Rig Manager: Editor morph values

  • Currently when editing an effect which has morphing applied, although the dial turns when you hit the morph switch on the profiler, the displayed value stays the same - ie at its original value.

    It would be much nicer if the value changed as the dial turned, to show the new (morphed) value.

    This would also make life a lot easier when setting the morphed value in the editor.

  • As described in the Rig Manager Manual (Help->Manuals->Rig Manager Manual), Chapter "Rig Editor", Section "Edit Morphs":

    Edit Morphs
    To make a parameter morph, simply hold "Command" on macOS and "Ctrl" on Windows while changing its value. As you can see, this creates an increasing span between two colored dots. The orange dot represents the toe position whereas the blue one shows the heel position. To change the toe value, release the option key. To reverse the position of the dots and therefore reverse how the parameter will morph, drag in the opposite direction.

    This is immediately followed by the section listing the key commands you might find useful.

  • As described in the Rig Manager Manual (Help->Manuals->Rig Manager Manual), Chapter "Rig Editor", Section "Edit Morphs":

    Edit Morphs
    To make a parameter morph, simply hold "Command" on macOS and "Ctrl" on Windows while changing its value. As you can see, this creates an increasing span between two colored dots. The orange dot represents the toe position whereas the blue one shows the heel position. To change the toe value, release the option key. To reverse the position of the dots and therefore reverse how the parameter will morph, drag in the opposite direction.

    This is immediately followed by the section listing the key commands you might find useful.

    Yes thanks timo but that wasn't my question.

  • You can only edit both end values. If you want to edit the resulting morphed value, the editing would be ambiguous: do you want to adapt the lower or the higher value or maybe both? It is not decidable.

    it could display the value, but I don‘t know how useful this is.

  • You can only edit both end values. If you want to edit the resulting morphed value, the editing would be ambiguous: do you want to adapt the lower or the higher value or maybe both? It is not decidable.

    it could display the value, but I don‘t know how useful this is.

    I'd have thought that the value displayed underneath the knob should be the current position of the knob. So if you morph to the blue dot, that's the value to display. If you go back to the red dot, display that value.

    Currently the display seems to behave as if there was no morphing set up, ie. it only displays the initial value of the parameter.