OS-Version indication in the kaos-file

  • I'd like to see the OS-Version-number coded in the kaos-filename.

    I'm in Need to drive different OS-versions in my two Profilers, because one of them is linked to a Win7-computer, so I can't run the current OS-Versions.

    for update-reasons I normally use USB-sticks because one profiler is in our rehearsal-room the other at home. After a while (of confusion) I cannot see which OS-Version is on which USB-Stick.

    An indication in the OS-filename would help much !!

  • I'd like to see the OS-Version-number coded in the kaos-filename.

    I'm in Need to drive different OS-versions in my two Profilers, because one of them is linked to a Win7-computer, so I can't run the current OS-Versions.

    for update-reasons I normally use USB-sticks because one profiler is in our rehearsal-room the other at home. After a while (of confusion) I cannot see which OS-Version is on which USB-Stick.

    An indication in the OS-filename would help much !!


  • You could give your USB sticks meaningful names e. g. "7.1.5" for the stick with the OS for the PROFILER working with Rig Manager 2.3.14 under Windows 7.

    The kaos.bin of 7.1.5 has a creation date of Dec. 4th 2019, while the latest kaos.bin is more current.

    USB sticks with different colors.

    And the PROFILER always indicates the OS version currently installed plus the OS version on the stick, before you confirm an update.

  • You could give your USB sticks meaningful names e. g. "7.1.5" for the stick with the OS for the PROFILER working with Rig Manager 2.3.14 under Windows 7.

    That seems like it would be a huge waist of a USB since the KAOS file tend to be around 12 MB. I personally have every OS version and RM version since I bought my stage. I would think that the KAOS file could have the number tagged at the end as I would assume that the Kemper only cares if the file is a .bin file. I would test my theory by renaming a KAOS file but not knowing the internal workings on the Kemper I dont want to test things that would obviously be unsupported.

  • …...

    USB sticks with different colors.

    And the PROFILER always indicates the OS version currently installed plus the OS version on the stick, before you confirm an update.

    I've got a Pretty bunch of sticks (and the needed one never is in the near), and also I often don't know the current OS-Version number by heart.

    If it wasn't a great issue IT-wise, it would be a flick of a switch for the KPA-Team:love: