How many profiles do YOU keep on your profile and in your local library?

  • god, 750 - 800. Still learning this beasty. Every time I think I can let a profile go I find it sounds good with the P90's or the Tele, or the LP, or the Strat.

    I am reluctantly moving most to a local folder, a bit like the guy who's house is full of binbags and can't find the cooker ...

  • I am now "whittling" mine down. My goal is to reach the best 25 I have, and then compare them to any I aquire later on.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • British Audio sent me the "full" MBritt library and I have not even unzipped those yet so I don't know how many are in there.“

    That was nice of them.... I hope Mr. Britt gets compensated somehow... He does great work for the Kemper Kommunity.... He’s a regular on this forum as well, lots of good advice in addition to some of the best profiles you can get.

    Edited once, last by SoManyGuitars (September 19, 2020 at 7:15 PM).

  • British Audio sent me the "full" MBritt library and I have not even unzipped those yet so I don't know how many are in there.“

    That was nice of them.... I hope Mr. Britt gets compensated somehow...

    When you buy a Kemper from British Audio, you can choose either MBritt or ToneJunkie as part of the package as listed on their website. I'm sure they have something worked out as both Mike and HW shoot some of their vids with BA signage or maybe in their studio space. And yes it was awesome to do business with a small business level shop rather than a faceless online retailer.

    Thanks for reaching out!

  • I swore when I decided to "go Kemper" I would avoid at all costs having hundreds of profiles on my Kemper Rack. The thing that terrifies me of devices like Kemper is falling down the rabbit hole of constantly checking out new profiles, tweaking old ones, etc., so that you spend 100x more time tweaking than playing.

    So far that approach is working -- I have maybe 50 profiles on the Rack, and of course over 1,400 on my local library on my MacBook, but most of those are what came with the Rack. I bought MBritt, Dr. Z, Jim Lill, and some Selah acoustic profiles. Loaded just what I needed after demo'ing dozens and dozens. Everything else stays on the MacBook.

  • I swore when I decided to "go Kemper" I would avoid at all costs having hundreds of profiles on my Kemper Rack. The thing that terrifies me of devices like Kemper is falling down the rabbit hole of constantly checking out new profiles, tweaking old ones, etc., so that you spend 100x more time tweaking than playing.

    So far, I'm having a great time with just a clean and dirty profile as I learn my way around and that was the basis for my earlier question about plugging the Kemper Remote in to start... and I still haven't. BUT, I can now feel myself wanting to start setting up performances even with the two profiles I'm using.

    I'm definitely having to EQ a bit on every profile I try for my '74 LP Deluxe and it's very bright mini-humbuckers. I'm pretty sure there's a way to set that EQ in the front end so I don't have to tweak every new profile but that's a How-To chapter and video for another day. Doing my best to stay out of the Rabbit Hole I fell head first into deciding to buy the Kemper this summer!!!

    Lastly, it seems to be more common here to refer to them as "profiles" rather than the book/factory reference as "rigs". Can anyone clear that up for me?


  • Lastly, it seems to be more common here to refer to them as "profiles" rather than the book/factory reference as "rigs". Can anyone clear that up for me?

    That's 'cause folks are referring to the Profiles themselves, Rob.

    If we said "Rigs", we'd be talking about the overall sound including FX, but Profiles are the underlying, critical starting points for whatever you do - the raw amp captures, so discussion logically centres around them.