Kemper kabinet

  • Any SS amp is fine. Generally one with good headroom and transparent sound.

    Many people like the Matrix amps but they can be expensive.

    Someone else can comment on the Seymour power stage as I have no experience although it looks relatively low power for an SS amp...the amp in Kempers are 600 watt ( as a comparison).

  • Any SS amp is fine. Generally one with good headroom and transparent sound.

    Many people like the Matrix amps but they can be expensive.

    Someone else can comment on the Seymour power stage as I have no experience although it looks relatively low power for an SS amp...the amp in Kempers are 600 watt ( as a comparison).

    Ok, many thanks.

    Do you know when an powered version will be available?

  • Any SS amp is fine. Generally one with good headroom and transparent sound.

    Many people like the Matrix amps but they can be expensive.

    Someone else can comment on the Seymour power stage as I have no experience although it looks relatively low power for an SS amp...the amp in Kempers are 600 watt ( as a comparison).

    While the Seymour Duncan 170 Powerstage is a lower power rating then the amp module in the Kemper, they are both high quality modules designed and built by IcePower.

    With that said, the SD170 is crazy loud, and should be more than enough to power a guitar speaker or FRFR monitor to physically dangerous sound levels...including in a band context with a mutant drummer.

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    Edited once, last by Tritium (April 1, 2020 at 5:58 AM).

  • Hi!

    Which is the best poweramp for kemper kabinet? Seymour duncan power stage 170 or something else?


    There are quite a few threads discussing this at the moment and I don't think there is a definitive answer as to which is best. I really don't think there is a perfect solution yet as every power amp (pedal, rack, internal) seems to have its drawbacks. Whether its not enough solid state wattage, mismatched impedance, incorrect voltage, too much coloration, noisy unit, overpriced, etc. none are perfect as none are designed specifically for this application. I think that hopefully in the next few months there will be new options being offered that are designed for the Kemper/Kone and available in different configurations designed more to individual needs/preferences. Just a matter of time. In the meantime I am using Fryette Power Station, which is perfect for my needs and preferences and I was lucky enough to already have one so there was no need to purchase anything. I am looking fora solid state backup though... the EXH 44 Magnum I have just isn't cutting it, but I think I'll wait for the perfect solution rather than settling for something 'less'.

    The older I get, the better I was.

  • There are quite a few threads discussing this at the moment and I don't think there is a definitive answer as to which is best. I really don't think there is a perfect solution yet as every power amp (pedal, rack, internal) seems to have its drawbacks. Whether its not enough solid state wattage, mismatched impedance, incorrect voltage, too much coloration, noisy unit, overpriced, etc. none are perfect as none are designed specifically for this application. I think that hopefully in the next few months there will be new options being offered that are designed for the Kemper/Kone and available in different configurations designed more to individual needs/preferences. Just a matter of time. In the meantime I am using Fryette Power Station, which is perfect for my needs and preferences and I was lucky enough to already have one so there was no need to purchase anything. I am looking fora solid state backup though... the EXH 44 Magnum I have just isn't cutting it, but I think I'll wait for the perfect solution rather than settling for something 'less'.

  • I bought 4 Kones. I put two in some old sonic floor monitors. I wired one with a series output to run at 8 ohms, if I use both. I am using a Ampeg Br2 bass amp to power them. Going into power amp in. Just using to amp. Works good. These speakers are great! Still would like a stereo solution without buying a crown.

  • Yes, I understand. Thanks for the explanation, there is certainly no perfect solution like you said. Although

    I hope that an active version will be available soon...

    Hmmm, I think the opposite. There are loads of options out there at various power levels.

    I bought the powered version for convienece to drive all sorts of Cabs and thats the perfect solution for me ( not in the slightest bit boethered about stereo). In any case, the Kabinet will be available powered soon I'm sure as they already have some proven tech in this space.

  • While the Seymour Duncan 170 Powerstage is a lower power rating then the amp module in the Kemper, they are both high quality modules designed and built by IcePower.

    With that said, the SD170 is crazy loud, and should be more than enough to power a guitar speaker or FRFR monitor to physically dangerous sound levels...including in a band context with a mutant drummer.

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    As I said, someone who knows this unit can comment...

    In terms of crazy loud, not sure I'd agree based on that vid ( only scanned it so don't hold me to that) but as I said I have no experience of it. I'm not a volume freak though so again I trust your opinion/knowledge more than mine :).

    Just wanted to flag to the OP that 100 watts of valve amp ( which most of us are used to) is not the same sound/comparison as 100 watts of SS amp....