More effects before stack possible?

  • As the question indicates, I have the stage and I need more effects before the stack. Is there an option to move effects that are loaded post stack to before?

    I want to have a boost and assign it to the Looper switch. I already have distortion/shaper then tremolo and delay. I am reluctant to move delay post stack as I like the sound better going into the amp. Any other suggestions?

  • Place a delay in the delay stomp. I'm not in front of my KPA, but many if not all have an option for post/pre stack. Opens up a slot.

    Actually I don't think you can. There is a mix: pre/post option but that is a different thing. The issue is I want the booster before my OD so it can just boost or drive more input to the green scream. If anything had to be sacrificed before the stack, it would prob be the tremolo, but the sound post stack is not good to my ears and I would rather just put it in a different rig. Maybe this is one for the Kemper guys to implement? Thanks for all the replies everybody.

  • The issue is I want the booster before my OD so it can just boost or drive more input to the green scream.

    Just use morphing to increase the drive in the GS. At the same time, you can morph the tone (in the GS or the EQ in the Amp) to tame any extra fizz or mud that might result.

  • Actually I don't think you can. There is a mix: pre/post option but that is a different thing. The issue is I want the booster before my OD so it can just boost or drive more input to the green scream. If anything had to be sacrificed before the stack, it would prob be the tremolo, but the sound post stack is not good to my ears and I would rather just put it in a different rig. Maybe this is one for the Kemper guys to implement? Thanks for all the replies everybody.

    I'd look at what Burkhard suggested or morphing. You can do what you want, just not in the manner most would if the KPA were a pedalboard and amp. No reason to be married to one rig.