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  • Ok, I just went and A/B'd it with the Polytune. It's close to being the same response. They must have fixed it in the last couple of updates.

    I don;t think they've done anything ( certainly not noticeable to me), perhaps something odd was going on getting it confused ( string buzz etc), but glad its now working for you.

  • It’d be great to have better fuzz / drives (matters to many on here it seems) but personally I tend to switch amp models / use an external stomp box. I prefer my home made fuzz but actually with the fuzz and shapers in the unit I can get things that I enjoy already.

    I think the modulation effects could do with a rework in the same way as the delays and reverbs have been dramatically improved over the last few years.... delays / reverbs were a weak point vs the quality of Kemper amp models but these days delay and reverb fx are awesome IMO. It’d be great if the modulation section had the same treatment.

    I had a Strymon Mobius for a while. The tremolo, chorus, phaser and flanger were a long way ahead of those offered in the Kemper. I still sold the mobius. Awesome unit but, for most uses, I couldn’t justify keeping it for the amount of modulation fx I use..... even though they were better than I could do inside Kemper. I miss the tremolo most so, if that could get an update, that’d be great. And I always hear great things about the freqout pedal - that would be a nice addition if possible.

    It would also be great if FX chain storage / batch editing could be added to rig manager.

    Whatever is added I’m sure it’ll be great - it’s brilliant that this unit still continues to positively evolve with no further financial buy-in from me. The company haven’t had any revenue from me since the remote came out so I’m impressed that they’re still giving me more for my ancient investment. I’ll hopefully give them some money and buy a cone one day but wouldn’t get the use out of it in my current situation so, as cool as it may be, I’m afraid I’m at the ‘eagerly hoping for cool free stuff for rig manager, remote and toaster’. And grateful for all of it :)

  • I had a Strymon Mobius for a while. The tremolo, chorus, phaser and flanger were a long way ahead of those offered in the Kemper. I still sold the mobius. Awesome unit but, for most uses, I couldn’t justify keeping it for the amount of modulation fx I use..... even though they were better than I could do inside Kemper. I miss the tremolo most so, if that could get an update, that’d be great. And I always hear great things about the freqout pedal - that would be a nice addition if possible.

    i still have a Mobius and totally agree with everything you said. Like you, I really don’t use a lot of modulation effects so can’t justify/be bothered setting up a separate pedal in the Kemper’s loop. However, the Mobius is awesome for most of its effects. The Tremolo with various different modes is amazing. The Chorus/phaser/Flanger options are also a step up from the Kemper. The Vibe is on another level and I really like the control and flexibility of the Rotary Speaker effect. If modulation effects were really important to me I would definitely be hooking the Mobius up and combining it with the KPA

    It would also be great if FX chain storage / batch editing could be added to rig manager.

    Totally agree. In fact the removal of the effects chain from RM completely baffles me. I know I can still make presets of full FX chains on the KPA itself but it feels like a major mistake to not make this available via RM too.

    batch editing would be a massive benefit too.

    Whatever is added I’m sure it’ll be great - it’s brilliant that this unit still continues to positively evolve with no further financial buy-in from me. The company haven’t had any revenue from me since the remote came out so I’m impressed that they’re still giving me more for my ancient investment. I’ll hopefully give them some money and buy a cone one day but wouldn’t get the use out of it in my current situation so, as cool as it may be, I’m afraid I’m at the ‘eagerly hoping for cool free stuff for rig manager, remote and toaster’. And grateful for all of it :)

    I never forget this and continue to be grateful to the amazing team at Kemper for their ongoing commitment to improve an existing produce for the benefit of all users rather than try to screw more money out of people by making these improvements only available to new customers. Team Kemper rock!

  • I really would like to see a PEQ integrated just inside the profile itself (maybe into the cab or amp section as additional parameters) in order to have one more slot free, because in every my patch PeQ (Studio Eq) is always present and necessary.

    Infact I am so happy Kemper guys has decided to put Hi/Lo cut into the Output section, it is very important!

    This is a great idea. In the cab section would be best. Because whenever I use the Imprints the eq for the frfr-cab doesn't really work for me. I thought about a routing option (Main Out = Yes, Monitor Out = No) but with the incorporation in the frfr-cab section the problem would be solved and I could use more fx. Great to the square...

  • My main feature request would and will make is to be able to set the unit tuner"globally" in half steps to be understood that way in all tuner aligned functions. Example, we tune 1/2 step down & when I hit the tuner, My E reads D#, A reads G# etc.. That's not so bad but gets confusing when using the harmonizer to match the key you're in or if you get knocked way out of tune. My old Digitech 1101 would let you do this so that when you hit your E string (which would be sounding a D#) it would read E and makes diatonic pitch shifting a breeze and tuning visuals easier to absorb. Kemper has tuner offsets, but not enough to be a half step. I never understood (unless you were playing with horns or something) why in the world you would need a tuner to be slightly offset. I used it ONCE in my life when I was matching a sax that was a bit out but other than that, the half step thing would be way more useful. I was really surprised that Kemper didn't have this as feature packed as it was. My 1101 from 2007 had this and I bet would be popular and fairly easy to implement..