY dynamic. Even though you can switch between a zillion sounds, it is less necessary because just one slot can cover a lot of ground! WTdug and I were talking and he wrote that his first gig was with three profiles and I thought that was a slim amount but now I see how if the Kemper was limited to 3 channels it would be more versatile than many 3 channel amps just using those! Kind of funny how an amp that can have a ton of settings needs them less than amps that have many channels. I can't believe the touch of a Kemper. It takes some getting used to for sure like a new superpower would!

  • The MBritt 72 Marshall profiles are great for AC/DC, particularly the cleaner tones like TNT. There are 72 Marshall profiles in the 2020 pack, Pack 1, Sweet 16, and Vintage packs. I particularly like the 72 Mars 50 1 from the vintage pack for TNT.

    Be Thankful.

  • The MBritt 72 Marshall profiles are great for AC/DC, particularly the cleaner tones like TNT. There are 72 Marshall profiles in the 2020 pack, Pack 1, Sweet 16, and Vintage packs. I particularly like the 72 Mars 50 1 from the vintage pack for TNT.

    I think his packs are a bit too large. I don't want to buy a pack that has 90% things I don't want or will never use. I get all of that I want from rig exchange! I needed, I feel like I can dial in a fairly good AC/DC sound with the '69 or at least better than I can get with any of my other amps. What I love about the 69 is that I can get a pretty wide range of cover tones from it. The 69 will do AC/DC, Skynrd, Lynch, Martini better than anything else I've owned. Just a real good Marshall served properly. Real versatile.