Newbie...Please Help!

  • Hello,

    New to the forum and Kemper land. I just received my Profiler Stage and couldn't be any more frustrated with it. Tones are issues there. I come from an AX8 I'm finding the Kemper a thousands times more frustrating to operate. Rig Manager isn't helping as it's divided up into rigs, presets and performances and while I think I understand the concept of them, I'm getting nowhere setting up my Stage. I can't even get a rig that I like attached to button #1. I don't know if I need to do this thru Rig Manager, or if it's even needed at all.

    I've saved a dozen or so rigs that I tweaked to the 'Local Library' folder located directly beneath 'My Profiler' but this doesn't seem to do anything and I can't move these profiles anywhere under the 'All Performances' tab which is where I think you're supposed to setup presets.

    Do I need Rig Manager at this point at all? Can I do everything I need to do on the Stage itself? I've watched all kinds of videos and scoured the forum but every one seems to assume the user has a good familiarity to begin with. At this point I'd be ecstatic to just get five sounds saved to buttons 1-5.

    Any help greatly appreciated!!

  • Welcome to the forum! The local library is on your computer, not in the profiler. You need to go to the MyProfiler selection that's above the Local Library to see the rigs actually on the profiler. You can save to the profiler from the local library within RM. On the profiler itself, if you're in Browser mode you'll see these rigs. Building performances is a separate issue.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Welcome, have fun here in the forum and with your Kemper :thumbup:8)

    Understand your frustration. It can be complex at first sight. Once the first hurdles are gone you will love it. It's pretty straight forward concept with lots of flexibility and clever ideas in it. Don't give up too early. It might take a bit of time to get into it.

  • Thanks for the links! Not sure if I've seen them but I'll give them a watch soon.:)

    This video will help specifically with being able to assign a rig to button 1

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