It’s best to match pa mains with personal monitor, No? Kone imprint monitor only throws this off.

  • From what Iv’e experienced, it’s best to get my sound (tone/eq) setup in my personal wedge monitor first, then try to get the pa speaker mains(crowd speaker) to sound as close as possible to my personal monitor via Kemper output eq/etc.

    This way when I tweak a rig at home, I won’t have to worry about the crowd hearing something very different to what I hear coming at me from my personal monitor. Like many of us, I don’t own or have access or time to tweak the pa speakers.

    So isn’t the “speaker imprint” function of the Kemper Kone throwing the eq balance off between what we hear on stage and what the crowd hears since the speaker imprint only works in monitor out and not main out?

    For those that play live and run through the pa, this is why it’s probably best to stay content and work with the sounds you can get with a full range/pro audio pa speaker (yamaha dxr/qsc k series/etc.) as it’s the same style speaker that are used with the pa mains.

    I’m not sure why Kemper didn’t include “main out” with the speaker imprint function. I thought this is easy enough stuff in the digital realm?

    These are just my observations, let me know your opinions.


  • I’m limited, but I’ve thought about this a lot but within a slightly different context. Essentially though wouldn’t the imprint sound terrible on the PA? The imprint is designed specifically for the Kone.

    please feel free to correct.


  • I'm hoping this becomes part of a future update along with saving it per profile.

    Saving per profile is something they said they’re working on. Would this mean we could record the imprint if it was made possible?

    At the minute I’m tweaking existing profiles lots when using them with imprints - I’ve ended up duplicating loads - but because I can’t save per profile I can’t remember the favoured imprint. Once the feature does come out I may have a few versions of the same profile saved; direct, studio, with greenback etc. ?


  • Would this mean we could record the imprint if it was made possible?

    Do you mean record the audio? or make a Profile?

    You can do both now. Run your monitor out of KPA into your interface. I have made my monitor out my main out until the update comes out with the imprints in the main outputs.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • I meant record the audio - btw. I've just got in to recording the audio from my Kemper - I'm awaiting a new interface - so I'm interested in trying to get a setup where i can capture the closest sound that ill be playing through the cab. :thumbup:


  • A few people on the forum have said that the speaker imprints don't sound that great through a PA.

    Personally, I think the best option, if required, would be to mic up a KEMPER Kabinet, or a cab with a KEMPER Kone in it. I've just swapped out two Line 6 DT25 cabs that were fitted with Celestion G12H-90 speakers, and installed KEMPER Kone's. The cabs have never sounded better.

    Kemper also state: "The KEMPER Kone is a 12“ full range speaker which is exclusively designed by Celestion for KEMPER. It is controlled and driven by the KEMPER PROFILER’s DSP to an ultra-linear (full range) frequency response, using a dedicated DSP algorithm. In contrast to the conventional idea of a full range system, the radiation pattern of the KEMPER Kone™ has been narrowed towards the physics of a classic guitar speaker chassis, so that even the full range sound carries a distinct guitar speaker character, unlike regular PA speakers or monitor speakers."

  • Well now you have gone full circle. What's the point of having a Kemper if you are going to mic it again?

    The Kemper as is provides a Mic'd sound which you can send directly to the PA. That seems to be what y'all are after. Then just use a FRFR and you don't have a problem. You get the same sound through your FRFR solution as through the PA (no you won't but good enough).

    The next thing that happened was that people felt they missed the amp-in-the-room feeling. The Kabinet/Kone solves this. It is pointless to mic this when you can just send the fully treated, with cab and everything, signal to the PA. The Kone/Kabinet isn't for that. It is to create an enjoyable, amp-in-the-room experience.

    Also note that it was never possible to mic an amp the old school way and get what you are asking. It simply cannot be done. If you had your Marshall with you and used it as monitor, with a mic picking up sound for the PA, you would have two vastly different sounds standing in front of your cab and coming from the PA.

    If you want the same sound from your monitor as to the audience, there are a few ways forward:

    - Have the guitar sound to the audience come from Cabinets, possibly with Kone's. Probably not optimal unless you play at very small venues or you want to build a wall of cabinets, á la Angus Young.

    - Just use FRFR for your monitor as well.

  • Just to mention, that KEMPER Kabinet and KEMPER Kone offer both modes

    - Speaker Imprint Mode = amp in the room sound, when Monitor Cab. Off is activated,

    - Full-Range Mode = like PA sound, when Monitor Cab Off is inactive.

  • Hi there,

    I am sorry if I did not understood your you said.. It is possible to send the imprints from the Kabinet to FOH/PA? my FOH sound is so different, and always worst compared with the Kabinet sound (This is driving me crazy).
    Thank you so much

    You are missing the point...

    The sound from a guitar cab sounds different on stage compared to FOH. Why? Different signal change. That was always the case so why are you worried about it now? Because you are now consciously aware of it.

    To get over this, most solutions ( Ax, helix as well a Kemper) suggest FRFR to get you closer. It will never be the same due to the desk, mike and different speakers. Monitor wedges get you even closer....

    However everyone said " yes but I miss the amp in the room sound" Kemper introduced the Kabinet and imprints to try to bridge the gap. Sending imprints to the PA will be un-predictable and not what they were designed for. Its not a software limitation, its purposely not recomended as an output as part of the design.

    So you cannot avoid this dichotomy but celebrate the options that help.

    Finally, I believe everyone should tune to FOH first because that is what your audience hears. Then get a reasonable sound on stage, not stress about getting the 2 the same.